So Keeley..... Parabens?


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Kitten with claws, you're correct. I knew something was wrong when I decided to defend Keeley, especially when it's common knowledge that I can't stand the daft bint.
Kitten with claws, you're correct. I knew something was wrong when I decided to defend Keeley, especially when it's common knowledge that I can't stand the daft bint.

You did your best. It was a sweet gesture & I applaud you for trying. :mysmilie_48:

My OH frequently sits there, not even looking up from his laptop, just making the odd comment along the lines of 'No, it doesn't', 'No, it won't', 'Only if you're a non-carbon based life form' & so on & so forth, is quite funny sometimes.....! :grin:

My kinda guy :0P
JR just put her on the spot by reading a tweet asking if pro collagen marine cream contains Parabens.

"yes it does." says KA, then does this fixed smile. Not happy, clearly.

JR moves along without further comment.

I suspect Keeley still feels raw from her run in with the forum. She probably thought the tweet came from this general direction and just had to grit her teeth and get on with it.

Julia is clever when she confides that she can't use something or that she only uses it once in a while because it builds up trust between her and the viewer. Keeley could take a few tips from her and not try and pretend that one size fits all (as long as it's a small of course). Far more convincing in the long run.
I suspect Keeley still feels raw from her run in with the forum. She probably thought the tweet came from this general direction and just had to grit her teeth and get on with it.

Hmmm it's not exactly an off the wall question is it? Any hapless customer venturing past the chip shop, having enjoyed a pukka pie, coud totter into Keeleys animal print and B&Q pillar candle-filled "spa" and ask about te ingredients of one of her potions. You'd think she would be used to it.
Hmmm it's not exactly an off the wall question is it? Any hapless customer venturing past the chip shop, having enjoyed a pukka pie, coud totter into Keeleys animal print and B&Q pillar candle-filled "spa" and ask about te ingredients of one of her potions. You'd think she would be used to it.

:mysmilie_506: Have you been there? It's not really like that, is it?

Is it?



You made that up, didn't you?


........Is it really like that.....?
:mysmilie_506: Have you been there? It's not really like that, is it?

Is it?



You made that up, didn't you?


........Is it really like that.....?

My sis in law's is. The words tasteful, neutral and classy obviously have different meanings today! *shudder*

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Kitten..... Oh my oh my..... You haven't seen my thread from a few months ago?


There's photos and alsorts!
jungle.jpgtandoori.jpg001.jpgand the pics.....
That second pic is horrendous!! Like petpixie said on the other thread, I am not a spa or salon person (never, ever been apart from visiting s.i.l's) but I am sure I couldn't relax with all that clutter going on from the Turkish rugs etc. Yerch. There's no accounting for taste is there?! :p

And from the outside it looks like cab office!!!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

Ta Burlz - sadly attachment links no worky but I google mapped the location ('salon' is not quite what I expected I have to say!) & can guess at the interiors from the comments in the thread & the tasteful leopard skin logo of the name!
(OH has occasionally made a few less than complimentary remarks about what it might be like inside, partly based & rather rudely of him, on its location & I have to admit it would now appear he was in fact not that wide of the mark after all.......!)
pics added on the later post.

i fancy an "urban facial" after my pukka pie, while i'm waiting for my curtains to be run up.

have keeleys fan club on FB started kicking off yet? ha ha
Ta Burlz - sadly attachment links no worky but I google mapped the location ('salon' is not quite what I expected I have to say!) & can guess at the interiors from the comments in the thread & the tasteful leopard skin logo of the name!
(OH has occasionally made a few less than complimentary remarks about what it might be like inside, partly based & rather rudely of him, on its location & I have to admit it would now appear he was in fact not that wide of the mark after all.......!)

Forget the above, I hit send before checking previous replies, just seen original pics.........flamin' effin' Ada, it's even worse than I imagined......! Is that for real, it's not one of your little jokes or something......? Gordon Bennett, people go there......& more than once......?


And OH was spot on....'not that wide of the mark' doesn't even cut it, he was absolutely right on every detail! Blimey!
People don't want to listen to scientific evidence. They would rather listen to zelebrities and marketing charlatans :rolleyes:

Oh well. A fool and his money and all that.....:D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

Here here Capirossi!

Why would anyone believe all that nonsense? I realise now why I went off Elemis, and despise Perricone and Gatineau. It's the fancy names they use for the products to con the less fortunate into thinking itt must be good. "quartz pro lift..." "....enzyme peel" "quadolooompaumpa plasma" "melantogenine probiotic". Prai is just as bad but tries to give the illusion of wealth and luxury "this cream contains gold dust from uranus" or "ground teeth from the mouths of virgins".

I can't believe people are sucked in by it. I have much more respect for brands like Decleor, Liz Earle, Alpha H, whose claims are much more down to earth and easy to understand. Emma Hardie, my fave, too ( although my crapdar went off when she said there is platinum in her night cream...
I agree that Keeley spins a crap yarn and Elemis and other brands use a lot of pseudo science to describe theirs brands BUT I use and love PCMC. Not because of Keeley's claims but because I tried it before I came to QVC and loved it. I loved it then and I still do. But I'm not daft. I know it's just a cream like many others. It's just the cream I choose to use. And I'm not changing because Keeley has a naff salon somewhere.
I think it's amusing that everyone's going on about parabens when the rest of the mayonnaise they peddle as 'youth regenerating' probably isn't much better at the job it is supposed to do either! Perspective.

I don't disagree but it's like saying only the batter on a deep fried sausage is bad. I think.
I once read an article regarding mens ageing and jawlines in particular. It was suggested that as men shave almost every day they are performing the sort of face movements involved in the old fashioned face muscle exercises.

So come on ladies ditch the No No's and sort your facial hair with a bit of shave gel and a good old fashioned Bic:smirk:

I used to believe all the beauty rubbish, but after many expensive years of buying nearly every cream they
had on QVC, i"ve come to the conclusion that its all down to genes. All you can and should do is
cleanse, tone, and moisturise. Leave the rest to the "genes". My OH does nothing to his face, and
he probably has lines etc, but then i do also, despite all my attempts to keep them away. And do men
get jowls???? I think most of them age better than women and they just use soap and water. Women
just get sucked into the beauty spiel, i did and have spent a fortune , but no more. Sensible head on
now. And don"t start me on getting my hair dyed, trying to keep the grey away :down::devil:

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