I am pleased you found out what was causing you to react. I can't believe the advice given to you by your GP and your dentist. Thank goodness the optician was more helpful. It must be hard to find things that don't cause reactions as SLS are in everything.
I think my doctor was of the opinion that it was bad luck and treated it as if she would treat a hay fever patient. My dentist has since been "educated" as has the hygienist in the practice. The latter will never wave a sample of Sensodyne at me again lol
My optician is & was brilliant. My saviour was the internet.
Minim, I've just seen your photo.
I get the same thing. Is it just your eyes? With me my whole face swells up at the same time, especially the skin round my eye sockets so that my eyes close up completely, and my lips. Twice it spread to my throat & I ended up in A&E on a ventilator as I couldn't breathe.
My GP did arrange for me to see immunology departments at the hospital, had to travel a distance to find one with the relevant department, but unfortunately even though I've seen two different consultants they still haven't been able to trace the cause of mine. I just have to carry antihistamines at all times & been told to phone an ambulance if it feels like a bad one.
I'm glad you've been able to find some clue as to the cause of your problem. It's a difficult thing to live with. Mine can flare up completely out of the blue, seemingly, most frightening time recently was when I was travelling alone on a train.
OMG Breeze! How frightening!
In my case it was just my eyes. Everything came to a head towards the end of last year. I thought it came on suddenly, that one thing sparked me off, but my optician said it had been a long term exposure (she could tell by my thickened eye lids) and I just tipped. Things I had been putting down to just getting older (really, really bad eye bags, thinning hair etc) was in fact a build up to my intolerance of SLS.
I can only suggest that you trawl the internet. Yes, there are some alarmists out there, but there are some brilliant sites as well. Some allergy forums were very helpful & intolerance to SLS features on many of them so I was lucky.
I was told I would probably never find the cause, but I'm like a dog with a bone so keep at it. It could be something in plain sight but so obscure that it would not occur to you for example, my optician's husband has an intermittent allergy & it took them a long time before they made the connection - it happened when he wore a certain watch. He was allergic to the plastic strap. How random is that!
I began with analysing everything that touched my skin. My symptoms lessened as I excluded or changed products - eyes stopped watering for example - but it was still there. My last port of call was toothpaste & when I researched that and made a change I had my "full cure"
If 'touch skin' failed I was going to analyse what I put in my body - food etc.
Don't give up Breeze. Trawl the internet.