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Delighted to see her presenting Mally this morning, switched the telly straight off and headed to the gym! A much more constructive and money saving morning. Cheers Anne!
I don't particularly dislike AD and wouldn't want to pick her out in such a harsh way. In my opinion all shopping telly presenters are the same, in it for the hard sell and full of insincerity.
Ann Dawson looks like a rancid haggis that's been run over by a truck! She sounds like an out of tune accordion with a hole in the bellows. I wish they would shove her off onto the God Channel or whatever it's called these days.
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I have to agree with Julius she looks an absolute fright. I know it's a harsh thing to say but in a commercial sense why would you have someone selling anti ageing products who has aged so poorly? It just proves they don't work - I wouldn't waste my money on these 'preemyum' brands if AD is the best result I can expect. The same goes for hair care - it's not her fault her her is thinning but it just proves again the products don't work if you have real rather than imagined problems. I agree also she is the least professional of the bunch (and most of them are bl**dy awful) she always spends most of the allotted time carping on about herself and never gives full or useful product information. If I was in charge of the Q 're-organisation' she would have been the first out the door!
I recorded the 2 hour Mally show this morning and after reading this thread I was expecting Ann to be dreadful. However she has allowed Mally to not only speak, but take the lead. The show is informative and interesting. Ann made Mally (and me) laugh out loud by likening brows and lashes to socks in a washing machine as you get older. Am now halfway through the show and Ann has not talked about herself. If she has I didn't notice. An enjoyable show for me.
I think Ann Dawson is a smoker, and I am sure that is not good for ageing. I read somewhere that she has rosacea too, which is likely not her fault. I just find her whining a bit tedious. If they put Greenwood and Ballantyne out to pasture I don't see why they can't get rid of Dawson and Franks and get a Marverine style replacement, ie somebody that embodies elements of the two people being replaced. I bet they've saved loads by getting rid of Greenwood and Ballantyne and replacing them with Marverine! Let's imagine Greenwood was paid £100k and Ballantyne £120k, now they hire Marverine on £50k! Super saving! If Franks were paid £75kpa and Dawson £65kpa they could get in a youngish scottish woman or someone of Loose Women ilk - that kind of woman for about £60kpa.Carol McGiffin would be good! I used to like her show on LBC!
I think Ann Dawson is a smoker, and I am sure that is not good for ageing. I read somewhere that she has rosacea too, which is likely not her fault. I just find her whining a bit tedious. If they put Greenwood and Ballantyne out to pasture I don't see why they can't get rid of Dawson and Franks and get a Marverine style replacement, ie somebody that embodies elements of the two people being replaced. I bet they've saved loads by getting rid of Greenwood and Ballantyne and replacing them with Marverine! Let's imagine Greenwood was paid £100k and Ballantyne £120k, now they hire Marverine on £50k! Super saving! If Franks were paid £75kpa and Dawson £65kpa they could get in a youngish scottish woman or someone of Loose Women ilk - that kind of woman for about £60kpa.Carol McGiffin would be good! I used to like her show on LBC!

Me, me, me, I, I, I, I think this and I think that, really Julian such strong opinions and no facts. :cheeky:

For what its worth, I enjoy Ann's shows and would not like it if she was replaced, I would not like a Carol McGiffin 'type' on QVC as a presenter, yuck! the thought of it.
I like Anne too. I don't mind any of them that much and wouldn't like to see any of them out of a job, even if I didn't especially enjoy their presenting style.
Me, me, me, I, I, I, I think this and I think that, really Julian such strong opinions and no facts. :cheeky:

For what its worth, I enjoy Ann's shows and would not like it if she was replaced, I would not like a Carol McGiffin 'type' on QVC as a presenter, yuck! the thought of it.

The purpose of this forum is to share opinions and have discussion. Of course peoples' views will differ, and sometimes there will be more justification than other times. I am not writing a criticial essay or dissertation on Ann Dawson, merely giving my view of her. My view of her is no more definitive than your view and I do not ask any justifcations from you. She is not the worst, however is somewhat akin to a haggis that's well past its sell-by date! That is my opinion and I am allowed to say it, just as I feel that gaspy old Jill Franks is an insincere, unpleasant presenter, and that Debbie Greenwood was more saccharine than a bucketful of Hermasetas!

I realise that I may be a bit tabloid with my strident views but there you have it! I don't think people will want to read my 30,000 word analysis of Jill Franks's traits!
More people need to share opinions on here as it is getting very boring .

I'm sort of getting to the point where I can barely be bothered.

The forum is getting boring for me because it seems that some people only want to post or read negative - and sometimes downright nasty - comments.

So far this thread has asked for someone to be sacked, called AD a 'rancid haggis' and been generally nasty in comments... Yes, it's a forum and every opinion counts but the venom? Is that necessary?

Give a critique but no need to be quite so mean.... It's like being back at school watching a teenage gaggle sometimes.
The same goes for hair care - it's not her fault her her is thinning but it just proves again the products don't work if you have real rather than imagined problems.

Personally I don't think long hair is a good look for any older woman. It looks better on girls and younger woman. I love long hair but cut mine many years ago. There is nothing worse than following someone down the road who has long hair and wearing jeans and you automatically assume they are young. When they turn around they have a long fringe and a face full of wrinkles. The fringe just won't cover all the wrinkles.

Hair cuts please for all those with the long fringe and grown out bob. Here in France we can tell people's nationality without even hearing them speak. The Dutch have funny shoes and strange bicycles and English woman all have bobs (and very pale skin of course!).
Personally I don't think long hair is a good look for any older woman. It looks better on girls and younger woman. I love long hair but cut mine many years ago. There is nothing worse than following someone down the road who has long hair and wearing jeans and you automatically assume they are young. When they turn around they have a long fringe and a face full of wrinkles. The fringe just won't cover all the wrinkles.

Hair cuts please for all those with the long fringe and grown out bob. Here in France we can tell people's nationality without even hearing them speak. The Dutch have funny shoes and strange bicycles and English woman all have bobs (and very pale skin of course!).

So what is an 'older woman'? When should you go and have the chop?

I'm late 40s, have pale skin and a blonde bob... Perhaps I should stop going out in case I offend the locals!
So what is an 'older woman'? When should you go and have the chop?

I'm late 40s, have pale skin and a blonde bob... Perhaps I should stop going out in case I offend the locals!

I think most people know when a style doesn't suit them anymore. I just think some of the presenters could benefit with a restyle, especially as they are trying to sell hair products etc.

I think you are taking my observation about the pale skin and bob too seriously. My locals are mainly olive skin with dark hair and eyes.
But what is an 'older woman' and when do you think we should cut our hair and worry about wearing jeans in case we are mistaken for being 'young'?

I really don't know the answer and would hate to go out and cause offence.
Personally, I find the comments rather insulting regarding older women. I too would like to know the 'cut off' age as to when you must cut your hair and stop wearing jeans. I used to wear my hair long (grey) a few years ago but wore it in an 'up do' - then lost it all to chemo and I do now wear my hair short 'cos it's come through so fine, however, I do wear jeans - I'm 75 - perhaps I should be wearing a tweed shirt, thick stockings and lace up shoes. No thanks that's for old people. x
I remember suggesting to my Dad ( who was 87 at the time ) that he may like to join Age Concern. His reply was " no thank you, that`s for old people ! ". Now I`ve almost hit my 60`s I overheard someone recently discussing " an old lady " their words not mine, and they proceeded to say she was in her 60`s and I thought hey hang on 60`s aren`t old. There was a recent documentary about ladies in their 70`s, 80`s and 90`s who were called the " Fabulous Fashionistas " and some of these ladies wore bobs, were models, wore Doc Martins, worked in designer boutiques, were married to a much younger man and were renowned for sticking up 2 fingers to a fellow peer in the House of Lords amongst many other delights. Did I notice their wrinkles, did I notice their clothes, did I care they weren`t dressing as I would etc etc ? Like hell I didn`t. I noticed their zest for life, their positive attitude, their refusal to be placed in a particular box and their couldn`t give a damned what people thought attitude. Q presenters are like Marmite, love some, dislike some and to be honest I don`t care if they have presenters in their 30`s to 70`s but I do care what shines through when they present. If its greed, lack of knowledge, showing off, lying, big headedness etc then I don`t watch them. If they`re fun, interesting, informative and genuine, then I do. Whatever they look like !
My point only is that if someone is trying to sell you something, you are probably more likely to believe what they say if they are representative of that item, i.e. a manicurist with nice nails, not bitten ones; a make up artist with attractive make up etc.

There have been many comments on here about various presenters "look" and I just think that it influences whether you trust that person or not.
Yep I agree Holmca. I wouldn`t buy off a manicurist who bit their nails etc but some of the presenters are growing older and much like the rest of us are showing wrinkles, signs of ageing and so on but they are their own worst enemies when they openly lie about products. If they were realistic and said well look, this won`t knock years off you no more than it will knock years off me but it will do so and so, then they`d be more acceptable. But they`re in it to sell and when they make unrealistic claims and their faces obviously don`t backup those claims then they`ve opened themselves to negative comments. The recent Dr Perricone is a prime example, the claims made about these products just about stop short of saying they`re made by a God and can make you walk on water when we can all see Dr Perricone`s rep certainly doesn`t look 20 or anymore fantastic than someone using Nivea. There`s reality and theres shopping TV and often it`s never the twain shall meet and this is what I dislike, not the presenters faces or ages but the lies which spout from them and the misleading information. They can all dress as they please, style their hair as they please and have faces made up as they please as far as I`m concerned but let`s have some feet on the ground.

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