Nothing more needs to be said.I doubt though that they have mentioned that MOST of his fur is “top-quality” lamb skin known as broadtail or astrakhan.
Fetal lamb to you and me. The mother is killed just before giving birth and her fetus is cut out. The pelts of the unborn lambs are prized in the fashion world for their silk-like sheen.
There's a difference between farming & slaughtering animals for food, utilising all elements of the carcass in secondary clothing/footwear manufacture, and farming and slaughtering animals for the singular purpose of personal adornment.
At least animals slaughtered for food are stunned and slaughtered before being butchered.
Animals slaughtered primarily for fur coats do not receive this 'consideration'.
That is the difference.
The mother is killed just before giving birth and her fetus is cut out.
There's a difference between farming & slaughtering animals for food, utilising all elements of the carcass in secondary clothing/footwear manufacture, and farming and slaughtering animals for the singular purpose of personal adornment.
At least animals slaughtered for food are stunned and slaughtered before being butchered.
Animals slaughtered primarily for fur coats do not receive this 'consideration'.
That is the difference.
I don't think it's a "boring" post,there are folk on here who have contrary opinions who are too scared to voice them once the Ban Basso Brigade start bloviating!how boring...another boring 'controversial' post from someone with nothing better to do than inflame people...... get a life burly bear !!!
Late stage abortion per se is not acceptable but in some cases may be unavoidable on medical grounds but it is never undertaken without a great deal of consideration and cannot be used as a comparison.Late stage (human) abortion is acceptable to many, perhaps because the mother is left intact?
Many medical research techniques depend in a supply of aborted (human)foetuses for fetal stem-cells. This research benefits us.
Not saying this makes fur-collection moral, but many of us are able to fudge the morality when it suits us - not just rich people in furs.
I don't think it's a "boring" post,there are folk on here who have contrary opinions who are too scared to voice them once the Ban Basso Brigade start bloviating!
I am not one of those people.
Firstly these animals which Basso breeds for his business are bred for that sole purpose,they wouldn't have ordinarily become pets,nor are they in danger of becoming extinct.
The same way that salmon and chicken are bred like maggots for you lot to eat!
I haven't eaten meat or fish for 20 years but I'm not pontificating every two minutes about what a vile trade it is....and oh the suffering,yadda,yadda.
The bottom line is I'm not Inuit neither do I live in Siberia,so I would never wear a real fur coat,however,to each his own.If Basso was making his garments from actual tiger skins and giraffes,I could understand why folk would be foaming at the mouth.
Bottom line is as much as I adore animals I'm far more concerned and interested in a decent quality of life for HUMAN BEINGS.
I'm sure most of the folk who make the sweat shop items some of you have coveted of late would relish the quick death that Basso's animals have endured.Coz I'm sure these humans are having a brilliant life working 19 hour days,for 4pence an hour,with inadequate toilet facilities,constant threats of beatings,impossible quotas,no breaks etc,I'm sure they're having a dandy old time.
Dare I even mention the organ harvesting which is going on in Haiti right now?,you won't see that on CNN will you?,but no,people want to get their knickers in all kinds of twists about some bloody fur!