SBC Arnica Gel


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Hiya Bet yes I did get mine, I cant wait to get cracking with it and I'm going to use the arnica gel underneath:4: I hope you get it sorted and maybe they might let you keep the face cream:1:.

I've got terrble dark circles at the mo ... not iron deficient (had tests recently all came back showing no deficiencies) so must be cold I have and lack of sleep. Look like I've been punched, LOL! Anyway ... does this product say it's cruelty free on it anywhere? Am interested in it but not sure what's in it exactly.

I've got terrble dark circles at the mo ... not iron deficient (had tests recently all came back showing no deficiencies) so must be cold I have and lack of sleep. Look like I've been punched, LOL! Anyway ... does this product say it's cruelty free on it anywhere? Am interested in it but not sure what's in it exactly.


Hi cupcake the packaging says "Free of parabens, fragrances,artificial colour, mineral oil, petroleum and animal products. The company who makes it is I just checked their website and it says Cruelty Free Not Tested On Animals:). I used it last night with SBC Arnica Gel underneath, I woke up and I didn't have puffiness but the dark circles are the same but I suppose after one night it's too soon to tell and I have to say I am not feeling great with the antibiotics I'm taking so I don't suppose that's helping matters either, HTH:).
Hi I,m on antibiotics as well, make you feel rubbish don't they? I was getting dark circles but since I've been using Lulu's Time Bomb eye cream ( I brought the TSV ) they have gone. you can use it as many times a day as you like and over make up too. Might be worth a try you can always send it back unless you think you might get one of QVC's nastie letters re returns. lol
Hiya Bet yes I did get mine, I cant wait to get cracking with it and I'm going to use the arnica gel underneath:4: I hope you get it sorted and maybe they might let you keep the face cream:1:.

I had an email straight back from them...very apologetic and you were right, they said to keep the cream. They wanted to know what the initials of the packer were but I think it was the woman who actually emailed me (ooops :8:)

Another is in the post to me but too late for me to take away sadly. Sticking with the Arnica on its own till it gets here though.

Not yet Momad but will give it a go after the weekend as I am going away and have half of the nations total stock of creams, gels, lotions and potions packed as it is. It does say that it will give me a smoother, more youthful looking complexion and will revitalize my aging skin so I am looking forward to appearing 20 years old again!:54:

Did you get a sample pack of some sort of tablets? Havent opened mine but it says ....serving suggestion 15-40 tablets a day (yes, that was FORTY) but they feel tiny through the pack. Im gonna look them up before I try them.

fabby victoria health

I Love victoria health - great items and service.

A tip - if you order again go to the beautybible website and click on the link there for victoria health - when the VH website opens via the beauty bible one you'll see it says affiliate (?sp) at the top and you'll get a further 5% off your order - all adds up.

I buy my iron supplement off them and my john masters hair stuff and they are fab - you get free p+p too and its generally really quick.

If i ever want anything i tend to always see if VH have it first.
Thanks for that Lady Tia. Is the John Master hair stuff any goof for over coloured/over straightened hair do you happen to know? I got a really nice set off a shopping channel, think it was Ideal World but I wont buy from them again and cant find it at a reasonable price anywhere else. Am using Ojon at the mo which I do like but sometimes want a change.

Ohhhhh where you off to Bet? somewhere nice I hope:1: I got a sample bottle of a cleanser with mine.

You got a the correct eye cream AND a sample cleaner and I got the wrong stuff and some dodgy Imp tablets that you apparently need 40 of per day to have any effect!!!! Some favoritism going on here methinks!!!:20:

I am now in Kent visiting friends and relations Momad. Going to Canterbury very soon to do a bit of shopping :D

Thanks for that Lady Tia. Is the John Master hair stuff any goof for over coloured/over straightened hair do you happen to know? I got a really nice set off a shopping channel, think it was Ideal World but I wont buy from them again and cant find it at a reasonable price anywhere else. Am using Ojon at the mo which I do like but sometimes want a change.


You are welcome. I have virgin hair - no colour or straightening etc so don't know how the John Masters works for coloured hair etc. I actually only use the sea mist to boost my curls and love it but I do think I wouldn't buy the whole range as its quite dear.

Mind you if you do fancy trying it victoria health do take things back within 14days if they don't suit -they are very good.

Alternatively, I don't have coloured hair but love this new range. You know how Louise Galvin does the sacred locks range and its quite expensive well that's aimed at coloured hiar. She does a range avaialble in Tesco (and waitrose I think) called Natural locks and currently its £6.00 a bottle, she does a mask too - i'm very impressed with it so that might be worth a go and no chemical nasties in it either.

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