So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


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Jun 24, 2008
Oh dear. From Graham's sticky it appears that QVCUK don't think that is a site for fans of the company.

Thats a bit of a shame because I just totted up how much I spent since November 2011 and I'm slightly embarrassed to report that it comes to just under £900. Yikes.

If that's not being a fan, don't know what is.
So they dont like the comments? Whats the old saying" theres no such thing as bad publicity"

I must have spent a fortune too over the years but still like to give them a bit of stick

Oh dear. From Graham's sticky it appears that QVCUK don't think that is a site for fans of the company.

Thats a bit of a shame because I just totted up how much I spent since November 2011 and I'm slightly embarrassed to report that it comes to just under £900. Yikes.

If that's not being a fan, don't know what is.
I was trying to compose a post in response to the news in the sticky but you've put it v eloquently young Bear. No one could talk for a decade about a topic unless they were passionate about it, but here we are, still talking. I can see the fondness we have for shopping telly in even the most critical posts. But if all we did was criticise we'd have run out of steam years ago. They should be flattered that we take such an interest, but then that's what fans do.

Jude xx
I've spent loads more than that over the past year BB, I'm ashamed to say!

Bottom line is, if we did not like it, we would not watch it, spend our money and post threads here, would we!
Do they want to close the site down cause we critise the presenters and QVC as a whole, did i get that right ????
There is some saying that goes "I may not like what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it". And I can't believe I am saying it on a forum about a shopping channel. I don 't do facebook or twitter, and even QVC has had to embrace those. But there are some shocking posts on those. We have had some real hum dingers on here, but there are just as many posts defending Q, sticking up for presenters as there are critical posts. The point I am making is that we are free to post our opinions as long as we stay within certain parameters.

I am not surprised at The behaviour of the USA corporate machine taking this line against free speech, but I am surprised if QVCUK follows suit. Any company, especially one who peddles it's wares through the media as QVC does is much more intrusive than a high street store, where you have to walk in the door or visit a website. QVC is different, it wants to be not just a shop, but also your friend (share the love) and entertainment. We are encouraged to interact with the presenters. Marks and Spencer does not do that, so when a corporation has so much influence and puts itself "out there" like QVC does, then it has to take the rough with the smooth. It has to realise that people will criticise them, sometimes fairly, sometimes not. But they are dealing with customers, and they get away with pissing so many of them off, yet retaining the loyalty of others. If QVC UK does not distance itself from such undemocratic and dictatorial business practices by condoning such behaviour towards a relatively small ( compared with facebook) site because it has hurt feelings by a few ordinary customers who have spent a fortune of their hard earned money with Q over the years, because "the little people" dares to criticise it then I am truly disgusted.

I like QVC for many reasons. I like many of the products they sell. But I don't like what I read on that sticky thread one little bit. Maybe they think the forum is affecting their profit. Prove it. I would bet my mortgage that you can't. The contrary must be true, that the forum brings you more profit. I watch this space with interest.
Do they want to close the site down cause we critise the presenters and QVC as a whole, did i get that right ????

I think it's that they're refusing to sponsor the site, and telling companies that they're affiliated with to do the same. Which means the advertising revenue goes down.

I suppose it's boycotting.
Im not surprised, as much as I love the channel. they always seem stuck up their own and pretentious and want to think of themselves as 'for social climbers who heap praise on everything' so they only want the type of comments that Will could read out on his Ipad and that does not include us. I know I spend a lot of money with them but after this I feel like Im an ambarassment to them who they dont want to include or even acknoweldge. that hurts, actually.
I think it's that they're refusing to sponsor the site, and telling companies that they're affiliated with to do the same. Which means the advertising revenue goes down.

I suppose it's boycotting.
Thanks Burly,, it was all a bit hi flauting (spelt wrong) that message, but i can't believe this forum is a threat. We all moan about people and things on QVC, but usually someone answers back, and we see things and people through different eyes . How can we harm a company as big as QVC. We're all still watching and still buying, and talking about it , so thats good in this recession IMO. And what has twitter and facebook to do with the forum, i'm not on it, and QVC have brought twitter into all their items now, why i don't know . Bit shocked at this, should we start a petition to give to the Q or do something, or be quiet and see what happens ???:sad:
Oh dear. From Graham's sticky it appears that QVCUK don't think that is a site for fans of the company.

Thats a bit of a shame because I just totted up how much I spent since November 2011 and I'm slightly embarrassed to report that it comes to just under £900. Yikes.

If that's not being a fan, don't know what is.
We should start a thread to say what you've spent that sort of money on in a year.
And who has spent the most ???
Crikey. I'm thinking about SCW's mystical powers finding out QVC TSVs way in advance and the amount of sales those must generate for QVC - I often notice that info winds its way onto the QVC UK FB page, which must in turn generate more sales. I know that I've taken advantage of the info that SCW posts and bought stuff from QVC as a result. I can't be alone doing this. QVC would do very well to remember not to bite the hand that feeds it. If it wants to p*ss off its customers, its certainly going the right way about it. If QVC are conveniently blaming this site for a drop in sales, they would do well to take a hard look at their pricing, p&p charges, delivery times and the quality of some of the stuff they sell. QVC forget that they are not the only fish in the online retail pond anymore. There are other retailers out there who are more competitive in every respect and unless QVC get with the program and become more competitive then their sales will continue to nosedive. Certainly, if QVC persist with this sharp practice as per, they can kiss goodbye to anymore purchases from me. In the current state of the economy, QVC cannot afford to be so arrogant towards it customers, which does actually include the likes of us here on
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Wonder if QVC would barr us from purchasing from them, if they knew who we were ???
I think it's that they're refusing to sponsor the site, and telling companies that they're affiliated with to do the same. Which means the advertising revenue goes down.

I suppose it's boycotting.

That about sums it up!!!!
well they certainly know who i am!!

You don't do them any harm SCW. You never ever say a bad thing about anyone. I think you only bring them more money in and
that helps them to get more sales. I'd say they watch this site and have certain names in a list somewhere, they certainly know
who Burly B is, as Julian used to mention him. Not that he does them any harm either, we all moan and groan , but we're still
buying from them, so what do they want, to close the site, and deny freedom of speech, and a right to moan and complain. I think
we're pretty harmless and couldn't possibly harm their sales, what is it a million new viewers every "week or month". So no harm there.
Keep at it SCW, you're a star :star: We're the rebels he he
I think it's that they're refusing to sponsor the site, and telling companies that they're affiliated with to do the same. Which means the advertising revenue goes down.

I suppose it's boycotting.

Maybe all us forumites should boycott THEM for a week and I wonder how much dosh they'd be down..???

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