Smashbox Pulling out of QVC UK


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Ooooh how odd, created a UK website yet supposed to be pulling out of Europe :wonder:

And their FB page has gone!!
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Ah, so are they intending to operate as a online only in the UK????

I know on the US site they do lunchtime specials on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yes I noticed no facebook page.
Ah, so are they intending to operate as a online only in the UK????

I know on the US site they do lunchtime specials on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yes I noticed no facebook page.

That is my thinking too, only thing that makes sense!!!

Makes you wonder if they will stay on QVC or not!
On the community board on QVC US a number of threads popping up over the past month asking where is Smashbox? The stock level which is usually pretty high on there is way down, no shows and if any only one in a day. Quite a few thinking Smashbox is going from QVC US
On the subject of Smashbox, I've got a few of those chubby lip pencils that came with TSVs. Does anyone one know if you can buy chubby sharpeners or did you sharpen yours a different way (don't even know if colour runs all the way through the pencil?).

According to InStyle magazine the Best New Cosmetic Launch is Tom Ford,God how I would love to see him on Q.

Oh I would love to see Tom Ford on QVC, but he would never devalue his brand flogging his wares on QVC. He's all about high end to see some reviews of his stuff.
Yes Tom Ford one lippie is around £36, so I can see the horror and gnashing of teeth on the facbook page if that ever happen. Which I will add is never. No matter how hard Alison Young would love it, QVC and niche do not go together. The niche designer brands would not be caught dead on QVC. If they ever did it would be no doubt because the brand was going down the pan and needed the money so badly.
I just see QVC as a shop. A shop I visit a lot because I can do it from home or on the move. I even like talking about this shop, because I am writing about it on here. I probably shop in it more than any other shop. And I like " high end" make up. A lot. I don't buy cheaper brands. If companies like Tom Fird dont want to sell in this shop then I reckon they are missing a trick, as QVC is a mecca for beauty junkies. There wouldn't be a seperate beauty channel otherwise. Ok, I don't always like the stuff QVC sell, take cheap tacky jewellery for instance. But make up and skincare, they do right. If QVC is good enough for Eve Lom and Lulu Guinness, Elemis and Decleor, then it is good enough for Tom Ford.
I buy more makeup on qvc than any other place. I rarely go to any department store! Also I think that QVC are missing a trick not having more exclusive brands from the US. Laura Geller and Mally are always extremely popular! They should start selling Tarte makeup, like they do in the US. It is very popular there and I think it would be here too. To be honest i'm not too thrilled about the new brands they recently introduced, Inoka and Eyeko is it? Tarte and wen haircare please qvc! I don't know what the beauty buyers are thinking sometimes!
So was anything said on the shows? I wasn't able to watch at my sis's wedding party but curious to know about shows, all the usual QVC pretence????

Nothing was said on the last smashbox shows I saw a couple of weeks ago but the girl (not Nina, the other one!) looked saddened and a bit red in the face when something was mentioned about Smashbox on qvc, but nothing about it ending. I thought that was a shame.
But you all have to remember brands may not want to come to QVC. Some brands and yes they exist are more about exclusive not mass sells. Armani refuse to come into a department store if another counter is within so many miles. They have no counters in Scotland or Wales. House of Fraser Belfast have been asking them to come and open a counter they said no. They would sell like hot cakes if they did come to Belfast. At one point they considered it then changed their minds. Tom Ford is likely to come as they are now selling his Private Blend perfumes £127 for 50mls.

Look at Molton Brown(yes people still beg QVC to get them back on facebook. It gets rather boring when week after week its asked), the company who bought them does not want to deal with QVC. Even if their stores are empty as is the case the answer is NO.

Bobbi Brown has had a number of TSVs on QVC US with audio delivery. Yet Estee Lauder refuse to give us a TSV, why because they can. I am sure QVC UK have begged for a TSV, but Paul has told people at counters there will never be a TSV. End of.
Look at Molton Brown(yes people still beg QVC to get them back on facebook. It gets rather boring when week after week its asked), the company who bought them does not want to deal with QVC. Even if their stores are empty as is the case the answer is NO.

Bobbi Brown has had a number of TSVs on QVC US with audio delivery. Yet Estee Lauder refuse to give us a TSV, why because they can. I am sure QVC UK have begged for a TSV, but Paul has told people at counters there will never be a TSV. End of.

Molton Brwon only seem to have people in their shops when the Telegraph or other papers have promotions on to get a free bottle of MB stuff! :giggle:

Yes a Bobbi Brown tsv would be great but I can never see it happening either. It is very annoying that the US get many more auto deliveries than us. I was talking to an american girl on youtube about Mally and the latest tsv and she said that they had it on auto delivery over there. I don't remember any such option available here. Disappointing.
In the USA, QVC is not viewed with as much snobbery as it seems to be over here. I remember watching when I was a teenager on holiday over there, some 20 odd years ago. The sales patter was more "cheesy" but nevertheless effective.

I can't understand the snobbery, to be honest. My hard-earned money is just as good as anyone elses, and If I choose to waste it on certain brands that cost more than others, that is up to me, but I choose to buy from companies that are happy to have paying customers, whoever they are, rather than those who get too big for their boots, turning their noses up at customers from QVC. With such an attitude, they don't deserve to be in business, which by the sound of it they won't be for very long! If a company wants to expand, like Molton Brown did many years ago, they used QVC to get the name better known nationally. Then they opened more stores. Then they were bought out, and some wise guy thought they should bite the hand that feeds them. The same will happen to Bobbi Brown now Estee Lauder owns them. I used to rave about Bobbi Brown but now only use one or 2 products of theirs. In this economy no business can afford to turn away customers. The only reason they sell on QVC US is because of numbers, dollars and not to do so would be suicide. In the UK, we are too small fry, not worth it for them.
I used to rave over Bobbi Brown but now prefer Laura Mercier,amazing how Q in the US sells so well without the need for a resident beauty expert.
I can understand completely why certain brands prefer to maintain control of how their products are presented to the public. Never in a million years would Tom Ford select the likes of Jill Franks or Alison Young to represent the brand.

Jude xx

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