Random musings/no argument zone


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I see the letterbox has miraculously got filthy again. Luckily Mike had some Perfect Polish to hand.

Gollum finally had a good sale with the LED lanterns. Not quite a sell out but it sold far better than most things lately.

Because his sales are so bad do you think he's preparing for his next job? He can make great chips :mysmilie_59:

I notice mike M is growing his hair.... I wonder if the new bosses have told him to loose the "thug" look?
Softer and sweet looking!!!!!

I noticed that the other evening stunning
I couldn't work out what it was that was different about him at first and then the light shone through his regrowth and I worked it out
I think he fancies himself as a bit of a hardman/thug, it makes him feel good about himself!
Jeez, Gollum was selling 75 of a Triple Set of BT Phones at a genuinely great price and they still couldn't shift them all. He had 37 left :mysmilie_13:

Peter Schlock is on with Debbie at 10 for the most exciting DOTD he has ever brought to us.

We've heard that before :mysmilie_19: But here he goes with his spiel, he's very good I'll give him that.

Full of it but very good!
Debbie just sold out of THAT red Rozzer Bag, go Debbie.

So you can be totally honest about specifics and sell out even if there is a decent sized side serving of bull! :mysmilie_14:
Did anyone hear Gollum painting a lovely picture of his Lady/Goddess last night? It was when he was selling those plug in air fresheners. He basically mentioned her 'smells' after she eats take away and he talked about her smoking ciggies but of course he reiterated that he dosen't smoke anymore. He said he knew she wouldn't be watching otherwise he wouldn't have said it.

So chivalrous.

What a vile man!
Does anyone else think that his new haircut makes Peter Sherlock look a bit like Neil Tennant from The Pet Shop Boys? Maybe Peter should start his own pop group with Guy Kean or Mike Mason.

The Pound Shop Boys :mysmilie_59:

That renowned skin expert Peter Sherlock has just said that women from the age of 16 should use Skin Serums 'if they can afford it' because his friend has used eye, day and night creams since she was 16 and she's in her 60's now and looks fabulous despite smoking and drinking.

I'll just repeat that. He actually said that 16 year old's should be using Skin Serums, breathtaking. Alison Young would probably have a fit if she heard him say that!

(you probably won't be surprised to learn he was selling Bee Venom Skin Treatment)
Schlock and Neil were selling 59 Bottles of Pergolese, they threw everything at it during this exciting 15 minute sale. We had walking hand in hand in Paris in the evening, the Moulin Rouge, nice restaurants and of course dressing up sexy plus many, many other evocative things.

They sold 19 :mysmilie_59:

Next up was a set of Rich Haircare Shampoo. 45 in the quantity. He sold 12.
That renowned skin expert Peter Sherlock has just said that women from the age of 16 should use Skin Serums 'if they can afford it' because his friend has used eye, day and night creams since she was 16 and she's in her 60's now and looks fabulous despite smoking and drinking.

I'll just repeat that. He actually said that 16 year old's should be using Skin Serums, breathtaking. Alison Young would probably have a fit if she heard him say that!

(you probably won't be surprised to learn he was selling Bee Venom Skin Treatment)

Not only is that unethical, it's inappropriate IMO
Shopping channels aren't allowed to target or advise under 18s
Hmm be careful P Sherlock, you're treading very dodgy ground
Not only is that unethical, it's inappropriate IMO
Shopping channels aren't allowed to target or advise under 18s
Hmm be careful P Sherlock, you're treading very dodgy ground

I was very, very shocked to hear him say that deedee. Obviously under 18's cannot supposedly buy from Bid anyway but it's highly irresponsible for him to say that. Young girls have enough peer pressure as it is not to mention magazines that always have airbrushed celebrities.

But those comments go against absolutely everything that qualified professionals say. It was an incredibly stupid thing to say, in my opinion. Parents would surely be horrified.

Really, really bad. And disappointing too :mysmilie_51:
Just shows how unprofessional Shylock really is!

I honestly rewound it to make sure I wasn't hearing things Momma.

Sadly I heard right :mysmilie_51: That isn't something to complain about to a regulator but i'm highly tempted to write a letter to Bid Management, personally I think it's probably the worst thing I have heard anyone say on these channels and my goodness that's saying something.

16 year old's should be using ****** Bee Venom Serum? You couldn't make it up.
I had to turn off before James Russell came on, as I knew it wouldn't be long before he said either of his 2 favourite words.....



And he said both numerous times in his very first sale although it was a French Stink! He also used the well worn line 'walking hand in hand on a Paris evening' :mysmilie_14:

And he's back to Boutiques and Paris with this bed set, 'It's the kind of bedding that you might expect to find in a lovely Boutique Hotel, a really stylish Hotel and if you've been looking at little Boutique Hotels maybe in Milan, you know maybe in Amsterdam, maybe in PARIS, maybe in Madrid, those quirky little stylish, very contemporary, very modern Boutique Hotels'


He shifted 60 though!
ffs. It's a flippin' bed set. What link has it to anything approaching "boutique" or "Paris"? :mysmilie_51:
ffs. It's a flippin' bed set. What link has it to anything approaching "boutique" or "Paris"? :mysmilie_51:

Neil Russell is seemingly obsessed with Boutiques and Paris.

I wonder if he had a romance with a Madame Fifi in his youth and he never got over her jilting him because he was a Grande Tosseur?
I think part of the problem isnt the "talking to people off-camera" etc

its the notion that every presentation by the prime time presenters seems rehearsed, formulaic and quite frankly... someone else's words.
I was very, very shocked to hear him say that deedee. Obviously under 18's cannot supposedly buy from Bid anyway but it's highly irresponsible for him to say that. Young girls have enough peer pressure as it is not to mention magazines that always have airbrushed celebrities.

But those comments go against absolutely everything that qualified professionals say. It was an incredibly stupid thing to say, in my opinion. Parents would surely be horrified.

Really, really bad. And disappointing too :mysmilie_51:

It's good to look after your skin from a young age but serums are anti ageing and not really necessary until you are in your mid to late 20s. Serums have only really been around for a few years and got popular with the Boots one. They were not around when I was a teenager but I certainly wouldn't have used one then. Its a worrying comment from him.
It's good to look after your skin from a young age but serums are anti ageing and not really necessary until you are in your mid to late 20s. Serums have only really been around for a few years and got popular with the Boots one. They were not around when I was a teenager but I certainly wouldn't have used one then. Its a worrying comment from him.

Peter 'anything for a sale' Shylock :mysmilie_14:

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