So Keeley..... Parabens?


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I think we all know that whatever they call it or whatever they claim, it is all, without exception, nothing more than a cheap to produce combination of oil, water, preservatives and fragrance, that does nothing more than trap water in the skin (and that's if it's occlusive enough). Snake oil! It's just a business and nothing more. And the 'natural' skincare business is the same. They sell and promote on the basis of fear of ingredients that is very often unfounded. I sometimes think people don't have enough to worry about on a daily basis! Some people just enjoy using products or enjoy believing that they are doing themselves good by avoiding certain ingredients, more in hope than knowledge. My Mum's friend got breast cancer last year - she lives 'cleanly' i.e. will not touch products with parabens or 'nasty' chemicals, buys all organic food, uses only 'non-toxic' cleaning products, won't have aluminium in deodorant etc. She was so convinced by this being protective and 'good' that she was flabberghasted and told the oncologist that she lived this way and avoided all these things so why did she get cancer. She was told in no uncertain terms that cancer is hugely genetic, sometimes down to lifestyle (smoking / diet), but VERY much down to luck, and that avoiding all these things was achieving nothing..

My all-time fave Keeley quote is when she talks about the Visible Brilliance serum giving the skin energy. What a hoot!! How? Why? How do you see ‘energy’ on the skin? Have you ever been ambling round town and been approached by your neighbour saying ‘wow, your skin’s got some energy today - I just passed it doing circuits in the gym on my way out’. Ridiculous! Like I’ve said before, I hate being taken for a mug and they think we are muppets.
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My all-time fave Keeley quote is when she talks about the Visible Brilliance serum giving the skin energy. What a hoot!! How? Why? How do you see ‘energy’ on the skin? Have you ever been ambling round town and been approached by your neighbour saying ‘wow, your skin’s got some energy today - I just passed it doing circuits in the gym on my way out’. Ridiculous! Like I’ve said before, I hate being taken for a mug and they think we are muppets.
Keeley's skin didn't look energetic yesterday for sure, it looked tired, wrinkles on forehead and around her mouth. When she pulled back skin on her face it all went it wrinkly behind her fingers, no bounce in the skin. When she did a "pinch test" on her hand she clenched in in a fist, and of course she couldn't pinch it hence proclaiming how good her skin was.
.... And the 'natural' skincare business is the same. They sell and promote on the basis of fear of ingredients that is very often unfounded. I sometimes think people don't have enough to worry about on a daily basis! Some people just enjoy using products or enjoy believing that they are doing themselves good by avoiding certain ingredients, more in hope than knowledge....


This is what certain ingredients does to me.​
Boy Keeley"s face when Julia asked about parabens was a picture, she not only looked like she was sucking a lemon, but got a sour lemon stuck in:thinking:
her mouth. A picture to remember. And girls there is a lot of evidence, as YORKO said to support doing facial exercises, ie smiling with teeth showing,
sticking your tongue out, etc etc In fact just doing it there you can actually feel the muscles moving. But i don"T think i could .be bothered, along with cleanse , tone, moisturise, neck cream , eye cream and doing the revitilash every night. After coming home late, i"m usually too tired to do it all.. Tired just listing it.
But i seriously think it would be worth a try. Must google it today :happy:
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I tried it. It gave me a headache

Boy Keeley"s face when Julia asked about parabens was a picture, she not only looked like she was sucking a lemon, but got a sour lemon stuck in:thinking:
her mouth. A picture to remember. And girls there is a lot of evidence, as YORKO said to support doing facial exercises, ie smiling with teeth showing,
sticking your tongue out, etc etc In fact just doing it there you can actually feel the muscles moving. But i don"T think i could .be bothered, along with cleanse , tone, moisturise, neck cream , eye cream and doing the revitilash every night. After coming home late, i"m usually too tired to do it all.. Tired just listing it.
But i seriously think it would be worth a try. Must google it today :happy:
Boy Minim that does look soooooo painful. No wonder you"re very careful and use only oil etc on your skin.
Actually looks like an infection in your eye. You must have very sensitive skin. Poor you, hope it was
long ago, and is better now. I"d say it was, as you"ve sussed out what not to use now. Agghhh awful:thinking:
My Mum's friend got breast cancer last year - she lives 'cleanly' i.e. will not touch products with parabens or 'nasty' chemicals, buys all organic food, uses only 'non-toxic' cleaning products, won't have aluminium in deodorant etc. She was so convinced by this being protective and 'good' that she was flabberghasted and told the oncologist that she lived this way and avoided all these things so why did she get cancer. She was told in no uncertain terms that cancer is hugely genetic, sometimes down to lifestyle (smoking / diet), but VERY much down to luck, and that avoiding all these things was achieving nothing..

I remember being in hospital one time & the lady next to me thought she had gallstones - sadly it turned out she did not & was told it was in fact cancer & very tragically gave her just a few weeks to live. She was obviously utterly devastated but for the short while she remained on our ward the one thing she seemed most bitter & upset about was the fact that she neither smoked nor drank, ate a 'healthy' diet, kept fit & went to the gym regularly & so on, the poor woman seemed to find the idea that she was just one of the 'unlucky ones' a hard concept to grasp & she really seemed to want a 'reason' why she was going to die in less than a month's time & there just wasn't one.

Obviously I never saw her again & can only presume she did in fact sadly die but I have never forgotton her & it made me really realise that life does not simply always slot you into a fair/unfair or expected/unexpected box & whilst sensible to take onboard advise & recommendations for this, that & the other, to do so only in moderation & to an extent that common sense tells you, not to try & build up non-existent 'Brownie points' to protect yourself against future horrors, as it doesn't always work out how you think it will.
I remember being in hospital one time & the lady next to me thought she had gallstones - sadly it turned out she did not & was told it was in fact cancer & very tragically gave her just a few weeks to live. She was obviously utterly devastated but for the short while she remained on our ward the one thing she seemed most bitter & upset about was the fact that she neither smoked nor drank, ate a 'healthy' diet, kept fit & went to the gym regularly & so on, the poor woman seemed to find the idea that she was just one of the 'unlucky ones' a hard concept to grasp & she really seemed to want a 'reason' why she was going to die in less than a month's time & there just wasn't one.

Obviously I never saw her again & can only presume she did in fact sadly die but I have never forgotton her & it made me really realise that life does not simply always slot you into a fair/unfair or expected/unexpected box & whilst sensible to take onboard advise & recommendations for this, that & the other, to do so only in moderation & to an extent that common sense tells you, not to try & build up non-existent 'Brownie points' to protect yourself against future horrors, as it doesn't always work out how you think it will.
Sadly thats so true KWC. I work in a plastic
surgery ward and we get a lot of cancer patients, and its just as you say, the luck of the draw, and makes me realise no one knows whats round the corner, but the one thing the surgeons do go on about is sunbathing. If they see one of the staff who"s had a lot of sun they actually give off. So i always wear hat, suncream, and mostly stay out of the sun now. But a lot of the damage could have been done years ago.,When i was younger. I remember my mum putting baby oil on to get the sun. Then we didn"t realise the damage it was doing, so not a lot can be done aboout that now. Hope i haven"t depressed you all, just eat drink and be merry, in small portions, says me who"s always on a diet he he
Boy Minim that does look soooooo painful. No wonder you"re very careful and use only oil etc on your skin.
Actually looks like an infection in your eye. You must have very sensitive skin. Poor you, hope it was
long ago, and is better now. I"d say it was, as you"ve sussed out what not to use now. Agghhh awful:thinking:

Yes, I am very careful.
The condition is called 'Allergic Conjunctivitis' & bearing in mind it is lunchtime, I chose to put up a file photo & not my actual eye photos. Didn't want to put people off lunch!
I actually think that its very sad that people are looking for eternal youth. I believe that having the attitude of accepting what you have and then making the best of it is the only way to be completely happy with yourself. It has taken quite a long time for me to reach this point and yes I do use an array of products to reach the point where I believe I am at my best.

Feeling happy with yourself is a good feeling and far better than yearning for the skin that you had 20 years ago. That has gone, doesnt mean you are no longer attractive just that you are attractive in a different way. That feeling also promotes confidence and that is a really attractive quality.

Young people, especially girls have their own set of insecurities even with smooth, rosy skin and the pressure to look fantastic at all times starts really early in life. When I was in my thirties I felt I needed to compete with all other femails in lots of ways. now I dont, can only speak for myself but this attitude works for me. Sorry if I sound a bit heavy but use whatever you need to to feel better but the reality is we all age and after all its not a crime:happy:
Yes, I am very careful.
The condition is called 'Allergic Conjunctivitis' & bearing in mind it is lunchtime, I chose to put up a file photo & not my actual eye photos. Didn't want to put people off lunch!
Lunchtime Minim.???? I"m not long up, and haven"t had breakfast yet. I wanted to check the forum out and haven"t even had coffee yet. How sad am i. Hope you use , and you probably do, sensitive washing powder etc. You"re pretty sensible so i"d say you do. I have to be careful with shower gels etc, as i get itchy if i don"t. Sometimes i just yearn for nice looking ones and thats why i tried them, but i always regret it in the end. Used to use baby shower things and then realised they"re full of all sorts, so now all the boring
but hopefully good ones. Away to have coffee :giggle:
"This is what certain ingredients does to me."

That looks pretty sore Minim, hope it clears up soon!! I hope you know what causes it so you can give it a swerve in future.

I think an individual's sensitivity to certain ingredients is different to classifying an ingredient as toxic to the population at large and therefore 'bad'. It's like some people are sensitive or allergic to lettuce or eggs or other random stuff - it doesn't make eggs or lettuce 'bad'. People can be sensitive or allergic to anything. Some skincare companies promote themselves as paraben free etc with the unspoken but implicit idea that parabens are bad for the general population as a whole and should be avoided by everyone. I avoid sls whenever possible because, although it doesn't cause me any irritation, my skin feels dry after I wash with something containing it. But I've heard of plenty of others who have no problem with it at all.

PS sorry to not quote you directly...the daft button refuses to work. It's prob on a Sunday schedule :happy:
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Is that really Keely's salon? Honestly I thought it was a joke and I laughed out loud at the Bet Lynch look of the soft furnishings. She does talk nonsense doesn't she? I posted a thread on here once when I heard her gabbling on about the oxygenating night cream and saying that the higher you go up a mountain the more oxygen there is in the air!
^ aaaahahaha, that is excellent!! No wonder all those mountaineers on Everest have such rosy pink cheekies - all the oxygen they're getting. 'Numbskull' comes to mind :giggle: I just don't know how they get away with it. Seems like you can go on TV and say pretty much anything you like...a la Gatineau probiotics guffticles.
Boy Keeley"s face when Julia asked about parabens was a picture, she not only looked like she was sucking a lemon, but got a sour lemon stuck in:thinking:
her mouth. A picture to remember. And girls there is a lot of evidence, as YORKO said to support doing facial exercises, ie smiling with teeth showing,
sticking your tongue out, etc etc In fact just doing it there you can actually feel the muscles moving. But i don"T think i could .be bothered, along with cleanse , tone, moisturise, neck cream , eye cream and doing the revitilash every night. After coming home late, i"m usually too tired to do it all.. Tired just listing it.
But i seriously think it would be worth a try. Must google it today :happy:

Have a look at this website and if you google facial exercises there are many links. As you say, at the end of the day, it's all a matter of doing the bliddy exercises!
Be lazy and buy a Rio face toner. You just hold it and it does all the work!
What about this natural beauty, theres been some serious face pulling here.

Sly must be so proud of his momma in her 90's
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Be lazy and buy a Rio face toner. You just hold it and it does all the work!
Shopshape, its like all the other gadgets i got from Q and not used. The No No, the back magic, the clarisonic, don"t use it religiously, and i could probably mention a few more. I"d start of and then be too busy too use it again. Its on of my faults :thinking:
Keeley is a daft cow! I bet she cringed when she had to admit that the product contained parabens! hahaahahahahah
Keeley's spiel sounds very rehearsed in order to come across as knowlegable and professional,but most of it is twaddle to be fair.
I don't think she's any worse than the other brands such as Gatineau,Decleor,Prai etc and their equally outrageous claims their wrinkly representatives make !!

Personally I'd like to see more affordable Brands and less time spent trying to convince us each pot contains a miracle cure for anti ageing!!

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