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Funnily enough I had smoked salmon blinks with dill , cracked black pepper and a dash of lemon juice as a starter washed down with prosecco in the park.
My son is still on the covid ward and according to the doctors he`s one of the few people to catch this dreaded virus twice and probably because he hadn`t fully recovered from getting it the first time. He`s on oxygen, steroids and antibiotics and being closely monitored. He`s still struggling with his breathing and unable to talk much because it makes him cough and breathless. I have had a short chat with him on his mobile but only for 2 minutes and he sounds dreadful. He says the ward is awful, people on it are very very poorly and almost all of them are much older than he is. My DIL can`t visit, nor can I and he`s likely to be there for a number of days. There have been 2 deaths on the ward since yesterday and he isn`t able to sleep and is struggling to rest because he has to stay sitting up in order to breathe. They can`t move him elsewhere because he`s contagious so he has to stay put and is surrounded by other very sick covid patients. If anybody thinks this virus is nothing more than a cold or something not to take seriously then they need to see a previously physically fit 45 year old man who is now unable to talk, breathe or walk and think again.
Thx for the update. What a nightmare. Hopefully because he is younger and fitter your son will slowly recover. Take care of yourself. Best wishes
I was wondering if anyone has seen anything from Vienna about her son who was so poorly over Christmas?

They have been in my thoughts and maybe I've missed something Vienna posted.

If not maybe when/if you read this you could maybe send a prayer or positive thought their way.
Hi SS thanks for asking. My son was sent home from hospital yesterday but is still far from 100% well. On a ward full of very sick people he was considered less sick than others because the treatment he received helped to ease his symptoms. They`ve referred him to the pneumonia clinic, will contact the Army doctor and he has to return to hospital straight away if his breathing deteriorates to the point it was before. He`s still coughing, still breathless but not as badly and feels like he`s been run over by a truck. He was in hospital all over Christmas and he said nurses and Doctors were so thin on the ground they were run ragged and there were some very very sick people on the ward and 2 deaths whilst he was there, one of them in the next bed. He was SO glad to get home even though he`s still poorly and he was unable to have visitors, most of the other patients were much older than him and everybody on the ward were too ill to converse with each other mainly because they were all on drips or oxygen or both. His wife is watching him like a hawk and I spoke to him via a video call and he looks pale, washed out and not a well man. I really feel he should still be in hospital.
Hi SS thanks for asking. My son was sent home from hospital yesterday but is still far from 100% well. On a ward full of very sick people he was considered less sick than others because the treatment he received helped to ease his symptoms. They`ve referred him to the pneumonia clinic, will contact the Army doctor and he has to return to hospital straight away if his breathing deteriorates to the point it was before. He`s still coughing, still breathless but not as badly and feels like he`s been run over by a truck. He was in hospital all over Christmas and he said nurses and Doctors were so thin on the ground they were run ragged and there were some very very sick people on the ward and 2 deaths whilst he was there, one of them in the next bed. He was SO glad to get home even though he`s still poorly and he was unable to have visitors, most of the other patients were much older than him and everybody on the ward were too ill to converse with each other mainly because they were all on drips or oxygen or both. His wife is watching him like a hawk and I spoke to him via a video call and he looks pale, washed out and not a well man. I really feel he should still be in hospital.
Aww Vienna what a horrible thing for your family to go through.

Some years ago I became a Reiki master, though I've never really put it into practice I would be happy to send healing energy to your son if you would like...some people say it can help and some say it's nonsense, my thinking is it can't do any harm.

When you get time let me know if you would like that, absolutely no offence taken if it's not your cup of tea.

Sending huge hugs x
I'm very sorry to hear about your son, Vienna.

I'd read a while ago about the power of prayer being a strange thing as even non-religious people sending good wishes as a group helps people recover better/quicker. Susie's offer is very kind - I don't 'believe' in it as the cynic in me can't see how it works, yet somehow it works for many people.

It's when you hear about someone you 'know' being so ill it brings home what a nasty and unpredictable thing this virus is.
A lot of people dismiss alternative therapies but I always remember a friend's toddler who was losing weight with severe vomiting that flummoxed the specialists. As a last resort she took her son to a Reiki healer who said he was too small to be worked on directly so she held my friend's hand. There was a burning sensation which disappeared as they held hands - and so did the vomiting. Strange but true. We don't know everything.
Lovely to hear from you Vienna as we’ve all thought about your family over the past few days.

It will be a long haul and on one hand it’s frightening him not being in hospitawith everything to hand but at home he is away from all the other infections.

I assume he has immediate access to the army doctors which is better than many depending on GPs who seem to have gone into hibernation.

Make sure you keep yourself and hubby safe .
Thanks SS. I`m afraid I`m totally in the dark about Reiki and know nothing at all about it but all good vibes are gratefully received whatever their mode. Much appreciated.

So pleased your son is home, I can’t even begin to imagine how terrified you must have all been, still are. Sending my love and I pray that your son is back to full health soon and that 2021 is a much better year, for your son, your family and all of us......much love 🙏❤️ xx
Very best wishes to you all Vienna, can’t imagine your stress levels through this.

I had an Indian head massage, felt intense heat and icy coldness throughout, ended up with very greasy hair but extremely chilled like floating afterwards and slept like a log that night. Fabulous!

And very best wishes to my fellow forumites. Let’s hope Happy New Year means just that 🤞🥂
Vienna, I'm relieved that your son is home & even though he's obviously shattered the follow up plan sounds excellent &, as LATI said, he's away from any other infections. Our confidence gets a severe blow at times like these, & you've had more than your fair share over the past couple of years; I'm sure that your lovely husband is a tower of strength for you & your family.
I’m in Northants, right on the Bedfordshire border. On Boxing Day we moved from tier 2 into tier 3, and six days later we’re in tier 4 although our infection rate isn’t bad. According to our local news any increase has been attributed to people in higher tiers deciding to come to the area to go shopping in our new retail centre. Why don’t people follow the rules??

An A&E consultant was on Five Live this morning and got it “spot on.” The virus isn’t to blame ...... it’s the people. If only the ignorant or complacent people would wear masks, keep to social distancing and wash their hands, all of which are very easy to do, then people like Vienna’s family and thousands of others wouldn‘t be going through this dreadful time.

My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered, or is suffering, during this dreadful pandemic.

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