Sack dawbags


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Is there really a particular type of person who shops in one supermarket over another? Personally I find that bizarre, I shop based on convenience of the shop - Asda or Tesco because I can get to them from where I work, or local shop at the weekend. And going off at a tangent here, can anyone tell me why M&S or Waitrose food for example is often perceived as superior to other brands - why is their bag of carrots seen as superior to Asda's? It's a carrot, it came out the ground covered in mud, it tastes the same wherever you buy it as far as I'm concerned!

.... Because there not just any carrots there Marks and spencer's carrots :cheeky:
I do not understand the statement about different classes of people using certain stores. We don't have Waitrose but I shop in M&S twice a week and Morrisons at least once a week but I do the more expensive shop at Asda as I get 10% discount but I never shop in Tesco they are overpriced IMO. When I worked in Asda we had Lords and Ladies and other members of the landed gentry shopping in the store as quite a few have homes in the Lake District.
I'd shop virtually all the time in waitrose as I love the selection of food. It is pricey though. I like aldi and lidl towards Christmas for the selection of eastern European seasonal food. Tesco is pretty boring but I mainly shop there because it is my nearest supermarket. As I mainly cook from scratch -especially since having the vitamix - then as they stock the basic veg and meat it is fine.
I do not understand the statement about different classes of people using certain stores. We don't have Waitrose but I shop in M&S twice a week and Morrisons at least once a week but I do the more expensive shop at Asda as I get 10% discount but I never shop in Tesco they are overpriced IMO. When I worked in Asda we had Lords and Ladies and other members of the landed gentry shopping in the store as quite a few have homes in the Lake District.

I understand what you mean, Betty. I am basing my observations from the 3 Asdas I go to: 1) Colindale, 2) Clapham Junction and 3) Brighton, and Waitrose in London and Brighton. Of course you see all sorts in each store but there are quite noticable general differences. The M&S / Waitrose ladies generally tend to seem much more classy and elegant, those in Asda less so.
Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

Remember ladies, if you shop
In Waitrose, M&S (near the top)
Both pearls and blue rinse are the norm
Coz you have just got to conform
To what the world expects of you
And to your age group please be true.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

Now if you have a child or two
Screaming in the aisles at you
You should be dressed in jeans and tee.
Just don't shop anywhere near me
Because we like to save ourselves
For supermarkets' better shelves.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

No discount goods for us, my dear!
The only shelves you'll find us near
Are premyum brands and deli - natch
Because the others aren't a patch
On what we've grown accustomed to.
So if round me are scruffs like you
I hope you'll realize I insist
That folks like you just don't exist.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest
Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

Remember ladies, if you shop
In Waitrose, M&S (near the top)
Both pearls and blue rinse are the norm
Coz you have just got to conform
To what the world expects of you
And to your age group please be true.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

Now if you have a child or two
Screaming in the aisles at you
You should be dressed in jeans and tee.
Just don't shop anywhere near me
Because we like to save ourselves
For supermarkets' better shelves.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest.

No discount goods for us, my dear!
The only shelves you'll find us near
Are premyum brands and deli - natch
Because the others aren't a patch
On what we've grown accustomed to.
So if round me are scruffs like you
I hope you'll realize I insist
That folks like you just don't exist.

Dress it up (Waitrose, M&S),
Dress it down for all the rest

Well, Shakespeare's got nothing on you. Although 'tis more William Wordsworth!
William Wordsworth he's another class act from not too far from me although I don't think he shopped in Asda Lol.
He wandered around looking at daffodils if I am not mistaken! Sounds quite quite a nice life really. I'd like to live in a little stone cottage and bake loaves of bread, read books and listen to the radio all day. There was another poet who was quite good - Walter de la Mer: "Is there anybody there?" said the Traveller, knocking on the moonlit door, and his horse in silence champed the grasses of the forest's ferny floor."
He wandered around looking at daffodils if I am not mistaken! Sounds quite quite a nice life really. I'd like to live in a little stone cottage and bake loaves of bread, read books and listen to the radio all day. There was another poet who was quite good - Walter de la Mer: "Is there anybody there?" said the Traveller, knocking on the moonlit door, and his horse in silence champed the grasses of the forest's ferny floor."

I went to school with his granddaughter - ohh ahrrrrr get me!:wink:
You get a totally different class of person in Cirencester's Waitrose than you do in Park Royal's Asda - just an observation.
I really don't care what class of person is in a shop as long as I can buy quality, fresh food at good prices. I go to shop not to people-watch or chat. I don't have an Asda near me but on the rare occasions I have been in I find the emphasis is on junk food and ready meals and processed food. So I don't shop in Asda. I find the same with Morrisons. I shop in a combination of Lidl and Tesco. I don't shop in Waitrose because although I can afford to, I know the value of money and Waitrose is far too expensive for what it is. Same goes for Sainsburys.

I go for fresh local vegetables and meat if I can. A carrott is a carrot even if it is all knobbly.

But I do dislike misplaced snobbery, and people who turn their noses up at others, unless they smell, of course or yell at their children. Then I scowl at them.
With today`s cost of living I`m too busy weighing up prices and looking for the best buys to even notice whether the other people in the store are wearing their pyjamas, designer clothes or are walking around stark naked !
Supermarket snobbery doesn`t figure in my life. I shop to eat, not shop to admire or frown at the other customers, unless they get under my feet with their trolley lol.
I really don't care what class of person is in a shop as long as I can buy quality, fresh food at good prices. I go to shop not to people-watch or chat. I don't have an Asda near me but on the rare occasions I have been in I find the emphasis is on junk food and ready meals and processed food. So I don't shop in Asda. I find the same with Morrisons. I shop in a combination of Lidl and Tesco. I don't shop in Waitrose because although I can afford to, I know the value of money and Waitrose is far too expensive for what it is. Same goes for Sainsburys.

I go for fresh local vegetables and meat if I can. A carrott is a carrot even if it is all knobbly.

But I do dislike misplaced snobbery, and people who turn their noses up at others, unless they smell, of course or yell at their children. Then I scowl at them.

Loool at misplaced snobbery! I don't turn my noses up at people. I merely look at them with wry amusement and an element of disdain. The men in football shirts who look as though they are pregnant, filling their trolleys with chips and Haribo sweets, cola, pizzas, crisps and fizzy drinks. I imagine that pushing that trolley and reaching for the remote is about the only exercise they get! They are usually accompanied by a commonlaw wife, all flabby and wearing leggings revealing the folds of dimpled cellulite that causes their thighs to resemble supersized ugli fruits! They usually have some unruly, uncouth brats in tow, almost invariably called Jayden or Kayden or Jordan or Cushelle or Shanice! Their charges seem to think that they are in a playground and can run amok, and respond with surprise when their action are pointed out to them. These days I take my personal DAB digital radio into Asda and listen to Jazz FM whilst navigating the aisles. It helps a little to make the experience bearable.
Tbh I hate supermarket shopping and just try and get it done asap , I don't have time to be staring at other shoppers and there families , imagining how they live there lives lol. I didn't realise supermarket shopping was a such a social occasion in people lives.
Tbh I hate supermarket shopping and just try and get it done asap , I don't have time to be staring at other shoppers and there families , imagining how they live there lives lol. I didn't realise supermarket shopping was a such a social occasion in people lives.

I take great interest in everything around me. I love standing at the checkout, noticing what people buy. I am not so fond of the Post Office, which I seldom ever visit. Who wants to be standing in a long queue for hours being forced to see peoples' head lice in close-up, and just to post a stupid letter! Don't like it!
I'm in my 50's love my jeans, have short hair but dye it and will continue to dye it as long as I can. I go shopping in ASDA, Morrisons, Aldi, Lidl and M&S. I will stand in post office queues and will now be looking for head lice! In other words I love how this thread changes!

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