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Mike Mason is presenting a Laurelle DOTD. He asked ''Who are Laurelle? Well Laurelle, basically, their offices are in Regent Street in London'.

Whatever Gollum :Laugh:

Regent Street is so handy for those pop-up discount "shops" in Oxford Street. You wouldn't even have to load up the yellow, three wheeled van.
I'm kind of wishing Marina Berry was on instead of Kiri :sleepy:

Just as well Dirty Peter isn't on, he appeared to be losing his patience when it happened last week.

Gollum is back onto mentioning Laurelle of Regent Street, Kiri is even talking about the dodgy Laurelle pop up shop on Oxford Street. It could only happen on Bid TV.

It's a bit weird than Kiri is bigging up the cheap tablet she has right by her side on the bed but seems to prefer to use her Mac and iPhone to read out tweets and emails!
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Kiri Bloore has, without any shadow of a doubt, just won the 2013 award for being disingenuous.

She just showed a picture on her iPhone and said, quote 'That's the Laurelle Store that I walked past and all those people are going to the Laurelle Shop on Oxford Street'.

Laurelle Shop on Oxford Street? Even by Sit-Up standards that is simply breathtaking!
Mike Mason is presenting a Laurelle DOTD. He asked ''Who are Laurelle? Well Laurelle, basically, their offices are in Regent Street in London'.

Whatever Gollum :Laugh:
If I had heard that I would have complained to the ASA-their offices are not in Regent Street and Mason knows it.
They have nothing but a mailing address in Regent Street to disguise the fact that the offices are actually on an industrial estate in Essex.
I shall be watching out for a repeat of this nonsense.
If I had heard that I would have complained to the ASA-their offices are not in Regent Street and Mason knows it.
They have nothing but a mailing address in Regent Street to disguise the fact that the offices are actually on an industrial estate in Essex.
I shall be watching out for a repeat of this nonsense.

Price Drop is back up now so Bid should be back soon so keep watching, he has uttered the Regent Street garbage twice already.

I bet he wont say it again!
Price Drop is back up now so Bid should be back soon so keep watching, he has uttered the Regent Street garbage twice already.

I bet he wont say it again!

I'm out at the mo and not in front of a TV-they read this forum every day so that line will probably be buried after tonight.
I'm out at the mo and not in front of a TV-they read this forum every day so that line will probably be buried after tonight.

Until tonight I haven't heard the Regent Street nonsense mentioned once since we exposed it as drivel earlier this year.

Like most of the presenters he is out of his depth when things don't go to plan but I have to say I was utterly astonished that Kiri was showing pictures of the Laurelle 'store' on Oxford Street, you genuinely couldn't make it up!
Do they genuinely read this forum? (sherlock is an exception in this one)

I know pj was mentioned in the past but i just assumed that was down to timing/spys/etc
Do they genuinely read this forum? (sherlock is an exception in this one)

I know pj was mentioned in the past but i just assumed that was down to timing/spys/etc

I suspect some of the presenters might take a look, BOD'S LinkedIn page was soon deleted after we noticed what could be interpreted as less than favourable comments about Sit-Up.

Their compliance department (if they actually have one) probably don't read this forum but i'd humbly recommend they do.

They might learn the basics.
I suspect some of the presenters might take a look, BOD'S LinkedIn page was soon deleted after we noticed what could be interpreted as less than favourable comments about Sit-Up.

Their compliance department (if they actually have one) probably don't read this forum but i'd humbly recommend they do.

They might learn the basics.

oooo what did he say?
oooo what did he say?

It wasn't a direct criticism as such but he pointed out that he has a clean record with the ASA as if it was some sort of a badge of honour, he also referred to meeting his 'Achievement of Channel Sales Bonus 3 quarters in a row' but regular viewers (particularly of Lisa Brash) will know that several presenters claim they don't get commission or bonuses to emphasise their 'honesty' credentials and it dosen't matter whether they sell more items or not.

His profile was deleted shortly afterwards.
Regent Street is so handy for those pop-up discount "shops" in Oxford Street. You wouldn't even have to load up the yellow, three wheeled van.

what. you mean one of the worlds most prestigious shopping streets? in our nations capital? with some of the highest retail rents on the planet? IS HANDY FOR DISCOUNT SHOPS LOL.. seriously. i mean seriously i know you live to criticise but this is a touch over the top and desperate.

Laurelle list a Regent St address on their website. if you look on google maps street view they are clearly offices


Kiri SHOWED A PHOTO OF THE SHOP lol and still you question if their telling the truth?? i think you might need to get out more.
For anyone who is interested in facts the address Laurelle list is the same that hundreds of other companies also list. That particular Regent Street address is what is known as a 'Virtual Address' and while there is no doubt that an office exists at that location it is a tool used for a company to portray an upmarket image. A quick google search returns literally hundreds of results for companies that have that address!! Quite canny marketing if you ask me but do Laurelle physically do business from that address? I suspect not.



And for the record the picture that Kiri showed was that of a 'pop up' shop (adorned with suitable temporary plastic sheet signage).


Changing the subject somewhat I managed to locate a wholesale price list for Laurelle fragrances. Bearing in mind that Sexxy Shoo has sold on the channels for well over £30 all in then all I can say is WOW!


Here is a picture of how Laurelle does/did business on Oxford Street. Enjoy.

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For anyone who is interested in facts the address Laurelle list is the same that hundreds of other companies also list. That particular Regent Street address is what is known as a 'Virtual Address' and while there is no doubt that an office exists at that location it is a tool used for a company to portray an upmarket image. A quick google search returns literally hundreds of results for companies that have that address!! Quite canny marketing if you ask me but do Laurelle physically do business from that address? I suspect not.



And for the record the picture that Kiri showed was that of a very temporary shop (adorned with suitable temporary plastic sheet signage).


Changing the subject somewhat I managed to locate a wholesale price list for Laurelle fragrances. Bearing in mind that Sexxy Shoo has sold on the channels for well over £30 all in then all I can say is WOW!


PMSL - The FACTS are Laurelle have an OFFICE on regent street and have a SHOP on Oxford St so back away from the ASA complaint form and hit ignore like you so angrily promised lol
PMSL - The FACTS are Laurelle have an OFFICE on regent street and have a SHOP on Oxford St so back away from the ASA complaint form and hit ignore like you so angrily promised lol
They don't have an office on Regent Street. Mail delivered to Regent Street is forwarded to Essex. Where their offices are.

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