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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I had an email from Q today about the Clickfree TSV I was in the process of ordering but then got distracted and forgot all about it.

Here are bits of the email ........

The heading was


Hi, thanks for visiting us at recently. We noticed that you put some items in your shopping basket but didn't place an order in the end. Whether you got distracted, got cut off or got cold feet, we just wanted to let you know that if you decide you would like to order them, there's still time!

Clickfree C2 1TB Auto Backup Hard Drive for PC & Mac w/ Case & Cloud Storage

There was then a button to ORDER NOW

All the above implies to me that I can still order at the TSV price, but when I tried it, it was at the normal price, a lot higher than the TSV price.

I will ring CS to find out more about this. If I can't get it at the TSV price then the email is very misleading.
Rang CS and was told that the TSV price would NOT apply.

I asked for this to be reported up their management chain and requested a callback, as I said I was thinking about reporting it to Trading Standards as misleading advertising.
I think they'll get zero sales on items that were at a TSV or OTO price using this approach, apart form the annoyance factor! If someone changed their mind at a limited-time low price, they're not going to be tempted a day or two later to snap it up at a higher price FFS! And as you say, Strato, it's misleading!

Now if they had any sense they'd chase up TSVs that weren't checked out on the day and offer to let the buyer complete the order at the TSV price...they'd get a couple more sales and potentially shift TSV stock that might otherwise end up in Last Clicks AND...we'd be posting here about how great QVC is! Sometimes I add an item to my basket and get called away and forget to pay for it and if I missed a TSV in this way I'd welcome a second chance.

Be interesting to hear what the say.
I had an email from Q today about the Clickfree TSV I was in the process of ordering but then got distracted and forgot all about it.

Here are bits of the email ........

The heading was


Hi, thanks for visiting us at recently. We noticed that you put some items in your shopping basket but didn't place an order in the end. Whether you got distracted, got cut off or got cold feet, we just wanted to let you know that if you decide you would like to order them, there's still time!

Clickfree C2 1TB Auto Backup Hard Drive for PC & Mac w/ Case & Cloud Storage

There was then a button to ORDER NOW

All the above implies to me that I can still order at the TSV price, but when I tried it, it was at the normal price, a lot higher than the TSV price.

I will ring CS to find out more about this. If I can't get it at the TSV price then the email is very misleading.

Nothing to me in the email suggests you can buy at the price you put it in your 'basket'. Lots of companies send follow up emails if you haven't completed the check-out process, certainly I've had those emails from Amazon as well as QVC. Nothing the in emails from either company refer to the price you'll pay.
The "Pick up where you left off" indicates exactly that, surely? You left it at TSV price, so it's stating you can complete the transaction at TSV price.

No doubt in my mind it's intentionally misleading. It relies on the customer to remember the TSV price & not blithely click to buy at the new price.
More inept than diceptive?

I'm not sure QVC are deliberately trying to mislead; their web build team seem to be lead by what they've seen done on other sites which they then try to incorporate without really thinking through all eventualities or the logistics which and QVC the company can't handle.

There email reminders work best on sites where an item stays in your basket even after logging out and closing that session. but QVC's baskets empty after 30 mins (is it?) so it's nonsense sending these reminders out to my mind.

My other suggested upgrade would be to combine the wish list items with those "save for later" - these just stay for a short time listed below you empty shopping cart. I'd probably take action if the website emailed me to say that an item in my wish list had been reduced in price. Stuff that I've decided not to buy I've usually done so for a reason, whereas by targeting people's wish list they might just tempt someone to buy an item that's already caught their eye.
I get those emails all the time because I tend to put items in the basket whilst I find out about price, size colours etc and then either don't bother or the time slot expires.

If they would give me the items which are on wait list for weeks and weeks instead of this sort of crap it would fit them better.
Yes, it was the PICK UP WHERE YOU LEFT OFF that implied I could just complete the purchase from my basket at £79 and not at the current £98.

There has been a resolution now, and I will give more details when I get chance.

PS all colours are now on wait list
Talking of items in baskets..............
I was amazed to hear Catherine, during a Jewellery Outlet show yesterday, make a statement "if you are shopping online and have put an item in your basket that you don't intend to buy please RELEASE it now" or words to that effect.
Have never heard a presenter say anything remotely like this in all my long long years of foolishly spending my hard earned cash with these people.

Mind you she was rambling on and on and on about all manner of interesting* topics.

*interesting to Catherine herself that is.
2 people did ring me back.

If I understood them correctly, the "carry on where you left off" was supposed to let me buy it at the price in my basket ie the TSV price. However, because of errors in their website, it doesn't work!

They arranged manually for me to get it at the TSV price.

I have 3 clickfrees already, my first was only 160GB, which is full. Even my 500GB is nearly full, so I need a bigger one.

But I don't think the Koboodle thing will be any use to me as I have a slow internet, and putting all my pics up to the cloud would use about 6 months worth of my monthly allowance.

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