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My point only is that if someone is trying to sell you something, you are probably more likely to believe what they say if they are representative of that item, i.e. a manicurist with nice nails, not bitten ones; a make up artist with attractive make up etc.

There have been many comments on here about various presenters "look" and I just think that it influences whether you trust that person or not.

I don't want to be argumentative but you said:

Personally I don't think long hair is a good look for any older woman. It looks better on girls and younger woman. I love long hair but cut mine many years ago. There is nothing worse than following someone down the road who has long hair and wearing jeans and you automatically assume they are young. When they turn around they have a long fringe and a face full of wrinkles. The fringe just won't cover all the wrinkles.

Hair cuts please for all those with the long fringe and grown out bob. Here in France we can tell people's nationality without even hearing them speak. The Dutch have funny shoes and strange bicycles and English woman all have bobs (and very pale skin of course!).

I'm still confused about when you think 'older women' should have their hair cut off and stop wearing jeans.

Even worse, that comment was made in response to someone commenting on AD's thinning hair - why are women so judgemental about other women... Wrinkles, thinning hair, eye bags etc are beyond most people's control... If they choose to have pink hair and wear a tutu in public then that's their choice!
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Tiddly I often agree with you on lots of posts and in some respects I agree where AD is concerned to make cruel comments about someone's looks is pathetic. ButI tend to agree with Holmca also. I have seen a few examples of women, who from the rear appear to be much younger than they are because of their choice of clothing or their fabulous figure, amazing legs in their short skirts. But when they turn around I had the shock of my life! One was a very slim person with jet black curly hair, wearing jeans with "Sexy" written accross her derriere. When she turned round she was anything but sexy. She had teeth missing, cigarette in her mouth and was as wrinkled as a prune. Another was a fellow professional I saw. I had never met her before. When I walked behind her she had on a lovely tailored suit, just above the knee. Legs up to her armpits and to die for. Very nice figure. Long blonde hair down her back. Beautiful designer shoes and handbag. But when she turned round I nearly choked on my coffee because she had a face like mother Theresa! Sorry but I laugh every time I think of both of them.

Neither of them was trying to sell me face cream though so I guess this is a free country so they can wear what they like.....just as I can think what I like!
What everyone wants is integrity, it seems. That means if you're young, wear it in your own style, and if you're old, wear it with pride in whatever way suits you best - pearls and tweeds, jeans and Doc Martens, stilettos, whatever YOU are, but if you aren't that thing you're striving for, don't try and fool me or anyone else - it just doesn't work. Same goes for presenters. Don't say your product is the best thing for ageing skin if you're a wrinkled old prune because it obviously doesn't work. We can't all have flawless skin/hair/figures but if you're claiming something works, you prove it to me by your own appearance if you want me to part with my hard-earned cash. And you won't get me to part with my hard-earned cash if you talk about yourself or witter on about rubbish a lot of the time.
Or they can still do their jobs and flog the stuff but don't say you use it if you don't, and if you DO use it don't make claims that can't be backed up by your own skin!
Although I don't like older women with long hair unfortunately if you have a lot of wrinkles and loose skin on your face your hair style probably makes no difference to how aged you look. On the other hand I do like to see women look smart and fashionable regardless of their age. I also wear jeans and boots and leggings etc and I am 71 years young. I have three daughters and I'm sure they will tell me if I'm dressed inappropriately (for my age). I also don't see the need for people to say such disgusting things about someone's looks we are not all blessed with good looks and gorgeous figures.
I don't think you can boil it solely down to age. Diane Gilman at 60+ may look fine with long hair / jeans (I'm sure all the surgery and HGH helps) and better than someone younger. Lots of more mature ladies do that blonde bob thing. I remember Ann Widdecombe a few years back. She looked like she'd bleached her hair with Sun-In and had a pudding basin haircut. I can just imagine her frumpy voice saying to the hairdresser: "I've got the bowl here if you will just.....go round!"
I think one of the worst presented older women is Vicky Pryce. Her face looks like a used tea bag!
For any more mature women wanting style tips I say this - go into Marks & Spencers or lovely Waitrose and look around. You will see countless middle aged ladies all very nicely turned out with nice matching suits / tops. They look like they have made an effort. Go down to Morrisons / Asda and you will see an altogether different clientel.
Well my twopennyworth is in agreement with the short hair advocates. I don't have a problem with jeans, but I also think older women, in the main, look dreadful with long hair. To me, it always looks as though they're frantically trying to look young, and it makes them look really sad. The one I really think is a prime example of this is Goody - she really is the proverbial mutton dressed as lamb with that awful long, bottle-blonde hair at her age. Just shrieks of desperation to me.
I think some older ladies suit longer hair and some don't , its the same with everyone , it depends on your face shape and how you style it. I think its the colour that's more important rather than the length ,they often say as you age, its best to go lighter so its less harsh on your skin tone. I think Anne has gone a little too light but least she's still trying, its a pity one of the hair brands on Q didn't offer her some advice on which shade would best suit her skin tone.
I still wonder what everyone means when they talk about 'older' or 'more mature' ladies... I suspect that the definition is dictated by the age of the person passing comment.

I just feel that people are very quick to judge others based on age... why shouldn't someone keep their hair long or wear jeans if they want to? It's not a crime, it's not repulsive so let's get some perspective.

Presenters will age, they may have wrinkles etc, so what? They are only human... my only objection will be if they make claims that are clearly untrue. AD, for instance, may actually use a cream and still have wrinkles... she isn't lying is she? It's only if she claims the cream can do something that it can't that I'd find it objectionable.

Let's face it - how many times do you see overweight people drinking diet drinks? Those diet products don't make you thinner, they just say they promote weight loss etc etc etc.
I still wonder what everyone means when they talk about 'older' or 'more mature' ladies... I suspect that the definition is dictated by the age of the person passing comment.

I just feel that people are very quick to judge others based on age... why shouldn't someone keep their hair long or wear jeans if they want to? It's not a crime, it's not repulsive so let's get some perspective.

Presenters will age, they may have wrinkles etc, so what? They are only human... my only objection will be if they make claims that are clearly untrue. AD, for instance, may actually use a cream and still have wrinkles... she isn't lying is she? It's only if she claims the cream can do something that it can't that I'd find it objectionable.

Let's face it - how many times do you see overweight people drinking diet drinks? Those diet products don't make you thinner, they just say they promote weight loss etc etc etc.

I would say "older" is around 40-45+. Some women in this age group look fab. Much better to see a woman dressed attractively and with class than some chavvy 20 year old girl with a muffiny midriff / thong showing, Elizabeth Duke ragdoll pendant etc etc! Simplicity, elegance and good taste never go out of style!

Here is a classy song that has never gone out of style. Valerie Simpson has always looked good too, like Sade!
OMG Julius....I had no idea I am now an "older" woman! My poor toddler! My poor little boy.They are going to be so ashamed of their decrepit mother at the school gate. How am I ever going to run the mum's race on sports day? My husband will trade me in for a 20 year old!

As for some of the other forumites who are older than me...did any if you realise that you are now "past it"? Quick go on holiday with Saga, get a stair lift. It's an emergency.

Good job some of us know how to dress to please others though. It might just fool 'em for a few more years.
Another thing I hate is middle aged men(over 40) with drastically receding hair at the front of their head and long straggly hair hanging at the back, especially when it's in a pony tail. Even worse of course is the comb over, we met an old friend recently and almost walked past him, he had got rid of the comb over and had it sheared off (no. 4) and he looked so much better and years younger.
I am an older woman - I wear jeans, have longer hair and don't give a hoot what anyone says about me.

One day all the people who seem to have definite views about what we should or shouldn't be wearing etc upon reaching a certain age, will attain that age themselves. God knows what will be said about them!

You grow older, get wrinkles (fact), but that doesn't mean you should withdraw from society, it's far better than the alternative.

Anyway back to the subject of AD - she is irritating, blagging freebies (they all do that), but she is still working.........
Funnily enough there`s an article in today`s Femail column of the DM saying all women over 40 should consider having their hair cut into a layered bob, it shows a woman who volunteered to have it done. That leaves me out , the last time I had a bob I was around 25 and since then have sported variations of a short choppy style but only because I am totally useless with hair and dryers, straighteners etc. as far as I`m concerned there should be no right or wrong styles for women of any age, we`re free to wear it however we please and that`s how it should be IMO.
I like one of the comments about the model's teeth being more aging than hair and I'd agree. I spent some of the money my mum left me to have a brace on my overcrowded lower teeth and not only do they look better but they're easier to keep clean and so I'll probably hang onto them for longer. Money well spent in my eyes.

The trouble with the prescribed middle-aged-appropriate short do is that it identifies the wearer as just that "middle-aged".

Imagine the uproar if 20 and 30 somethings were told what clothes and hairdo to wear!

I didn't grow my hair long until to was about 28 and it's far easier for me to style and looks better on me than any layered style hairdressers have talked me into. It suits the stylist because it needs trimming every 6 weeks!
I would say "older" is around 40-45+. Some women in this age group look fab. Much better to see a woman dressed attractively and with class than some chavvy 20 year old girl with a muffiny midriff / thong showing, Elizabeth Duke ragdoll pendant etc etc! Simplicity, elegance and good taste never go out of style!

Oh my goodness Julius...

I would be prepared to make a small wager that you will see your 40s slightly differently when you reach them.... it is all relative and that is why I asked the question of the poster who suggested that cutting your hair and avoiding jeans is the way to go when you get 'older'.

For any more mature women wanting style tips I say this - go into Marks & Spencers or lovely Waitrose and look around. You will see countless middle aged ladies all very nicely turned out with nice matching suits / tops. They look like they have made an effort. Go down to Morrisons / Asda and you will see an altogether different clientel.

I get my main shop from Ocado, get bits n pieces in the week from M&S and Waitrose, get my wine from Morrison's (great deals) and some 'fashion' clothes from Asda.

I don't change my clothes or have a shower in between those visits :wink:.

It IS possible to shop across a range of shops rather than just be 'middle class' and go to Waitrose or a chav and just go to Asda - variety is the spice of life.

Back to jeans, I can thoroughly recommend these:,default,pd.html

Don't want to distress anyone but I wear these, I love them... I have a longer bob... and I'm in my late 40s so 'an older woman'... I'd better watch out for the villagers with pitchforks trying to chase me down and make me wear pearls and a twin set :giggle:
Another thing I hate is middle aged men(over 40) with drastically receding hair at the front of their head and long straggly hair hanging at the back, especially when it's in a pony tail. Even worse of course is the comb over, we met an old friend recently and almost walked past him, he had got rid of the comb over and had it sheared off (no. 4) and he looked so much better and years younger.

You've just described the Hairy Biker guy (Dave Myers?) to a T, I think he looks an absolute fright.
I don't think you can boil it solely down to age. Diane Gilman at 60+ may look fine with long hair / jeans (I'm sure all the surgery and HGH helps) and better than someone younger. Lots of more mature ladies do that blonde bob thing. I remember Ann Widdecombe a few years back. She looked like she'd bleached her hair with Sun-In and had a pudding basin haircut. I can just imagine her frumpy voice saying to the hairdresser: "I've got the bowl here if you will just.....go round!"
I think one of the worst presented older women is Vicky Pryce. Her face looks like a used tea bag!
For any more mature women wanting style tips I say this - go into Marks & Spencers or lovely Waitrose and look around. You will see countless middle aged ladies all very nicely turned out with nice matching suits / tops. They look like they have made an effort. Go down to Morrisons / Asda and you will see an altogether different clientel.

Are you after Glen Campbell's job Julius?

Is there really a particular type of person who shops in one supermarket over another? Personally I find that bizarre, I shop based on convenience of the shop - Asda or Tesco because I can get to them from where I work, or local shop at the weekend. And going off at a tangent here, can anyone tell me why M&S or Waitrose food for example is often perceived as superior to other brands - why is their bag of carrots seen as superior to Asda's? It's a carrot, it came out the ground covered in mud, it tastes the same wherever you buy it as far as I'm concerned!

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