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Moronic behaviour is so easy to spot when we are sensitized to it as we all are at present.
It isn't just in the UK, but reports of selfish behaviour abroad seems to be, inevitably, followed by the words "including Britons". They are a disgrace, imo.
It is getting to the stage where they need to be arrested and prosecuted, not just fined, as some seem to be persistent and hardened covid-breachers!!
I find if I wash the lenses of my glasses using washing up liquid it helps to stop them steaming up. Talking of disposable masks, I am appalled at the number of them that are just thrown down in the street. Since lockdown last March I have been walking every day, weather permitting, and am shocked and disgusted. The supermarket car parks and around the schools seem to be the worst. I’ve even seen them inside our local Aldi, just discarded on the floor in the packing area. What on earth is wrong with people?
They're the ones who obviously aren't keeping their hands clean.
I do not know if it is the strain of yet another lockdown but some people seem to have thrown caution to the wind.Does stay at home mean get in your car and start travelling up and down the country?It is an insult to those who are abiding by the rules in consideration of others.One word for much of this , selfishness.
I do not know if it is the strain of yet another lockdown but some people seem to have thrown caution to the wind.Does stay at home mean get in your car and start travelling up and down the country?It is an insult to those who are abiding by the rules in consideration of others.One word for much of this , selfishness.
Those who are selfish will be like that in every situation. The politicians & boffins have given out so many mixed messages, come up too many slogans & lied on numerous occasions which has made a large percentage of people switch off. The statistics appear to be alarming & there have been 2.5 million cases, even though we know that these are positive results from a less than reliable testing system, so out of a population of nearly 68 million there are going to be many who don't know anyone affected by covid, especially if their family, friends, neighbours don't have children who've brought it out of school or are in the known risk groups, consequently they feel immune. Between the two of us we must know several hundred people, obviously we're not in daily contact with the majority but there's a spider's web linking us & in that sizeable group I still only know of two people who have caught it, one at the very beginning who became ill on her Spanish holiday & someone who went into hospital with a heart issue, tested negative on arrival & became while on the ward. We've followed the rules, even the ones laid down by our older daughter meaning I still haven't met my granddaughter & we'll continue to do this because we want life to resume & the country to get up from its knees & start to function - these stop/start shutdowns are causing untold damage to every aspect of life, now & for years to come. Those who aren't complying need to be dealt with, personally I'd take away the driving licences of those who are travelling long distances for a day out & fine them heavily as well. Phew.
A work colleague was tested positive and another’s sister tested positive just before Christmas so it’s never very far away.

My best friend is a senior manager in NHS and deals with all the reports and statistics for Covid. She has stopped calling or standing on the doorstep fully masked whereas during earlier lockdowns she visited within the rules - now this has made me very anxious as she obviously has access to information which has changed her actions.
It does bring it home ... my niece by
Marriage is 18 and caught it. My hubby’s sister told only him ( nobody has been near eachother In the family for a long time ) they are close .. she was very upset and didn’t want to tell my mum and dad inlaw and kept it quiet Incase they found out as they would have been frantic .. ( in their 80s and health issues. They would have been so upset to hear it.) However she was fine .. a bit of a loss of taste and smell but nothing drastic afterwards .. she isolated in the hoise and nobody else caught it . She is not a sociable girl very shy, so it’s not like she went out with loads of friends. she caught it at school and my sis inlaw thinks she caught it from her teacher who was not far from her desk. ... We just need to be very very cautious as we all know anyway.. so many people just don’t get it ... they stand right next to you outside .. less likely to get it but it’s still not worth the risk .. Take care all of you
I think we can look at New Zealand, which locked down early, and hard...and banned travel in or out...and enforced quarantine effectively, to see how you can return to normal without a vaccine.
They took it seriously, having been much closer to previous pandemics. They had short term pain and have managed a return to every day freedoms we all long for. It helps, no doubt, that they are fairly isolated by geography, but also by having a government that faced up to what needed to be done without having to be dragged to the brink of disaster.
We can all be wise after the event, I know, and they made some mistakes along the way...but their strategy means they are not facing the huge strains on society most western countries are facing now. It doesn't harm that they are entering summer right now, of course.

I am limiting how often I go out where there are other people, and sanitizing stuff even more than before. Basically acting like we are all infected and infectious is the way to go.
Yes I have seen discarded masks on the floor in my local Lidl, and so many older folk wearing masks as a chin hammock! Why ffs?! Its meant to cover the nose and mouth not just your chin and I don't believe that half the people that aren't wearing them are excluded for good reason, if people aren't challenged or have to have some sort of evidence they can't wear one then a lot of the public just won't and don't bother, makes my blood boil
I wear a visor as I have nerve damage to my face that masks and the elastic irritate and sets off a very painful bout of pain that I have to take very strong medication to resolve over several days. Believe me, I’ve tried every mask fabric going but the nature of my condition is just too sensitive for contact. I also have asthma, double whammy. I get stares in my visor probably by people thinking it’s useless and I’m putting them at risk but I have no choice. I’m at risk too. Silent conditions come in many forms, mine puts me to bed until it’s under control.
There's no knowing how when or where or even if anyone has caught Covid-19 or how badly they'll be affected. My daughter's partner had a mild dose of the virus. My daughter was asymptomatic, stayed inside 2 weeks but was okay. The only place they could have caught it was the supermarket. I suspect we've both had it after a hospital visit in March though nobody was being tested at that time - we both had a cough, I had a slight temperature, lost my sense of smell and felt rough enough to stay in bed for 2 days. A few months later I had another slight cough with extreme exhaustion - was this long covid/something else? The covid test then was negative. Who knows? Whatever it was, we both survived, but there's no telling how it will affect anyone.
There's no knowing how when or where or even if anyone has caught Covid-19 or how badly they'll be affected. My daughter's partner had a mild dose of the virus. My daughter was asymptomatic, stayed inside 2 weeks but was okay. The only place they could have caught it was the supermarket. I suspect we've both had it after a hospital visit in March though nobody was being tested at that time - we both had a cough, I had a slight temperature, lost my sense of smell and felt rough enough to stay in bed for 2 days. A few months later I had another slight cough with extreme exhaustion - was this long covid/something else? The covid test then was negative. Who knows? Whatever it was, we both survived, but there's no telling how it will affect anyone.
Yes, this is it. You can be on paper vulnerable and sail through...or low risk and have a battle to get through.
Generalised information about statistical likelihood of getting it badly cannot take into account all the specifics of each person's genetics.
I think many of us suspect we might have had it, but we will never know for certain as, to date, no antibody test has proven reliable (accurate) enough for widespread use. Plus there is a time window for when any test might pick up antibodies at all.
There is no plan to test for antibodies, that I am aware of, prior to vaccination. With all we are learning, they are still not sure having it offers prolonged immunity.
Once those of us who are willing to have the vaccine are jabbed, I think the pharmaceutical companies will need to get cracking on new vaccines to deal with future mutations that could get around the existing vaccines. I'd expect that versions of covid will be with us for some years in some form...but the vaccine should take the sting out of it for some time.

LIAM, it sounds awful, what you have to go through, but you are a perfect example of finding a way to comply with the regulations 👍🤗
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I haven’t noticed any face masks littering the pavements round here, thank goodness. Mind you our London supermarkets aren’t exactly blessed with car parks and many people have to go back on the bus so need to keep the masks on. Either that or I am even more oblivious to what is going on than usual.
I wear a visor as I have nerve damage to my face that masks and the elastic irritate and sets off a very painful bout of pain that I have to take very strong medication to resolve over several days. Believe me, I’ve tried every mask fabric going but the nature of my condition is just too sensitive for contact. I also have asthma, double whammy. I get stares in my visor probably by people thinking it’s useless and I’m putting them at risk but I have no choice. I’m at risk too. Silent conditions come in many forms, mine puts me to bed until it’s under control.

Have you thought of just using a face covering under your mask for when you might get confronted? We used to used soft knitted neck-warmers/snoods under our motorbike helmets. I still had them so pulled them out for my OH to use when he was out shopping back in February before we got masks and a regular delivery slot.

They're very comfy and don't restrict so they probably wouldn't stop you from catching anything but at least no one would be able to cause a scene.

I'm asthmatic and had no problem wearing them and as they're now out again, I'm wearing them around the house to keep warm. I'm even pulling them up over my nose to keep that warm (I'm trying to save money on the heating bills - I look like a padded vegan Eskimo!).
Have you thought of just using a face covering under your mask for when you might get confronted? We used to used soft knitted neck-warmers/snoods under our motorbike helmets. I still had them so pulled them out for my OH to use when he was out shopping back in February before we got masks and a regular delivery slot.

They're very comfy and don't restrict so they probably wouldn't stop you from catching anything but at least no one would be able to cause a scene.

I'm asthmatic and had no problem wearing them and as they're now out again, I'm wearing them around the house to keep warm. I'm even pulling them up over my nose to keep that warm (I'm trying to save money on the heating bills - I look like a padded vegan Eskimo!).
My condition is trigeminal neuralgia, the immediate contact of anything on my face can set it off. It’s called the suicide disease. Life is lived to avoid it kicking off.
My condition is trigeminal neuralgia, the immediate contact of anything on my face can set it off. It’s called the suicide disease. Life is lived to avoid it kicking off.
That is an awful condition; my parents had a friend who suffered with it, he said the pain took him over completely & he was the first adult I saw crying when he was visiting us & had an attack. That was in the late 1960s & he had pioneering surgery that he knew would mean losing the feeling on one side of his face, something he cheerfully accepted because he was free from pain. I can understand that you do everything to minimise a flare up. Not every condition is visible 💐
My condition is trigeminal neuralgia, the immediate contact of anything on my face can set it off. It’s called the suicide disease. Life is lived to avoid it kicking off.
I rather thought that was what it was from your description, LIAM.
Any kind of nerve pain is horrendous and extremely difficult to get relief from, as so few pain meds can reach it.
Good on you for finding a way to keep yourself and others protected while keeping away from awful pain.
My condition is trigeminal neuralgia, the immediate contact of anything on my face can set it off. It’s called the suicide disease. Life is lived to avoid it kicking off.
Same here LIaM, very hard to wear masks. I have atypical TN, hubby does most of the shopping and I go out for short stints with mask on. Earlyish stages of TN for me so fullest sympathies, dreading it getting worse.

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