Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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I see DF's bestie has a Doll 10 group on FB now too!!

Someone has posted this question (which has sparked some debate) on Q's FB page:

With regard to Laura constantly mentioning on air during shows Andie Stephany from the Get Geller Gorgeous group and Sharon Harvey from the Back To You Beauty group.
Laura quoted in her last hour "They help so much because you girls have questions that I can't always answer" and suggested that people look to these groups for advice regarding her products.
Is Laura herself aware of how very elitist these groups are? How their above mentioned admins conduct the running of the groups? And how many, many people are not permitted to join? And that those who are "lucky" enough to be accepted into this privileged fold will be ejected immediately should they not share the same rigid views or agree with every word of the above mentioned group admins.
If not then perhaps she should not be on air directing people towards these groups which have, so many times in the past, been stated as having nothing to do with QVC or be affiliated to them in any way.
This is very off putting for those who may enjoy watching Laura's shows but are not amongst the chosen few and very much discourages people from buying her products.
Perhaps something Laura herself may like to take note of for the future?
Someone has posted this question (which has sparked some debate) on Q's FB page:

With regard to Laura constantly mentioning on air during shows Andie Stephany from the Get Geller Gorgeous group and Sharon Harvey from the Back To You Beauty group.
Laura quoted in her last hour "They help so much because you girls have questions that I can't always answer" and suggested that people look to these groups for advice regarding her products.
Is Laura herself aware of how very elitist these groups are? How their above mentioned admins conduct the running of the groups? And how many, many people are not permitted to join? And that those who are "lucky" enough to be accepted into this privileged fold will be ejected immediately should they not share the same rigid views or agree with every word of the above mentioned group admins.
If not then perhaps she should not be on air directing people towards these groups which have, so many times in the past, been stated as having nothing to do with QVC or be affiliated to them in any way.
This is very off putting for those who may enjoy watching Laura's shows but are not amongst the chosen few and very much discourages people from buying her products.
Perhaps something Laura herself may like to take note of for the future?

This was yet another reason why I closed my account three years ago, I wanted to (before I found out they were taking advantage of me) shop with the American, multi million, global company I thought it was, turns out it was run by a group of cliquey friends who run the show, while the stock holders who actually do own the place are happy to sit back and let it happen.......not with my money (QVC) you're not matey. :mysmilie_3:
I will say Doris and Laura are in the dark. They only come over for shows and have no idea what goes on behind the curtain, and if you don't drink the Koolaid you get evicted from the groups.

Have to say never had any interest in Doll10, watched a few bits and pieces and thought okay and moved on. Also never bought Laura's make up, and will say I would have less interest in buying because of the groups.

Outside the social media thing I do read the QVC US forum, it seems more open about letting complaints etc stand(QVC's version of Stalin only works on QVC UK Facebook). You do pick up some interesting things reading it. Yesterday they had a thread about their Beauty Day so of course had to read. One woman commented about Mally, seems her friend works in Ultra where Mally is sold in store. Its the most returned brand in the store!!! The brand used to have a large stand area which is now reduced down to a very small section. Others started commenting on the lost of quality since Mally sold the company, the mascara now clumps for one.
I will say Doris and Laura are in the dark. They only come over for shows and have no idea what goes on behind the curtain, and if you don't drink the Koolaid you get evicted from the groups.

Have to say never had any interest in Doll10, watched a few bits and pieces and thought okay and moved on. Also never bought Laura's make up, and will say I would have less interest in buying because of the groups.

Outside the social media thing I do read the QVC US forum, it seems more open about letting complaints etc stand(QVC's version of Stalin only works on QVC UK Facebook). You do pick up some interesting things reading it. Yesterday they had a thread about their Beauty Day so of course had to read. One woman commented about Mally, seems her friend works in Ultra where Mally is sold in store. Its the most returned brand in the store!!! The brand used to have a large stand area which is now reduced down to a very small section. Others started commenting on the lost of quality since Mally sold the company, the mascara now clumps for one.

I didn't know Mally had sold the company?! Wow, so everyone is basically a figurehead and we're being spun a crock of doo-doo about their extensive involvement in product development.
It's all kicking off now on the Laura Geller thread. Count down to see how long the thread stays on for now.
For some reason my iPad won't open the comments under these threads! Perhaps as I am not on FB so can only see as a guest. It used to work but not recently, so thank goodness for this thread or I wouldn't know the half of it!!!! I can see the one posted first but not the 31 comments underneath. What is going on? Are the devotees of the groups mentioned rising up to vilify the poster, or are some people agreeing with her?
Thanks for the heads up about that LG thread. Entertaining reading for a Sunday morning! It'll be culled soon though, the groupies will see to that.
I will say Doris and Laura are in the dark. They only come over for shows and have no idea what goes on behind the curtain, and if you don't drink the Koolaid you get evicted from the groups.

Have to say never had any interest in Doll10, watched a few bits and pieces and thought okay and moved on. Also never bought Laura's make up, and will say I would have less interest in buying because of the groups.

Outside the social media thing I do read the QVC US forum, it seems more open about letting complaints etc stand(QVC's version of Stalin only works on QVC UK Facebook). You do pick up some interesting things reading it. Yesterday they had a thread about their Beauty Day so of course had to read. One woman commented about Mally, seems her friend works in Ultra where Mally is sold in store. Its the most returned brand in the store!!! The brand used to have a large stand area which is now reduced down to a very small section. Others started commenting on the lost of quality since Mally sold the company, the mascara now clumps for one.

Mally makeup is not the same! Mascara and Eyeliners aren't very good as the Eyeliner always smudges and I need about 6 layers of Mascara and mine has now gone dry!
Someone has posted this question (which has sparked some debate) on Q's FB page:

With regard to Laura constantly mentioning on air during shows Andie Stephany from the Get Geller Gorgeous group and Sharon Harvey from the Back To You Beauty group.
Laura quoted in her last hour "They help so much because you girls have questions that I can't always answer" and suggested that people look to these groups for advice regarding her products.
Is Laura herself aware of how very elitist these groups are? How their above mentioned admins conduct the running of the groups? And how many, many people are not permitted to join? And that those who are "lucky" enough to be accepted into this privileged fold will be ejected immediately should they not share the same rigid views or agree with every word of the above mentioned group admins.
If not then perhaps she should not be on air directing people towards these groups which have, so many times in the past, been stated as having nothing to do with QVC or be affiliated to them in any way.
This is very off putting for those who may enjoy watching Laura's shows but are not amongst the chosen few and very much discourages people from buying her products.
Perhaps something Laura herself may like to take note of for the future?

I've noticed this too on certain shows! How can they be so lead by a few people who like makeup and now pretend to be complete experts on this subject??
Thank god many of us can see through the fakeness!!! :mysmilie_490::mysmilie_378:
For some reason my iPad won't open the comments under these threads! Perhaps as I am not on FB so can only see as a guest. It used to work but not recently, so thank goodness for this thread or I wouldn't know the half of it!!!! I can see the one posted first but not the 31 comments underneath. What is going on? Are the devotees of the groups mentioned rising up to vilify the poster, or are some people agreeing with her?

Well there are one or two groupies are saying that the groups are lovely friendly places where any one is welcome and they have better things to do than bitch about what's been said while all the time going back to said groups and doing exactly that. Quite a few saying how horrible and elitist the groups are.
Members of those "elite" groups are completely brainwashed. It reminds me of Orwell's 'Animal Farm'.
That's a good description!
You can enjoy something without being totally obsessed and we know what the Groupies are? :mysmilie_848:
For some reason my iPad won't open the comments under these threads! Perhaps as I am not on FB so can only see as a guest. It used to work but not recently, so thank goodness for this thread or I wouldn't know the half of it!!!! I can see the one posted first but not the 31 comments underneath. What is going on? Are the devotees of the groups mentioned rising up to vilify the poster, or are some people agreeing with her?

I'm on an ipad, not on FB but am able to read all 31 (saddo or what?) posts. But it is just the same thing over and over. Groupies rising to defend all saying how lovely and polite everyone is whilst tearing the tripe out of the ones who disagree.
I'll never understand why the groupies stick up for someone who most likely would never stick up for them and would boot them out of their group as soon as they have an opinion that doesn't conform.
Here's another comment by a disgruntled Q customer,
[FONT=&quot]Why are QVC charging P&P £6.95 for today's TSV when the product is "direct despatch" from Lakeland who do not charge if over £40?

Couldn't make it up could you!
I'm on an ipad, not on FB but am able to read all 31 (saddo or what?) posts. But it is just the same thing over and over. Groupies rising to defend all saying how lovely and polite everyone is whilst tearing the tripe out of the ones who disagree.

Interesting, thank you! I wonder why mine won't open them (it used to then suddenly stopped, did so again for a few days and has since stopped again). I just cleared the web history and tried again but still just the buffer symbol. This is the only thing I have a problem with. Oh well, I suppose it saves me a lot of browsing time, LOL.
I don't see why people want to be a part of these groups designed purely to get you to part with your money, it's a shopping channel for goodness sake! Are these people like this with Sainsbury's, Tesco and Asdas FB page? Because if that's the case, then please can I suggest therapy.

And for the record, all QVC and Debbie Flint related "groups" or anything relating to either of them would ever get from me is a massive. V
Blimey that thread now has over 200 comments! Highlights include screenshots of nasty posts from the alleged friendly group bty, a random picture of judge rinder, numerous memes, a chief inspector of some sort who likes to use exclamation marks inappropriately claiming to know what a troll is when in fact she doesn't seem to have a clue, a passing mention of this forum and lots of posts from groupies praising their cult leader....sorry I mean their admin.
Have to credit the social media team for not deleting it though.

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