As you say they may well be totally different off screen,but in the dieing days of Ideal World,non of the current Shop Extra tat sellers did themselves any favours.
TJC is already being dragged down to smut and shouting(people never learn)
Back to the four stooges on shop extra they were the wrong people to launch a new shopping channel,simply because many like myself will never buy anything from them.
IW went bust but a few days later they were having a party with not a care in the world
The words shallow and uncaring with no concern for others spring to mind!
I noticed this being said a few times and personally i just don't get it, just because a person can act like a normal human being in their off screen time doesn't absolve or excuse them for their shyster behaviour on screen. And as for it's just an act/on screen persona, well hey whether it's an act, on screen persona or natural persona they are still consciously taking part in deliberately lying, misinforming and misleading viewers with the aim of persuading said viewers into buying IW products. The fact that they willingly participate in this behaviour says all you need to know about their character.
Didn't watch much of TJC until IW went but from what little i've see over the years they've always been just a more boring version of IW, same shyster behaviour.