Final aviator of the night
what you have here is the lead watch
not only is it silver, stainless steel, not only is it 100m water resistant, not only with the croc leather strap
This is the stealth, this is an extraodinary watch, This is stunning
at £80 that is a price to clear (start price)
at £49.99 this is spectacular this, its a lot of watch, its power, risk, design, workmanship, this is the power of man for the most extremes, the strength the power on his wrist
not only chronograph, not only the steels against the strap
at £39.99 what a strange way for me to hand in my notice, can I just tell you that is exxxxxxxtrrrrrodinnnnnnnnnnnary to get a watch like this, the very best, Russian precision
at £35.99 you have just got an aviator for £35.99
We were looking quite easy at £80, what have you paid for a leather strap, just buy as that
Let me just tell you how much of a beating we have had here, you have given us a slap with a wet kipper whilst sucking on some celery, you have given it to us
That is an exxxxxxtroooooodddddddddinnnnnnnnnaaaaryyyyyyyyy buying
I can't believe at £35.99