So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


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Been on this forum for YEARS (I've lost count how many and I'm not even one of the original's!) and seen QVC and this place develope a fairly good relationship, although QVC been mostly silent throughout all of it. It seems to me though that since the start of the resession, that relationship has turned very sour. The reviews are the biggest indication of QVC's snobbery, they allow to be posted what they want to be seen, the image they want of themselves is certainly not what us forumites agree with. They love the Facebook angels and pander up to them because they adore QVC and write such loving posts. Glad to hear thats a changing now :)

This forum is a nothern forum cause 'we tell it how it is' ;)
QVC can't/won't attack Facebook or Twitter because they're too big but will go after ST because it's so small.

QVC really should take a look closer to home if they want to know why sales have fallen.

Oh and just in case they hadn't noticed.........


Well said Janey and it might just have a little something to do with the continuing problems with their wonderful new website ! :wonder::mysmilie_506:

Been on this forum for YEARS (I've lost count how many and I'm not even one of the original's!) and seen QVC and this place develope a fairly good relationship, although QVC been mostly silent throughout all of it. It seems to me though that since the start of the resession, that relationship has turned very sour. The reviews are the biggest indication of QVC's snobbery, they allow to be posted what they want to be seen, the image they want of themselves is certainly not what us forumites agree with. They love the Facebook angels and pander up to them because they adore QVC and write such loving posts. Glad to hear thats a changing now :)

This forum is a nothern forum cause 'we tell it how it is' ;)

Lou,do you remember the early days of ST when Julia Roberts & Julian Ballantyne would give us a mention constantly?

That's how I became a member here,maybe 2002 or thereabouts,after listening to Julia sing ST's praises & encouraging people to join.

How times change,eh?
Lou,do you remember the early days of ST when Julia Roberts & Julian Ballantyne would give us a mention constantly?

That's how I became a member here,maybe 2002 or thereabouts,after listening to Julia sing ST's praises & encouraging people to join.

How times change,eh?

OHHHH yes and the chat Anthony haywood did was great with shoppingtelly members- I was there :) . It was a 'fairly' good relationship, shoppingtelly and QVCuk, where's that gone now?
OHHHH yes and the chat Anthony haywood did was great with shoppingtelly members- I was there :) . It was a 'fairly' good relationship, shoppingtelly and QVCuk, where's that gone now?

Sorry to butt in,but i think it all went downhill when Anthony left. He had a modern outlook and was trying to get QVC to cancel
the post and package, but unfortunately for us he left. Then i think standards dropped, and they got Craig, Anna, Mikeal, Carmel
and Debbie came back. Things went downhill then, the relationship changed, as the presenters changed. I've no doubt they're
lovely people in real life, but they don't inspire me to watch the way i used to. So the fault is their own, along with the silly post
and package prices, which is a big no no in this day and age. Sorry again to butt in
I used to watch QVC constantly,it was always on here even if I wasn't interested in what was being shown just in case I missed something!

Nowadays,I rarely watch,I don't like some of the newer presenters & the prices aren't anywhere near as good as they used to be especially with the dreaded p&p added on to each item.
If I want something from QVC,I go to their (crappy) website & purchase mainly from clearance & last clicks but it really has to be a bargain for me to go for it as there is so much competition out there now with no p&p.
"When a company realizes that a loyal customer may account for a substantial sum of revenue over the years, it seems foolish to risk losing the customer by ignoring a grievance or quarreling over a small matter." Dr Kotler's words seem most appropriate
OHHHH yes and the chat Anthony haywood did was great with shoppingtelly members- I was there :) . It was a 'fairly' good relationship, shoppingtelly and QVCuk, where's that gone now?

I remember those days too Lou and Marzy, we would often get a mention and the presenters would comment on which products were being discussed on ST.Com. I think the forum has changed a lot since those days though. It was much more of a fan site, and although we definitely did criticise products and presenters the tone was a lot different way back then. Graham would sometimes remove posts that were particularly offensive and personal about presenters. I remember he got a lot of stick for this and was criticised for over-censorship until he decided not to do this anymore and allowed posts of this type to remain. This resulted in a lot more extreme personal comments appearing about presenters and guests which has continued ever since! Loads of forum members enjoy these threads, and I'm sure they will continue, but I do feel that the result is an inevitable negative effect on the relationship between ST and QVC. It's a shame that QVC can't be big enough to see that for every critical thread there will be one praising a presenter, guest or product and that this is just the way of all forums now.
I do miss some of the old members though who knew how to pass a scathing comment with true wit, style and intelligence and didn't need to resort to name calling and base language. Thank god for members like Burly Bear who can still do this, wonder if that's why he still gets an honorary mention now and then?
Things have changed remember BCC night when prices would be really great and all proceeds went to the charity. I did not bother to watch this year as the website is carp and i would rather give direct to the charity without q taking their cut.
When i did check on some items the prices had gone back up:cheeky:that was the morning after.
QVC do censor posts on Facebook. I have had a look and you see people asking where their post went, and sometimes QVC will say they removed a post or asked to remove it.

The angels seemed to have disappeared now, well I never see the name mentioned. But they thought they had some special say and powers, thinking that they would get the p&p lowered. :grin: Or whining about getting tickets to the Beauty Bash(they thought they should get them because they were the angels, and better than other QVC customers).:wonder::grin:
Great to see we have quite a few new members! :wave::wave:

Any lurkers ? Come and join in the fun!

:wave::wave: To all new VIP members!

:mysmilie_378: :mysmilie_378: :mysmilie_378: :mysmilie_378:
hi qvc i have just seen your christmas tsv where if you bought one of each item it would cost you £18 approx in postage charges and sorry none of the tsv items represent paticularly good value.
just caught up with this thread.They've got some brass neck...someone at QVC towers needs to get a grip!!!! :(
I've just caught up with this thread too. Can someone please explain what has been going on? I've seen the sticky but that doesn't explain how the situation started and what has actually happened. Sorry if I am being a bit dense. I would like to see the original post from QVC etc.
Sorry to butt in,but i think it all went downhill when Anthony left. He had a modern outlook and was trying to get QVC to cancel
the post and package, but unfortunately for us he left. Then i think standards dropped, and they got Craig, Anna, Mikeal, Carmel
and Debbie came back. Things went downhill then, the relationship changed, as the presenters changed. I've no doubt they're
lovely people in real life, but they don't inspire me to watch the way i used to. So the fault is their own, along with the silly post
and package prices, which is a big no no in this day and age. Sorry again to butt in
When I had a look in FB yesterday, I saw a message from Anthony wishing good luck for the BCC and I thought that was very sweet of him, a man to to that. None of that from snooty Claudia, who, besides working alongside Alison and Amica, is also a woman. I am not being a sexist , just thinking a woman would have more understanding and she would have wished good luck.
Well, will you look at that: Forum Statistics
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Great stuff.
Room for more ....
FONT=Century Gothic]COLOR="#0000CD"]Well as you know, Snarly doesn't leave her den very often. But ... I did today to use a friend's computer (I only use my mobile) so I could join TheSolidarityMovement. Snarly's joining her Hisssss, Spppits and Grrrowls with the rest of you. I is a VIP now. :heart:[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Well done Snarly :clapping:

I really like the Drop. I can go off topic (as is my want - ask Himself lol), without feeling too guilty.
I just wish there were some late nighters on there more often.
Thanks Minim. I really want to see the little pooches and furballs 'cause AuntieSnarly Loves'EmAll x Snarly

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