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Cheers Deedee, thanks for the welcome. I do enjoy reading the forum and having a giggle at the banter. Don't know if any of you saw the throw Mke was selling last night. Green on the outside and a lovely picture of a tiger on it! I think it was £25 plus extras. It was hideous but it sold so maybe I have no taste...

I saw it too
it was hideous so that makes me another one with no taste!
what struck me about the tiger was that it looked well dodgy, it has very shifty eyes and the weirdest muzzle (?) I've ever seen :mysmilie_13:
perfect chav interior decor methinks!
Someone called Terence from Ventnor just bought a bracelet.

Lee will be furious.

it's clear to me what's happened here
there used to be a Lee in Leeds who bought loads of tat
Lee then moved to Ventnor and bought even more tat and was repeatedly namechecked by presenters about which he was very ashamed
so he's now changed his name to Terence
so......Lee moved from Leeds to Ventnor and has now become Terence.......simple!
Totally agree about Debbie last night, it was actually painful to listen to. She seems to have been given the word to get more 'wow' and 'this is amazing' about products and you can almost sense she hates doing it :( It was honestly like listening to a newbie, which of course she isn't, but she is a newbie to bullshitting so maybe thats why it came across so bad. I felt for her too.

that's exactly it cheesecake
perhaps it was so awkward because she'd been told to do the 'wow' 'amazing' 'spectacular' stuff
she's got too much class for all that
that's exactly it cheesecake
perhaps it was so awkward because she'd been told to do the 'wow' 'amazing' 'spectacular' stuff
she's got too much class for all that

Give poor Debbie a few months, she'll probably be doing cartwheels in excitement at the price of a Lucky Elephant.

I've seen it all before. If she dosen't I don't think she'll last too long. Sit-Up is no place for an elegant, refined lady. Just look at Debbie's female peers.

Jacks, Topp and of course Brash, they're the kind of presenter that's required to shift the shat. Poor Debbie, I really do worry for her. Let's wish her luck!
Give poor Debbie a few months, she'll be doing cartwheels in excitement at the price of a Lucky Elephant.

I've seen it all before. If she dosen't I don't think she'll last too long. Sit-Up is no place for an elegant, refined lady. Just look at Debbie's female peers.

Jacks, Topp and of course Brash. Poor Debbie!

now that bit I totally agree with
well put Wirral
now that bit I totally agree with
well put Wirral

When you start hearing Debbie claim she's bought any of Shylock Sherlock's Stinkers you'll know she's settled in properly.

I haven't heard her say she's purchased anything yet, surely it can only be a matter of time.

I reckon Mr Coia would be a fan on the Zebra Print Throws.
When you start hearing Debbie claim she's bought any of Shylock Sherlock's Stinkers you'll know she's settled in properly.

I haven't heard her say she's purchased anything yet, surely it can only be a matter of time.

well let's give her the benefit of the doubt
perhaps Debbie will set new quality standards and breathe new life into the channel!
maybe she'll drag the likes of Cooper and Brash up to her level
well let's give her the benefit of the doubt
perhaps Debbie will set new quality standards and breathe new life into the channel!
maybe she'll drag the likes of Cooper and Brash up to her level

I thought that when Ben Moseby joined. Look at him now :mysmilie_13:

He was trying to sell a set of miserable, battery operated disco lights today. I accept that shitty little disco lights are probably a difficult sell in January but to be frank he was behaving like something of a maniac, it wasn't even 3pm!

He used to be a bit like Debbie. Not anymore!
oh my goodness
Neil/Hilary/James has just played a recording of a song that Dirty Peter made many years ago - bad doesn't even begin to describe it!
Neil was quite funny about it though!
oh my goodness
Neil/Hilary/James has just played a recording of a song that Dirty Peter made many years ago - bad doesn't even begin to describe it!
Neil was quite funny about it though!

I'm not watching but I didn't know Dirty Peter made a record, was it The Chicken Song? Gollum can sing, his Bingo song really showcased his talent.:mysmilie_59:

I just flicked over and the DOTD is the same as the other day!
I'm not watching but I didn't know Dirty Peter made a record, was it The Chicken Song? Gollum can sing, his Bingo song really showcased his talent.:mysmilie_59:

I just flicked over and the DOTD is the same as the other day!

he might have made a record but he sure as heck can't sing!
I think it was called Simon says, it's a kind of really bad 80's/90's rap style thing - terrible!
he might have made a record but he sure as heck can't sing!
I think it was called Simon says, it's a kind of really bad 80's/90's rap style thing - terrible!

Listen to him, 'we've started to go to bed earlier with our water bottles'.

Cheers Deedee, thanks for the welcome. I do enjoy reading the forum and having a giggle at the banter. Don't know if any of you saw the throw Mke was selling last night. Green on the outside and a lovely picture of a tiger on it! I think it was £25 plus extras. It was hideous but it sold so maybe I have no taste...

you clearly have no taste

that throw is the greatest thing since jesus...

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