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It's a dog blanket!

Ha Ha!

Get this. ee-finz Dad Birkett is selling a Philip Mercier Radio Controlled watch that according to Chris 'sets itself' and is 'a watch that's time keeping is kept by an atomic clock'. Sounds great dosen't it?

Look at the time on it :Laugh: They said it's because they cannot receive the radio signal in the studio but it dosen't exactly fill you with confidence does it!


(notice that they spelt poor Philip's name wrong on the graphic, you would think with such a brand name as a Mercier they would at least get it right).
I don't think Peter has had his tablets tonight, he was talking about drowning puppies and he will have the 1 with a pink nose as the assistant ran over to him and now he's going mad playing with 2 puppies in the grotto studio

awwww little 3-4 year old Pete wanted to be a jockey
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I don't think Peter has had his tablets tonight, he was talking about drowning puppies and he will have the 1 with a pink nose as the assistant ran over to him and now he's going mad playing with 2 puppies in the grotto studio

awwww little 3-4 year old Pete wanted to be a jockey

He is very excitable isn't he? I also heard him say he wanted to be a jockey.

I can't say I'm entirely surprised.
Aviator watch is a clear out buy at £99.99 says Peter but it only starts at £110

at £59.99 you have got a bargain

at £49.99 just grab it, you have just got 1 of the leading brand of watch makers , not only because of the Russian heritage, not only because of the leathers and stainless steel

at £39.99 we have taken an absolute whooping here, you have just got a watch that's not just eeeeexxxxxxxtrodddinnnnnary detail, design, We have lost our shirt here, well done

its high end perfection watches
Next aviator watch is for women

We want £80 for this watch, we're a discount channel

not only with the stainless steel, not only mother of pearl with the crystal bezel, not only with the glamour, £80 is a price to clear, that is what we want but not tonight as we're 16 minutes over

at £34.99 trust me on this you have just given us a blaccccckkkkk eye, that is spectacular, absolutely spectacular

noooooooooooo we're not going lower

£29.99 we wanted £80 for this, treat yourself to an eeeexxxxxxxxtrodddddddinnnnnnnnary bargain, this is in the wonderful leathers and finish not only precision time

There are time pieces that are so remarkable and this is 1 of them, I tell it as it is me

glamour, designer brand, a real big name, you not going to see another lady with

we have taken an absolute slap here, we are taking an absolute battering, that's the nature of the beast

at £28 that is just an exxxxxxxxtrooooooodinnnaaaaaaryyyyy buy its a far better buy than I could have ever told you, that is 1 heck of a piece of jewellery

ladies well done absolute congratulations, that is spectacular
Final aviator of the night

what you have here is the lead watch

not only is it silver, stainless steel, not only is it 100m water resistant, not only with the croc leather strap

This is the stealth, this is an extraodinary watch, This is stunning

at £80 that is a price to clear (start price)

at £49.99 this is spectacular this, its a lot of watch, its power, risk, design, workmanship, this is the power of man for the most extremes, the strength the power on his wrist

not only chronograph, not only the steels against the strap

at £39.99 what a strange way for me to hand in my notice, can I just tell you that is exxxxxxxtrrrrrodinnnnnnnnnnnary to get a watch like this, the very best, Russian precision

at £35.99 you have just got an aviator for £35.99

We were looking quite easy at £80, what have you paid for a leather strap, just buy as that

Let me just tell you how much of a beating we have had here, you have given us a slap with a wet kipper whilst sucking on some celery, you have given it to us

That is an exxxxxxtroooooodddddddddinnnnnnnnnaaaaryyyyyyyyy buying

I can't believe at £35.99
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poor pete must be in a right state not only have we taken his shirt, not only given him a black eye, not only slapped him with a wet kipper, forced him to eat some celery, not only given him a whooping, not only done him, not only given him a slap, not only battered him, poor pete and that was just during 3 products
poor pete must be in a right state not only have we taken his shirt, not only given him a black eye, not only slapped him with a wet kipper, forced him to eat some celery, not only given him a whooping, not only done him, not only given him a slap, not only battered him, poor pete and that was just during 3 products

He is a bit of a prick (when you see it in writing)
I see that once again our Sally is going for the understated look. She enthused 'If you are somebody who likes to have that very sophisticated, almost glamorous film star look about you then I really do believe this is it'

View attachment 9641

Right that's it. I've finally come to the conclusion that they'll say anything now for a sale. Sally Flapjack is deluded! :Smile:
Halogen oven megadrop -5 in quantity phones locked. Caroline's producer told her about 50 thousand tried to get this - obvs a joke, but the money they rake in from these fruitless phonecalls is clearly the reason they can afford to do these "give away" sales. They've done nothing wrong, it's clever marketing - I think we'll probably see a lot more of these sales. Will this replace the awful £10 credit deals? Even if just 50 callers miss out they do pretty well out of it.
poor pete must be in a right state not only have we taken his shirt, not only given him a black eye, not only slapped him with a wet kipper, forced him to eat some celery, not only given him a whooping, not only done him, not only given him a slap, not only battered him, poor pete and that was just during 3 products

In my opinion Peter really was quite exceptional last night, even by his standards. I genuinely haven't ever seen anything like it, the Bellagio and Rocking Horse sales were some of the most surreal displays from him I have witnessed in a long time.

It was an extraordinary performance.
In my opinion Peter really was quite exceptional last night, even by his standards. I genuinely haven't ever seen anything like it, the Bellagio and Rocking Horse sales were some of the most surreal displays from him I have witnessed in a long time.

It was an extraordinary performance.

I saw the Bellagio sale. Incredible. Thought I was dreaming at one point. I often have to question myself as to whether I heard things correctly when Peter Simon is on. Exxxxtraoooooordinary.
I saw the Bellagio sale. Incredible. Thought I was dreaming at one point. I often have to question myself as to whether I heard things correctly when Peter Simon is on. Exxxxtraoooooordinary.

As odd and as incoherent he is Pola i'm sure you noticed one thing. He sold an absolute shed load of stuff!

Think about it, that Bellagio all in cost nearly £14, the mark up on such cheap crap must be astronomical. And the Sexxy Shoo is back to selling between £20 and £30 all in too when we know the wholesale price is less than £5 each and that is when you order it from Laurelle in small quantities.

As odd and as incoherent he is Pola i'm sure you noticed one thing. He sold an absolute shed load of stuff!

Think about it, that Bellagio all in cost nearly £14, the mark up on such cheap crap must be astronomical. And the Sexxy Shoo is back to selling between £20 and £30 all in too when we know the wholesale price is less than £5 each and that is when you order it from Laurelle in small quantities.


Indeed - it's amazing how much stuff he shifts. He talks utter bollocks in half-finished sentences and throws in the odd keyword. For whatever reason, it works!
Indeed - it's amazing how much stuff he shifts. He talks utter bollocks in half-finished sentences and throws in the odd keyword. For whatever reason, it works!

It works a treat Pola although I have to say when he was selling the Candle DOTD the misinformation was utterly staggering, what he said changed by the minute.

To give you an idea of what kind of eyewatering mark up they achieve on stink like Laurelle just take a look at what Fragrance Direct charge.

Bid - Delivered £20.98 (ordered online)
Fragrance Direct - Delivered £7.98 (ordered online)


Can't remember if I posted this or not, but when he was selling the mattress protector he claimed it 'gives you a better night's sleep' and 'warms up the bed'. He also said 'rather than getting into a cold bed'.
It's outrageous that he's still allowed to get away with this sort of stuff!
Can't remember if I posted this or not, but when he was selling the mattress protector he claimed it 'gives you a better night's sleep' and 'warms up the bed'. He also said 'rather than getting into a cold bed'.
It's outrageous that he's still allowed to get away with this sort of stuff!

I did see them selling an electric underblanket yesterday that you put on top of the mattress, was it perhaps that product?
Only a minor thing but for nearly an hour now the ticker has said monster clearance with Mark when its Justin, How they don't notice these things amazes me at times
It works a treat Pola although I have to say when he was selling the Candle DOTD the misinformation was utterly staggering, what he said changed by the minute.

To give you an idea of what kind of eyewatering mark up they achieve on stink like Laurelle just take a look at what Fragrance Direct charge.

Bid - Delivered £20.98 (ordered online)
Fragrance Direct - Delivered £7.98 (ordered online)



I only saw a few minutes of the DotD candles. I noticed he shifted over 1000 of them, though.

Yes, the mark-ups are often shocking. Either no one buying checks, or they don't have the internet!

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