Season's Greetings...


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I hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year despite the restrictions.

In my case, I can perfectly legally stay with OH, but I just hope she likes the vacuum cleaner, window mop, oven cleaner set, microfibre cloths, new washing up bowl, rubber gloves, floor mop, and sundry other household items that I've bought her for xmas, otherwise I may get kicked out.
Who said romance is dead???
Instead of being on a plane whose wheels should by now have touched down on a foreign soil I have been to Aldi.That is not a complaint as my own soil is very comforting at the moment! Take care all of you, we will turn this around!
I'm holding onto every positive, big, small or frequently uttered. I'll admit that all I want turn around at the moment is the cylinder of a gun as I smile into the eyes of a politician or a boffin - any one will do.
Well, its already started. Yesterday I just walked into my local co-op for my Sunday papers, no problems, with a mostly empty car park. Today, there's a long queue standing outside. I turned the car round and left. Now whether its management deciding to let in a few at a time, or the idiot public panic buying everything in sight I don't know, but as we cant exactly feed the 5000 this Christmas, then I'm happy as long as I've got bacon, eggs and a loaf of bread in the cupboard !! I've got a feeling we'll be seeing overflowing bins of unused food again after Christmas, like we saw on the first lockdown. Crackers ! in the stupid sense of the word.
The current situation with the Euro tunnel and ferry crossings closed will probably be the reason for more panic buying 🙄 especially as Sainsbury announced this morning that they may have some empty shelves in the following days.

People often load their trolleys up before Christmas which, in my opinion, is ludicrous as a lot of food shops re-open on Boxing Day. Oh well, each to their own I suppose.
It has been busy today but perhaps people are buying because they are not travelling? Have we become a nation of mush? I have just seen a lady distressed on the TV because her children (adults) are not going to be able to travel to be with her for Christmas.1. Sad but your family are safe and well and hopefully will continue to be so 2. You are not alone because you have the family and can always be in touch by other means.I visited the cemetery yesterday and there were so many people leaving flowers and remembering their loved ones not around this Christmas.We go on but are not shedding tears on TV.
I hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year despite the restrictions.

In my case, I can perfectly legally stay with OH, but I just hope she likes the vacuum cleaner, window mop, oven cleaner set, microfibre cloths, new washing up bowl, rubber gloves, floor mop, and sundry other household items that I've bought her for xmas, otherwise I may get kicked out.
Given how much extra cleaning we have all had to do this year, I will hazard a guess that these will be well received. But I hope you have bought a little something that is more personal.
I used to work with a chap who every single year for both Christmas & birthday used to give his wife the exact same present, a bottle of Jack Daniels ( which was his favourite drink 🙄) & a ten pound note, “to treat herself”. Didn’t even take into account inflation.
so there you go, Strato, a new idea for next year?
I have been dusting today,(rare event) and have a leaflet behind a photo, already known but read again: ‘Greetings from His Majesty’s Middle East Forces, Christmas 1943, message to Mam ( my maternal Grandmother, my parents were married 30 Dec. 1942) ‘ Best wishes for a Happy Christmas, I hope to spend the next one with you’ We now know that was not to be.
I used to work with a chap who every single year for both Christmas & birthday used to give his wife the exact same present, a bottle of Jack Daniels ( which was his favourite drink 🙄) & a ten pound note, “to treat herself”. Didn’t even take into account inflation.
so there you go, Strato, a new idea for next year?

I think a cheque for £10 would be more personal, as it would be written and signed in my own hand.

And it would get her out of the house to cash it.
When Mr V`s first wife was alive she bought him a new pair of work boots every Christmas. Black steel toe capped ones because he had a landscaping business so she didn`t want him dropping a flag or something heavy on his foot and then ending up under her feet for a few weeks until he healed. Wise woman

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