Random musings/no argument zone


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OMG, I hope you are ALL taking notes on Mike's masterclass on how to use a knife :p How utterly patronising and quite hilarious as he obviously thinks he's Michel Roux. Am I the only one who hopes he just nicks his finger? Just one spot of blood, no damage to him, just to stop the absolute smug bollox he is talking here :)

He wasn't happy in 'any shape or form' with the person who had carved the chicken! Well I saw Ben carve it earlier in the day for one :mysmilie_46: Nothing whatsoever to do with the knives but the person who hard carved it knew nothing about how to do it!

Oh just shut up and slice the thing!

And don't think we didn't notice the loaf wasn't fresh and nor was the cucumber, it was soft. They're left with a load of these knives so they'll be kicking around for a while yet.......'but not at THAT price' :mysmilie_46:
I missed his Nodger, I wonder if I could have done with it? Doesn't sound up to much by the sound of it though.

Sadly it was what you'd expect from Mark Ryes. That Nodger didn't look upto the job to me, surely most people would require something more substantial for instant relief and to release their tense knots, I know I would :down:

Sadly it was what you'd expect from Mark Ryes. That Nodger didn't look upto the job to me, surely most people would require something more substantial for instant relief and to release their tense knots, I know I would :down:

View attachment 9858

Ah that's it is it? lol.........It's not what I had in mind and I'm quite relieved about that :mysmilie_59:
Have a dry run and imagine the scene, then it won't be so shocking when it happens :mysmilie_19:

Vile Momma!

Get this from someone who posted on their facebook page : -

Hey BidTV, having an excellent christmas eve watching along, however we wondered whether you do realise that several things said regarding Celine Dion's work on the Sensational perfume are false and several pieces of information presented as fact were actually taken from a satire article linked below: http://www.theonion.com/articles/celine-dion-secluded-in-lab-developing-new-perfume,805/
Specifically, she does not have a chemistry degree; and the points regarding bodyguards, a secret lab and making the fragrance herself (it was in fact Maurice Rousel) are false.
Just thought you might want to know.
Was very funny though, keep up the good work! Merry christmas x

Now that IS hilarious, you couldn't make it up :mysmilie_14: Could Bid TV's product research, yet again, amount to little more than randomly selected internet articles resulting in them presenting false information as fact, even when to anyone with half a brain they are clearly a spoof? Never! :mysmilie_15:
Caught a bit of Baron Kean today.
I always enjoyed him when he sat slumped before the camera endlessly repeating the phone number but now he is engaging in a practice I can only describe as 'selling'.
For example he tells us that a Rene Valente watch is apparently 'something that can be handed down through the family' and that one needs more than one watch as watches 'should be rested'. I think he'll find it's suits that should be rested not watches.
Still I suppose even the aristocracy needs to make a bob or two these days-he'll be opening his home to the public next!
Caught a bit of Baron Kean today.
I always enjoyed him when he sat slumped before the camera endlessly repeating the phone number but now he is engaging in a practice I can only describe as 'selling'.
For example he tells us that a Rene Valente watch is apparently 'something that can be handed down through the family' and that one needs more than one watch as watches 'should be rested'. I think he'll find it's suits that should be rested not watches.
Still I suppose even the aristocracy needs to make a bob or two these days-he'll be opening his home to the public next!

I didn't have the privilege of watching his Lordship today but what you say dosen't surprise me Aqua. I'm seeing an increased aggressiveness in most of the presenters post Christmas to assist them in shifting their miserable tatt.

And some of the prices are simply eyewatering.
Caught a bit of Baron Kean today.
I always enjoyed him when he sat slumped before the camera endlessly repeating the phone number but now he is engaging in a practice I can only describe as 'selling'.
For example he tells us that a Rene Valente watch is apparently 'something that can be handed down through the family' and that one needs more than one watch as watches 'should be rested'. I think he'll find it's suits that should be rested not watches.
Still I suppose even the aristocracy needs to make a bob or two these days-he'll be opening his home to the public next!

Yes I watched him aqua and was a bit disappointed with him. I hope he doesn't carry on like that else me and him are finished :smirk:
Hi Muttley, welcome to the forum, come on in and have some fun but you must bring your sense of humour with you!
Well done for spotting Debbie's blunder. She's real pro and I think she'll be forgiven a slip up! But I think you're right, I think Situp woyld take a pretty dim view of promoting the opposition! :mysmilie_465:

Cheers Deedee, thanks for the welcome. I do enjoy reading the forum and having a giggle at the banter. Don't know if any of you saw the throw Mke was selling last night. Green on the outside and a lovely picture of a tiger on it! I think it was £25 plus extras. It was hideous but it sold so maybe I have no taste...
Cheers Deedee, thanks for the welcome. I do enjoy reading the forum and having a giggle at the banter. Don't know if any of you saw the throw Mke was selling last night. Green on the outside and a lovely picture of a tiger on it! I think it was £25 plus extras. It was hideous but it sold so maybe I have no taste...

I'm with you, it was bliddy awful, I clearly have no taste either :wonder:
Caught a bit of Baron Kean today.
I always enjoyed him when he sat slumped before the camera endlessly repeating the phone number but now he is engaging in a practice I can only describe as 'selling'.
For example he tells us that a Rene Valente watch is apparently 'something that can be handed down through the family' and that one needs more than one watch as watches 'should be rested'. I think he'll find it's suits that should be rested not watches.
Still I suppose even the aristocracy needs to make a bob or two these days-he'll be opening his home to the public next!

Lord Kean does open his house to the public aqua and a very enjoyable visit it is too
He keeps the west wing private as that's where his private residences are but visitors can explore the rest of the house, grounds and gardens (well, I say house, it's a stately home really)
it's lovely to see Bid throws on display along with Walther Glas ornamental glass, just lovely - I even spotted a Kincaid but apparently his private collection of Kincaids and Gayfords are not on public display
the cafe is very nice and the food is prepared by Guy's own personal chef so it's very good quality but no meat, his lordship is strictly vegetarian
you can't help but appreciate the Viners cutlery and I spotted the multicooker and the pie maker being used in there
you get a real insight into the man who lives there and his staff are very obliging with quips an anecdotes about steam station irons, steam cleaners, blue magic, thermal curtains and so forth
the grounds are spectacular with tasteful use of solar garden lights and, of course, the singing gnomes
it's well worth a visit

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