Ruth Langsford TSV 12/09/20


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I notice the last Marla Wynne tsv, the tunic with pockets has terrible reviews nearly all one star but I bet that won`t stop MW churning out similar in the future nor will it stop QVC buyers from ordering it. Q needs to listen to those people on FB and in their reviews and stop selling so many white elephants 🐘 (I wanted to use the elephant emoji too lol )

Just checked out all those reviews myself 65 1 star reviews and 1 5 star with some saying 1 star was too many! What beggars belief though is that people actually went ahead and ordered it after seeing how awful it looked on everybody who modelled it - It made the skinny models look shapless, the average sized look overweight, and the slightly overweight look humungus....Everybody looked like a sack of spuds in it...and to add insult to injury it seems that the fabric was substandard and it was badly made..what's not to like?!

And going back to the FB ding dong...83 comments has shrunk down to 55...."They don't like it up 'em" do they?!
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So agree with you Merryone. I know we have a really low opinion of Q but I hope anyone who does like something isn’t intimidated into not being able express that opinion.

We don’t all always agree with each other, I know I don’t, but heck it’s like friends you either express an opinion and talk it out or decide it’s not worth getting anyone’s knickers in a twist over and pass on by.

It’s the “defend Q to the death” brigade I don’t get. I’m happy to say back in the day I got some lovely stuff, including clothes, a few duds mostly my fault for being stupid but now the presenters, BA, choice of stock is so awful I can’t even watch never mind buy. I
Stans! You cannot reason with them, because their devotion is rooted in emotion, not reason. It is a waste of time pointing out the obvious, as they will just be formulating a new attack rather than digesting what you say.
Totally agree about university not being for everyone. It seems that wealth, fame/notoriety and paper qualifications are now how success is measured. That is a recipe for disaster, both for individuals and society as a whole.

We have devalued vocational training with this mania for getting kids into university, all so school league tables look good.

Many highly intelligent people are not university material, and shouldn't be forced down that path by schools or parents. Apart from anything else, they will have a freedom of thought which is very lacking in our OxBridge educated politicians and media types (I'm generalising here, I know).

Diversity isn't, and shouldn't only be about race, creed and sexuality, but should encompass different class, geography, education levels and skillsets. We need the practical as much as the intellectual to deal with the current and future situation in the country.
As regards talking the talk, there is one very good reason for training people to think and act this way, and that is if you want to be a shopping telly presenter. Now there's an aspiration.
(Just wanted to show that I can do emojis, too.)
I bought a tunic in the berry pattern about 10 years ago from Dunnes Stores - can’t remember the price but would have been in the £10-17 region and it had zips on the pockets.
Obviously someone found a load of fabric and zips lurking in the warehouse and voila Ruthies TSV at 3 time’s the price and less material.

Hells bells they have the spare bit from the tunics as a scarf at £40. Not a bit wonder she is raking it in (and yet still can’t get a better haircut that doesn’t look like a helmet)
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As regards talking the talk, there is one very good reason for training people to think and act this way, and that is if you want to be a shopping telly presenter. Now there's an aspiration.
(Just wanted to show that I can do emojis, too.)

Or ANY tele presenter !

Most kids now believe that the way to fame and money is to start off on reality tv which gives a foothold and then you're 'in' ! I give you Mark Wright as an example- pretty boy with empty head who competes in the beauty stakes with his wife Michelle. Then there are the ex footballers who want to be a 'presenter' - aka Dion Dublin, ex footballer turned pundit, AND THEN THE BBC SPENT £50,000 for him to go on a Presenters Training Course - yes this is true, and ended up on Homes Under the Hammer. (why he couldn't pay for it himself is anyone's guess, so us, the taxpayer paid it instead)
I'm shocked but I'm gonna say a couple of positive things before I start! The tsv jumper really suits Alex, and the geometric print wrap dress looked great on the plus sized model. I saw model Ali wearing it the other night and it looked amazing on her. As much as I like the dress, it's overpriced by about £25, I wouldn't buy it 'cause it's just too formal looking and I've have nowhere I could imagine myself wearing it to!

Right here we go...add a matching scarf and bump your order up to £90 - Throw the scarf into the tsv for the same price and maybe you've got quite a good deal. Ruth seems to be on "smug overload" today..."my this, my that"
I have a Roman Originals shop nearby and pre covid I would regularly call in to browse or to try on something. I got to know the staff fairly well and though I would never be rude I often gave them negative feedback on a style, fabric or fit of something. The Manager said it helped her because when a certain item wasn`t selling well or some particular item was being frequently returned she could feed it back. She said shop Managers are regularly questioned on the sales figures and stock quantities and if they hold 10 of a particular item and 3 months later 9 of them are still unsold then the Company know it isn`t popular and will reduce the price or put it in a sale. QVC should welcome feedback both positive and negative.
This is not a shop I have bought from but good for them.I think this part of the problem with stores using computer stocking.
The shape is not bad but much too busy for me. I agree about the scarf. I have 2 Kim summer tops with matching scarves that were TSVs years ago . The scarf was part of the TSV and the price very reasonable.
Matching scarves are another cash cow for Q. It’s quite cynical but if they can sell them that way they will.
My Kim tops I never wear with the scarves because it’s pattern overload.
Have her on now, and I'm getting fed up with her voice. Has she become more clipped and over pronounced lately ? when saying shirt I noticed she really purses her lips, and every 'k' and 't' is emphasised. Then there are the exaggerated hand movements over the garments.

As Merryman said - its my this and my that. Going right off her.
Have her on now, and I'm getting fed up with her voice. Has she become more clipped and over pronounced lately ? when saying shirt I noticed she really purses her lips, and every 'k' and 't' is emphasised. Then there are the exaggerated hand movements over the garments.

As Merryman said - its my this and my that. Going right off her.

Merryman? I'm a lady lol!..anyway...bloody hell Brissles have we eaten the same cornflakes today? Her clipped/exaggerated pronounciation I have noticed in abundance today...yep I was totally think the same!
On the 12am show as well as her own stuff she is pushing* other brands one of which is Joules jeans - aren't her own perfect jeans all that anyone needs? Wonder how she squared that. Needless to say it’s on mute.

There was a nice long blouse in 2 colour ways which I would have liked for work but at a smidgen off £50 and probably the postage back I’m taking no chances. The equivalent in Marks/Debenhams etc would be just over half that and it’s not as if they were that special just a bog standard blouse for over trousers.
Sincere apologies MerryONE ! a bit bleary eyed this morning, after bingeing on box set Boardwalk Empire last night.

As for RL, honestly ? she looked a bloody sight in her own TSV. Belly and bum exaggerated, and looked the exact opposite of what I expect to look like when I leave the house, and I wish she would ditch the jeans and stilleto boots look - on her it looks dated.

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