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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I don’t think i’m alone in finding a mask a bit uncomfortable but for the majority for us it is only for a short period of time. As soon as I find myself moaning about it being uncomfortable I give myself a mental slap across the chops at being a wimp in comparison to those poor nurses who have to wear them for 12 hours at a time and even those in retail who have to wear them all day rather than for an hour or two at a time.
I don’t think i’m alone in finding a mask a bit uncomfortable but for the majority for us it is only for a short period of time. As soon as I find myself moaning about it being uncomfortable I give myself a mental slap across the chops at being a wimp in comparison to those poor nurses who have to wear them for 12 hours at a time and even those in retail who have to wear them all day rather than for an hour or two at a time.
In the run up to Christmas my colleagues and I wore masks from 7.30 to 19.30 only removing them when on lunch break, you can imagine our frustration when we had people in our store declaring 'I'm exempt'
because I have (insert various reasons)

Well if you have problems with your lungs, chest or whatever then stay the F*** at home for your safety and the safety of the whole population!

A dear friend has COPD due to cancer treatment so could be exempt but he puts on a mask before he leaves his house because if he caught Covid the outcome would not be good.

It's about time this government made it mandatory for everyone, adults and children to wear masks (not the useless visors) when off their own property...enforced by the military!
I have to wonder why someone people would not want to wear a mask, I’ve got asthma and suffer with bronchitis a few times a year, but since people have been wearing masks, myself included, and a lot of hand hygiene, touch wood I haven’t had it once this year, so on a personally selfish reason I wish we all had to wear masks all the time. There’s a lot of air pollution, mostly from cars, so masks help the lungs there too. As for making it mandatory, this useless Government know that as soon as they make something compulsory, they then have to Police it, and as they’ve cut Police to the bare bone, they haven’t got the manpower to do it.
A friend cannot wear a mask. She has paralyzed vocal chord one one side has a pouch which fills with mucous sp she keeps having to spite into a tissue. She tried a mask way back when first told to wear one had a major panic attack. The do to had to come out and give her an injection

He told her not to wear one.

She has to shop as only uses cash no computer and only uses her phone for calls. I tell her to use her card but no she lifts her pension out knows how much she has each week.
I have to wonder why someone people would not want to wear a mask, I’ve got asthma and suffer with bronchitis a few times a year, but since people have been wearing masks, myself included, and a lot of hand hygiene, touch wood I haven’t had it once this year, so on a personally selfish reason I wish we all had to wear masks all the time. There’s a lot of air pollution, mostly from cars, so masks help the lungs there too. As for making it mandatory, this useless Government know that as soon as they make something compulsory, they then have to Police it, and as they’ve cut Police to the bare bone, they haven’t got the manpower to do it.
I'm asthmatic and I've noticed how much easier I can breathe since lockdown, without all the extra traffic pollution.
I'm asthmatic and I've noticed how much easier I can breathe since lockdown, without all the extra traffic pollution.

Yeah me too Crystal, just shows you how something needs doing about air pollution for asthmatics and future generations 🙏❤️ xx

A friend cannot wear a mask. She has paralyzed vocal chord one one side has a pouch which fills with mucous sp she keeps having to spite into a tissue. She tried a mask way back when first told to wear one had a major panic attack. The do to had to come out and give her an injection

He told her not to wear one.

She has to shop as only uses cash no computer and only uses her phone for calls. I tell her to use her card but no she lifts her pension out knows how much she has each week.

Yeah not all people can wear a mask, my worry is the victimisation these people face who can’t wear one, not that they won’t wear one, there’s a difference but are both judged the same way.
Ok maybe my last post re masks was a bit harsh but shop staff are exposed to people who don't wear masks not for a few moments passing in the street, but all of their working day knowing that any one of them could be a super-spreader and frankly, it's terrifying.

I agree, what shop assistants do should never be under estimated. I said to the husband during first lockdown that to me shop assistants are up there with frontline workers because without them, the shelves would be empty and there’d be nobody to serve us so honestly, what shop assistants do get massive respect from me 🙏❤️ xx
I always wear a mask but as someone who is hard of hearing I struggle when other people wearing masks are talking to me. The 2 metre rule plus a mask makes it very difficult for me to hear what they`re saying. Of course I`d never want them to break the rules but sometimes people can be very impatient with me when I tell them I can`t hear them or ask them to repeat but louder. I was in a shop last week and the young girl on the till was behind a screen plus wearing a mask and I simply couldn`t hear her and she was also mumbling into her till instead of speaking directly to me. I had to ask her to repeat twice and she tutted, shook her head and rolled her eyes.
I’ve worn a mask since the first lockdown in March and also wear disposable gloves when shopping in the supermarket. I can’t say it’s my favourite fashion statement but it’s worth it to say safer. However, when I went into town on Wednesday when it was really cold, the mask was a good way to keep my face warm although it came straight off when I got back in the car.
And as the new year starts, it’s worth reflecting on last year. 😉

Yes just let those pampered bimbos on Q do a proper job in retail and face what Susie and her colleagues have to endure.

Can you imagine if? Julia’s mask will have to be purple, JF’s will have to match that nail varnish, Del Boy’s will have a pointy finger printed on it, Spaniel ears will have a whiskers so she will look like a cute puppy and on it goes.

(Sorry SS don’t mean to demean what you have to put up with)
I always wear a mask but as someone who is hard of hearing I struggle when other people wearing masks are talking to me. The 2 metre rule plus a mask makes it very difficult for me to hear what they`re saying. Of course I`d never want them to break the rules but sometimes people can be very impatient with me when I tell them I can`t hear them or ask them to repeat but louder. I was in a shop last week and the young girl on the till was behind a screen plus wearing a mask and I simply couldn`t hear her and she was also mumbling into her till instead of speaking directly to me. I had to ask her to repeat twice and she tutted, shook her head and rolled her eyes.
I'm hard of hearing too, wearing hearing aids in both ears and relying on lip reading so mask wearing has led to many misunderstandings.

Customer...have you got anything about fishing?
Me...we've just had The Greatest Wish come in, I thought the customer said wishing.

Customer...Have you got The Highway Code?
Me carrying a box of books...yes it is a bit heavy, I thought the customer said have you got a heavy load? :D
I have ended up with quite the collection of face masks now, all sat in a basket by the front door.
I have learned a thing or two that work for me...
1. Pleated masks are more comfortable to wear than the sleeker designs, as they give more room to breathe and don't tend to suck in to my nostrils.
2. Avoid screen printing, as I found to my cost when I bought some novelty Christmas masks. Snowman and Santa were fine, but Rudolph seriously impeded my breathing.
3. Check the ear elastic as if it's too short the mask will become painful to wear.
4. Always have spares when I go out. As a soggy mask is unpleasant and probably not effective.
5. A cheap handmade mask will not be as good as a slightly more expensive really do get what you pay for.
6. Avoid polyester 'sweaty-Betty' masks, as your face will punish you with zits. Cotton all the way.
7. No matter how you try, as a spectacles wearer, they will steam up, but keep adjusting from the edges, and eventually the fog will lift.

My other learning has been that some hand sanitizer products are better than others... and the cheaper and nastier the scent, the longer it will stay on your skin, through countless hand washes!

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