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When she was mixing it on air and discussing how it fills you up once you've swallowed it I got the idea that it was a bit like wallpaper paste, that starts quite thin and watery and then thickens up if you leave it. I would imagine that would fill you up as well - please dont try!

Didnt come across as natural or healthy which is probably why my mind started wondering....

reminds me of my friend - we were out one day and she bought a load of cheap chocolate from a market and sat scoffing it when we got to the beach. i didn't fancy it. after a while, she turned to me and said "my mouth feels like wallpaper paste now. here, you can have it". gee thanks! LOL
Ummm ...

Found this - HealthCanada issued HealthAdvisory 2010 - On Konjac/Glucomannan supplements in any form. Take each gram with at least 8oz of water to reduce risk of choking or developing a blockage in the throat, esophagus or intestines. Take at least 2-3 hours before bed ... Thnarly will stick with carrot juice.
Oh how far the mighty have fallen. From MP to diet guru on a shopping channel.

I don't ever recall Christine Hamilton ever being a porker so I don't think she's exactly speaking from experience.

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Slimfast used to work for me whenever a few pounds crept on. I'm now diabetic so it has too much sugar for me. Wonder if this new stuff will be any better, I could do with a quick-fix to get me started.

Linda xx ?

Good alternative to Slimfast with no sugar is from Holland & Barrett. It's in the protein shake/powder section & is called Natures Garden 90% Soya Protein, It's in a 750g tub. It's got papain & Bromelain in it, natural papaya & pineapple enzimes. These seem to do exactly the same as what this Q stuff does as it fills you up with natural fibre so you don't bloat but don't feel hungry either for quite a while after drinking it. I bought it for drinking when I do cardio workouts as it's got nutrients in also but found that it's excellent as the odd meal replacement. When H&B do their buy 1 get one for 1p it's far better value than QVC's version as it makes 1.5kg in total for £13. It tastes like horlicks without the sugar as I mix it with skimmed milk. Wierd at first but you get used to it & it's not unpleasant. Of course if you're diabetic check it's ok first, think it should be x.
Oh yes, sorry forgot to mention, 1 serving is only 78 cals I recall excluding the skimmed milk.
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Oh how far the mighty have fallen. From MP to diet guru on a shopping channel.

I don't ever recall Christine Hamilton ever being a porker so I don't think she's exactly speaking from experience.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

I thought she was one of the better guest presenters that QVC have had, but saying that, I've never understood the hatred that she generates TBH. I've always thought she was quite a nice lady. Very straight talking, but there's nothing wrong with that really is there?
Oh how far the mighty have fallen. From MP to diet guru on a shopping channel.

I don't ever recall Christine Hamilton ever being a porker so I don't think she's exactly speaking from experience.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

I don't ever recall her being an MP.
I thought she was one of the better guest presenters that QVC have had, but saying that, I've never understood the hatred that she generates TBH. I've always thought she was quite a nice lady. Very straight talking, but there's nothing wrong with that really is there?

When husband Neil resigned/sacked after the cash-for-questions scandal, both of them resorted to becoming media celebrities, going on reality shows and using their notoriety to make money. There appeared to be a complete lack of remorse. I find both of them personally distasteful.
All these slimming aids are a load of claptrap and manufacturers play on people's desire to lose weight. We all know that the only way to lose weight is to burn off more calories than you take in. Willpower is all that's necessary.
All these slimming aids are a load of claptrap and manufacturers play on people's desire to lose weight. We all know that the only way to lose weight is to burn off more calories than you take in. Willpower is all that's necessary.

I have to say that drinks that fill your stomach make it so much easier to get used to smaller portion sizes & cutting out snacking tho although excersice is important agreed. Even if it's a 30 min brisk walk.
I thought she was one of the better guest presenters that QVC have had, but saying that, I've never understood the hatred that she generates TBH. I've always thought she was quite a nice lady. Very straight talking, but there's nothing wrong with that really is there?

Also, the false rape allegation made against her & her husband was handled terribly by the police & the media IMO.
The accuser ended up being jailed for attempting to pervert the course of justice.
I just felt incredibly sorry for the pair of them.

Also, she was robbed on 'Celebrity Masterchef'.
Also, the false rape allegation made against her & her husband was handled terribly by the police & the media IMO.
The accuser ended up being jailed for attempting to pervert the course of justice.
I just felt incredibly sorry for the pair of them.

Also, she was robbed on 'Celebrity Masterchef'.

Agreed but the cash for questions scandal to do with her MP husband Neil was portrayed in a very negative light publically from what I remember as a kiddie. Also at about that time/ish I think, I remember her being incredibly rude & shouting & hurling insults at the poor guy who stood for her husbands parliamentary seat as an independent candidate. Never a good thing to do if you want a media career later!
i have done all the faddy diets over the years & you can seriously get the same effect by drinking water before eating a meal , save yourself 20 quid , eat less excersize more is the only way anyone will keep weight off
When husband Neil resigned/sacked after the cash-for-questions scandal, both of them resorted to becoming media celebrities, going on reality shows and using their notoriety to make money. There appeared to be a complete lack of remorse. I find both of them personally distasteful.

I'm no fan of hers at all but I think she is representative of a certain type of woman - privately educated, county set, undoubtedly a Sloane Ranger in her day - who is trying to maintain a certain standard of living after having been let down so badly and so frequently by her ridiculous twerp of a husband. It is unfortunate for us that she chooses to do so in the full glare of publicity but that's probably all she knows.
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Found this - HealthCanada issued HealthAdvisory 2010 - On Konjac/Glucomannan supplements in any form. Take each gram with at least 8oz of water to reduce risk of choking or developing a blockage in the throat, esophagus or intestines. Take at least 2-3 hours before bed ... Thnarly will stick with carrot juice.

snarly - i saw the carrot juice in tesco's the other day but couldn't remember why we were talking about it? does it cure what ails ya?
Watched the presentation with Christine and Alison. I think Christine is a pretty good presenter - very no nonsense. I also thought Alison sounded quite human in her efforts to slim. Liked the bright orange jumper she was wearing too. I digress .... I first thought it would be a meal replacement system like Slim Fast, but apparently it is a way of suppressing your appetite. I went on to Amazon and found a very similar product called Skinny Sprinkles and it is a little more expensive than QVC's - but only because you can't get it with Super Saver postage. QVC's product has more sachets. IMO it looks like the same product but under a different name. The Amazon product has 17 review which are mainly favourable. Many are saying it is the best diet product on the market.
Not sure what to do now. Do I buy Amazon's which works out a bit more expensive and has less - but has favourable reviews or buy QVCs which is a better buy, but maybe not the same thing?
I think a lot of posters here are right in that drinking water before a meal has the same effect. I think the thickening feeling in the stomach is likely to be more effective that, and the fact, that you have spend £25 means that it is likely to work.
I would never have three of them a day. I would take one at around 5pm, which is my personal danger time for snacking.
£19.99 plus p&p for 10days and alison recommends udo a mnths course, how the heck can they expect people to be able to afford that.
I think you have to understand whether your extra weight is because you eat too much, or because you eat because you fancy the taste of something. If its the latter then a bulking agents is less likely to help. AY suggested she'd left a cupboard full of Xmas sweets and chocolates alone since starting on theses at new year. Hmm. Really? Do people eat sweets because they're hungry? No. She was bullshitting again.

I thought Christine H was a great guest. Totally natural, understood the product, made it clear how to use it despite AY yapping on. And for a woman her age (63) looked amazing.

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