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Those that cannot wear masks for health or mental health reason could wear a screen visor, plenty of people do ! at least it would be some protection for the rest of us. I have also thought of investing in those perspex see through masks that we saw worn by spectators on Strictly, they seem to be a good answer to to those who lip read.

Alto Ego
"I got so ****** annoyed by Dr Hilary telling us all we didn't need masks when it's not ****** rocket science that we do. Every bit helps STOP THE SPREAD even if it doesn't protect us completely. If you have it you're spreading it when you talk, cough and even breathe, symptoms or not. If we'd been made to wear homemade coverings from the start and that was being properly enforced some people who are no longer with us, still seriously ill or have long-term problems may have been spared catching it in the first place.

Now, of course, Dr ****** Hilary is telling us all we must wear masks..."

Did I read that Dr '******' Hilary has been given an award in the New Years Honours ?
Those that cannot wear masks for health or mental health reason could wear a screen visor, plenty of people do ! at least it would be some protection for the rest of us. I have also thought of investing in those perspex see through masks that we saw worn by spectators on Strictly, they seem to be a good answer to to those who lip read.

Alto Ego
"I got so ****** annoyed by Dr Hilary telling us all we didn't need masks when it's not ****** rocket science that we do. Every bit helps STOP THE SPREAD even if it doesn't protect us completely. If you have it you're spreading it when you talk, cough and even breathe, symptoms or not. If we'd been made to wear homemade coverings from the start and that was being properly enforced some people who are no longer with us, still seriously ill or have long-term problems may have been spared catching it in the first place.

Now, of course, Dr ****** Hilary is telling us all we must wear masks..."

Did I read that Dr '******' Hilary has been given an award in the New Years Honours ?
He was given it in the delayed birthday honours which were announced in October
I find the disposable ones from boots very comfortable at the ears , even my hairdresser commented on them and she had been dealing with customers wearing just about every type available.
I agree about the ear loops. Unfortunately I find the front unforgiving, and the wire at the nose does no better job than my cloth masks at allowing me to wear my glasses and see.
I find if I wash the lenses of my glasses using washing up liquid it helps to stop them steaming up. Talking of disposable masks, I am appalled at the number of them that are just thrown down in the street. Since lockdown last March I have been walking every day, weather permitting, and am shocked and disgusted. The supermarket car parks and around the schools seem to be the worst. I’ve even seen them inside our local Aldi, just discarded on the floor in the packing area. What on earth is wrong with people?
Yes I have seen discarded masks on the floor in my local Lidl, and so many older folk wearing masks as a chin hammock! Why ffs?! Its meant to cover the nose and mouth not just your chin and I don't believe that half the people that aren't wearing them are excluded for good reason, if people aren't challenged or have to have some sort of evidence they can't wear one then a lot of the public just won't and don't bother, makes my blood boil
A local optician keeps advertising a coating on your specs to stop the misting up. Anyone tried it?

I use a product called Fog-X. It'll pop up if you search Rain-X (another fave. I used to use both on my motorbike visor. They work well on just about everything from the shaving mirror in the shower to keeping my headlights free of muck in the winter.

It'll probably be cheaper for a larger bottle than the optician's stuff.
Yes I have seen discarded masks on the floor in my local Lidl, and so many older folk wearing masks as a chin hammock! Why ffs?! Its meant to cover the nose and mouth not just your chin and I don't believe that half the people that aren't wearing them are excluded for good reason, if people aren't challenged or have to have some sort of evidence they can't wear one then a lot of the public just won't and don't bother, makes my blood boil

Spot on. For the chin hammock thing and the entitled people who think they're special for getting away with using them.

I particularly don't understand the chin hammocks as wearing them like this must hurt ears even more.

Unfortunately, it's a bit of a problem challenging people these days though I have no idea why. Many Blue Badge holders say they'd get upset if asked to show their photo on the back. Again, why? I'd have no problem showing mine. Maybe the people objecting are the ones lending their BBs to their families and know they'll be fined and lose them if they're caught. I also wonder if these are the same people moaning about able-bodied people taking up BB spaces.

The exemptions will be a moot point after vaccinations are completed I suppose but until then my irritation at these entitled/stupid people will continue to make my blood boil, as will the lazy f***wits that litter their masks everywhere.

Oh, before I forget, Boots sell masks with the soft ear loops that my neighbour (who very kindly does bits of shopping that I can't get delivered - there are still some lovely people out there, even on my street!) says are much more comfortable than normal ones. She has both types but saves the soft looped ones for longer use. She also rotates the very short-use ones by hanging them up to dry out and 'de-contaminate' in her conservatory for a fortnight. The CDC apparently recommended this to hospital staff when there were mask shortages. Another friend bought a UV light baby sterilising box that she puts her mask/phone/keys in when she gets home.
Yes I have seen discarded masks on the floor in my local Lidl, and so many older folk wearing masks as a chin hammock! Why ffs?! Its meant to cover the nose and mouth not just your chin and I don't believe that half the people that aren't wearing them are excluded for good reason, if people aren't challenged or have to have some sort of evidence they can't wear one then a lot of the public just won't and don't bother, makes my blood boil
I went to the Post Office earlier, it was snowing heavily & as one flake puts me into a mood by the time I'd walked through the blizzard I was dead grumpy. There was an elderly lady in the queue who was wearing hers under her chin & hacking a Capstan Extra Strength cough, she got told by several people, including me, that she needed to get herself sorted. I've had enough of the shambolic approach to this situation & if I see someone who isn't following the rules, whatever their age, I now give my opinion, my Mr T says I'll either get arrested or beaten up!
I've emailed Hand2coq many time asking why disposable masks aren't classed as bio hazard waste & the risks they pose just being thrown away with the household rubbish. I've also added that they are a danger to wildlife & pets, I haven't received a reply.
Not to mention the scum who discard their used masks in the supermarket car park or even in their trolley 😱🤬

I went to the Post Office earlier, it was snowing heavily & as one flake puts me into a mood by the time I'd walked through the blizzard I was dead grumpy. There was an elderly lady in the queue who was wearing hers under her chin & hacking a Capstan Extra Strength cough, she got told by several people, including me, that she needed to get herself sorted. I've had enough of the shambolic approach to this situation & if I see someone who isn't following the rules, whatever their age, I now give my opinion, my Mr T says I'll either get arrested or beaten up!
I’m usually happy to challenge people in public if their behaviour is bothering me (I’m gentle !), but thus far I’ve held back from commenting on masks, distances etc.

But since 3 family members, all strong healthy 30 somethings, have been so ill with the virus, I have no tolerance of people who ignore the guidelines and I WILL be challenging. No more Mrs Nice Lady. I accept that I could receive negative feedback (verbal/physical) 😂😂😂

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