Sarah Chapman Skinesis *blows a long wet raspberry*


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Well I can categorically say that Sarah Chapmans skincare range is unequivocally the best that I have ever used!

So much so that my beautician has commented!

At least Sarah is an expert, and a highly respected one at that, in her field........

A damn sight more that can be said for the likes of Lulu, Judith Williamson et al who are simply prostituting their names in order to make a few quid in a very lucrative market
Well I can categorically say that Sarah Chapmans skincare range is unequivocally the best that I have ever used!

So much so that my beautician has commented!

At least Sarah is an expert, and a highly respected one at that, in her field........

A damn sight more that can be said for the likes of Lulu, Judith Williamson et al who are simply prostituting their names in order to make a few quid in a very lucrative market

It's fab when you find products you love, so I'm really happy for you hon, but having finally found out what the ingredients are, I won't be using them.

No disrespect to your choice of skincare - but this is how I feel.

I was initially interested in the line because they say they don't use parabens and because Sarah Chapman has such a great reputation as a skin expert.

That's why I'm having trouble understanding why somebody who understands skin would put so much mineral oil, silicone, fragrance, well known irritants and other ingredients which can be problematic for skin in their products.

Does she genuinely believe that mineral oil, silicone and fragrance are beneficial for people's skin?

If she does, then she's not much of a skin expert.

If not, then why are they there in such large quantities?

Does she even know what's in the products she's touting?

Maybe she's another one who's just prostituting her name?

And who is Judith Williams anyway? I've never ever heard of her except on QVC.
Thanks for your hard work, Love A'kin, Ally & Mally ! :clapping:
You really are a gem ! :flower:

I'm sure there are lots of people looking for SC's ingredients that haven't had the time or even half your tenacity. :up2:

Good luck on your mission ! :wink2:

Thanks hon,

I know I've gone off the deep end a little bit.:eek:

I just think people should be able to find out what's in something before they put it on their skin, and Sarah Chapman Skinesis are going out of their way to make it very hard to find the details out.

I believe that people are being misled by their focus on the "High Performance Actives" and the alphabetized Glossary of Ingredients.

There's no mention of any of the the real "nasties" they use like PEG-4 which nobody should ever put on their skin in my opinion. It's been proven unsafe on damaged skin, so it shouldn't be used on any area where you do hair removal, exfoliate or might get spots. Or might be scratched by a small child or pet.

And I had to get the ingredients copied and enlarged in order to read them because of the teeny tiny print in pale grey ink on white shiny paper. They didn't do that by accident did they?

Anyway, cheers for the support, my lovely. :flower: All the ingredients lists have been transcribed now so I'll be able to spend my month off spreading the word! :D

I'm not able to edit my huge long ingredients post so I'll put all the addiitional info about each ingredient in a word document and post it again.
I wonder if that's why she fired so many lots of chemists while making this line - maybe they didn't want to put such ingredients in ! Just goes to show you - and how many times has AY gone apoplectic when talking about mineral oils? She is just another salesperson now - she may have started out with lofty ideals but that's gone out the window now, sadly. I used to trust her but not now.
I know. I'm really disappointed in AY.

I guess she rationalises it that there are still a lot of people who aren't interested in ingredients and prefer to take each product line on face value, try it out with their 30 Day MBG and if they like using it, and feel it has beneficial effects then that's all that matters.
I wonder if that's why she fired so many lots of chemists while making this line - maybe they didn't want to put such ingredients in !

That did kind of put me off the woman when she was smugly spouting on QVC, about how she'd fired 3 teams of chemists (after they'd told her there were too many ingredients in the products or something!) & then she'd found a team in the States or whatever who were prepared to give it a go! (Take her money & run laughing all the way to the bank more like! lol)
wow, she actually said she'd fired three teams of chemists?! i DON'T THINK THAT'S ANYTHING TO BRAG ABOUT AND IT CERTAINLY WOULDN'T MAKE ME THINK SHE WAS DOING IT FOR MY BENEFIT (sorry, caps came on!). Unless she has a degree in chemistry herself (and I don't think she does) then shouldn't she listen to those who are actually qualified in these areas and take their advice on board?!

The more I hear about other brands the more I'm liking my A'kin. I may be naive in thinking that they are as holier than thou as they say they are but I'm having great results, the ingrediants are readily available to view and the prices are good.

And yes, it bothers me so much that AY will be horrified one day about the inclusion of say SLS in a product, then the next day extoll the virtues of the lovely bubbles you get form Philosophy, all created thanks to SLS! Make up your mind woman, otherwise we will believe nothing you say! (not that i do anymore, she's a sales woman, nothing more, her 'expertise' is completely out of date).

i know this is a controversial subject - a lot of people swear by products that include some pretty strong chemicals and others are convinced that these chemicals cause more problems than good. I am not in a position to say which argument is correct, but part of what is irritating is that the Sarah Chapman range was sold (to me at least) as a range that included only high performance ingredients and nothing else. I don't have an issue with a product that includes chemicals, but I do if it suggests that it is one thing but is actually another...I am now worried that the whole range has the same issues....if anyone could check I would be very very grateful!!!
RedT - do you have 'dry' skin? I wouldn't mind trying the A'kin but we are all (bar one of us!) more prone to oily skin, so not sure if suitable? We mainly use LE as it doesn't irritate any of our super-sensitive skin - have to be careful with that & one of the DDs is currently sporting big red sore patches (look like burns!) where she foolishly used a supermarket shower gel! :(
RedT - do you have 'dry' skin? I wouldn't mind trying the A'kin but we are all (bar one of us!) more prone to oily skin, so not sure if suitable? We mainly use LE as it doesn't irritate any of our super-sensitive skin - have to be careful with that & one of the DDs is currently sporting big red sore patches (look like burns!) where she foolishly used a supermarket shower gel! :(

Sorry to hi-jack this as I'm not Red-T but I use A'kin as well and have combi/dry skin. I've found that using the rose de mai day and lavender & rose night cream, the rose & geranium cleanser and the cellular radiance serum has improved my oily t-zone. I think you'd be fine with the rose de mai and the lavender & rose creams - they have a gel/cream type texture. The mosituriser for dry skin has a completely different texture (a thick/dense cream) and is actually too rich for me. I believe they also do a moisturiser in a pump that is specifically for oily/combi skin - and a cleanser for that skin type too. I don't think QVC sell those but mypure do.
#30 Thanks Cupcake!
We use LE C&P & IBST as it doesn't make us too oily but doesn't dry our oily skin out either, unlike the Gatineau Cleansing Cram for example, which leaves my skin feeling like parchment! :(

I have to be careful as DD gets breakouts if she reacts to things, whereas I build up allergies - over a week or several weeks usually & then......bang! Awful, so depressing if you thought you were getting on with something up until then!

I have been looking at a range our lovely JBD sells too but it takes me ages to build up the courage to try new things as although LE isn't 'perfect', at least I know I'm 'safe' with it! (I would like a bit more 'radiance' though, my skin always looks a bit dull tbh!)
i know this is a controversial subject - a lot of people swear by products that include some pretty strong chemicals and others are convinced that these chemicals cause more problems than good. I am not in a position to say which argument is correct, but part of what is irritating is that the Sarah Chapman range was sold (to me at least) as a range that included only high performance ingredients and nothing else. I don't have an issue with a product that includes chemicals, but I do if it suggests that it is one thing but is actually another...I am now worried that the whole range has the same issues....if anyone could check I would be very very grateful!!!

That's why I'm so cross I think. I was first attracted by the lack of parabens, SC's reputation and I loved the look of most of the High Performance Actives.

They banged on about the "high quality" ingredients of this scientific and botanical "luxury" brand and I thought it really sounded like my sort of thing. I don't mind paying high prices for a high quality product.

But it turns out to be full of silicones mineral oils, masking fragrances and known irritants, which I don't consider to be high quality or high tech - and certainly would be no good for my skin.

I'm going to post the Full Ingredients Listing for all the Sarah Chapman Skinesis products along with what each one means, but having given a quick glance at the transcripts the whole range seems to have very similar problematic ingredients. :angry:

We use A'kin and we all have oily spot prone skins.

The Shea Butter and Rosehip Moisturiser was a bit too moisturising for my face but worked on my neck, and everything else has been fine. I especially love the Rose & Geranium Cleanser.

I even use the Rosehip Oil - but in very small amounts. I think any skin has trouble accepting it if you slosh it on, but in small amounts it's been quite balancing on my complexion.

QVC do A'kin kits periodically at about the £18-£20 mark which are worth a try to see if you get on with the products.

I know what you mean about being frightened to try new things in case of what happens, but Liz Earle changed some of her formulas and that made me go looking for something better.

PS Melatogenine Cleanser is still in use in our house as a drying mask for the T zone! I wouldn't buy it, but I'm glad we found a use for it after my Mum passed it on to us.
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Love A'kin, thanks again. I have read this whole thread and could not understand why it would become so long - I thought you wanted the ingredients (but thought why - it is all good) and then thought you would get them and that would be it! How wrong was I? I am so glad you brought up this subject - like I say, I had just believed the whole sales pitch and thought there was nothing in there...I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention and helping me to realise that there is not only a lot more to it but a lot more that it is contrary to what they suggest. HUGE WELL DONE!!!
RedT - do you have 'dry' skin? I wouldn't mind trying the A'kin but we are all (bar one of us!) more prone to oily skin, so not sure if suitable? We mainly use LE as it doesn't irritate any of our super-sensitive skin - have to be careful with that & one of the DDs is currently sporting big red sore patches (look like burns!) where she foolishly used a supermarket shower gel! :(


I have combination skin and am defintiely prone to being oily especially in the summer. I was really reluctant to try the A'kin moisturisers and rosehip oil as I was sure they'd make me more oily but not at all. The Rosehip I only use in the winter as it is quite rich but if anything it has balanced my skin and I get fewer breakouts and dry patches than ever. The cream I got in the kit (Rosehip & Shea) is very rich but I use a small amount at night and I'm loving it! Again I thought it might be too rich for the summer but this crappy weather was driving my skin nuts and A'kin has really helped get it back on track. I just find the products very gentle and soothing, I think sometimes I over-do my skincare, trying to make my skin do things and it seems to be better for me to work with it instead and treat it kindly!!


I have combination skin and am defintiely prone to being oily especially in the summer. I was really reluctant to try the A'kin moisturisers and rosehip oil as I was sure they'd make me more oily but not at all. The Rosehip I only use in the winter as it is quite rich but if anything it has balanced my skin and I get fewer breakouts and dry patches than ever. The cream I got in the kit (Rosehip & Shea) is very rich but I use a small amount at night and I'm loving it! Again I thought it might be too rich for the summer but this crappy weather was driving my skin nuts and A'kin has really helped get it back on track. I just find the products very gentle and soothing, I think sometimes I over-do my skincare, trying to make my skin do things and it seems to be better for me to work with it instead and treat it kindly!!


Fear putting an oil based product on an oily skin is a very common one - but in fact many 'oily skin' preparations actually strip the skin of natural oils thus causing the skin to produce more. That is why oil based cleansers and balms and serums can and do actually work on an oily skin. The important thing is only use a little, warm it gently in your hands and apply it in soft patting motions over the face and neck.

On a slightly different, but similar theme, are those people who have dehydrated skin who think their skin is 'dry' - before anyone starts a new skincare regimen in the belief that their current one is not working, it is a good test to up your water intake to recommended levels for about a week to see if that makes a difference. The other thing to do is take an omega oils supplement - Victoria Health and Holland and Barrett do some good ones. This can also help oily skin as again it can act as a regulator.
The other thing to do is take an omega oils supplement - Victoria Health and Holland and Barrett do some good ones. This can also help oily skin as again it can act as a regulator.

I take these when my skin gets dehydrated/flaky (tends to happen on my body). Udo's Oil is great as is Viridian Beauty Oil. I stick it in smoothies when I can remember!

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