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Some really horrible comments on here about David Beckham.!!!
I agree. The guy queued regardless of what he has or hasn’t done in the past, unless people think he paid all the people in the same queue as him who said he was there all the way. I don’t know what other proof people need, not that he needs to explain anything.
Some really horrible comments on here about David Beckham.!!!

Sadly hearing the truth, as per some accounts I've made, may be interpreted as 'horrible'., but my rose tinted view of the world regarding many of its celebrity inhabitants lost its glow many moons ago.

My own interpretation of 'horrible' is when someone, when meeting King Charles on a walkabout, confronts him with saying how in the midst of a cost of living crisis we are having to pay for his parade !!

(posted this seconds after the above photo was shown)
I'm giving David Beckham the benefit of the doubt. Yes, it could all be a publicity stunt and I don't agree with him promoting Qatar for the world cup. However, he said he was doing it for his grandparents who loved the Queen and he didn't queue jump. He was once an ordinary guy with hopes and dreams and I suspect that ordinary guy is still in there despite the squillions of pounds and fame. We're all Jock Tamson's bairns at the end of the day.

Westminster Hall is stunning isn’t it ? Those wooden hammer beams, how on earth did they carve, join and put in place such enormous pieces of oak in the centuries before powered lifting gear and technology

Wow that was a sensible comment !

I’m up there tomorrow on my 2nd shift as a ‘floral tribute volunteer’, taking cellophane and elastic bands off bouquets before the visitors add them to the displays.
Thursday was busy but not overwhelmingly so but I can’t imagine what tomorrow will be like.
I recommended to a work colleague planning to take flowers to take them in compostable wrapping like brown paper and twine, to save the work of taking all the plastic off.
One of the most horrible things in the queue was the overflowing rubbish bins with food and water just piled high. And folding chairs just left randomly.
If people knew that unopened food could be donated to food banks earlier in the queue, maybe there would be less waste, but they can't think of everything, I suppose.
Some really horrible gullible comments on here about David Beckham.!!!

I liked The Queen, and her passing is the beginning of the end. I shall watch the funeral on Monday and that is where my respect shall end. I cannot admire a monarchy who have, and will live a life of luxury in a country that has so many living hand to mouth at best, and at worst sleeping in doorways is beyond me when they live in the lap of luxury, with such great wealth, yet still take taxes off the poorest working people,
The desperation of Beckham for a knighthood knows no bounds. He no doubts feels he needs to insert himself into the news coverage given that it's over-shadowing his usual column inches with stories about nothing.

To one who's been noticable by her absence is Joanna Lumley. She wrote a book about The Queen just ahead of the platinum jubilee - I predicted she had a Damehood in the bag when she was promoting it. She tweeted something but I don't think she's been interview on any of the news channels.
I left the forum several months ago after a tragedy, however, yesterday I wondered how members were reacting to the death of the Queen & read the comments. The one you made about Joanna Lumley is incorrect, she doesn't bother with social media & made her public tribute last week through a press agency.

In a statement to the PA news agency, Joanna Lumley, who received her Damehood earlier this year, said the Queen represented “all that was kind and fair, brave and good-hearted, noble and entirely admirable”. She added: “We shall miss her with all our hearts and wish her safe travelling on her final great journey.

"She was adored and respected; and as we send our loving sympathies to all the members of the royal family, we count ourselves lucky to have lived during her long and fabulous reign," She continued: "God bless her: and long live our great new King.”
Thanks @Twilight and I hope you're coping as best you can. I did a search for "Joanna Lumley on The Queen's death" and the only thing that came up was when she was promoting her book on the Jonathan Ross show last year. That's a nice statement from her.
I know I would rather my money was spent on a slimmed down RF than on the likes of Mrs Boris or a Mrs Trump if we were a republic They bring in a colossal amount of tourist money.

It does have to be slimmed down and Charles is the person to do it whereas The Queen was too old school to modernise it the way it’s needed.

I think Anne isnt given the praise she deserves just because she isn’t a classic beauty but if you look at old photos she was a lovely looking young woman.

Twilight so sorry for your troubles but lovely to hear from you again if you think you are able to rejoin us now and again.
I left the forum several months ago after a tragedy, however, yesterday I wondered how members were reacting to the death of the Queen & read the comments. The one you made about Joanna Lumley is incorrect, she doesn't bother with social media & made her public tribute last week through a press agency.

In a statement to the PA news agency, Joanna Lumley, who received her Damehood earlier this year, said the Queen represented “all that was kind and fair, brave and good-hearted, noble and entirely admirable”. She added: “We shall miss her with all our hearts and wish her safe travelling on her final great journey.

"She was adored and respected; and as we send our loving sympathies to all the members of the royal family, we count ourselves lucky to have lived during her long and fabulous reign," She continued: "God bless her: and long live our great new King.”
So lovely to hear from you again! I am sorry to hear you have had a tragedy in your life.
I think it's going to take a while getting used to saying King Charles! He has been Prince Charles for the entirety of most peoples lives. I'm hoping the unreality of The Queen's death is resolved by the funeral.
I'm debating going to the funeral, but I'm not sure what state my legs will be in. They still haven't recovered from queuing for the lying in state.
It would appear that nature is showing respect to the Queen. 🙂

Two rainbows appeared over Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace on the evening of her death and tonight this appeared over Westminster Hall on the final night of her lying in State.


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I liked The Queen, and her passing is the beginning of the end. I shall watch the funeral on Monday and that is where my respect shall end. I cannot admire a monarchy who have, and will live a life of luxury in a country that has so many living hand to mouth at best, and at worst sleeping in doorways is beyond me when they live in the lap of luxury, with such great wealth, yet still take taxes off the poorest working people,
The monarchy gives a lot more to the government than it takes out.

Since the Sovereign Grant act 2012 the entire income of the Crown Estates goes to the government, last year it was £312.7 million given to the government and the sovereign grant that is given by the government to run the Royal Household was £86.3 million so the contribution was over £220 million.

They also pay taxes on the income from their private estates and businesses.

They, like us have no say in how the government chooses to use that money, and as it's rumoured that the new chancellor plans to end the cap on already wealthy bankers bonuses this government will not be helping the poorest and the homeless anytime soon.

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