Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'm afraid my wife doesn't agree with you.
She's been taking the collagen liquid supplements for quite a while now, probably nearly 2 years.
She has noticed some benefits from taking it, notably much stronger nails and improved skin. The main skin effect was plumping. They took about at least 3 months before being noticeable.
Hair also improved but that took about a year to be obvious.
Hasn't improved joints noticeably.
She did take a break from it at one point and started to notice a negative change. When she started again she noticed the benefits.
She actually takes slightly less than the recommended amount.
Don't expect instant results, in her experience, months may well needed, unlikely to be the week or ten days they very often allude to on IW.

It's not me she's disagreeing with, it's biology 😂.

You cannot ingest a collagen pill and have it stay as collagen, let alone "move" collagen to where it says on the bottle. The digestive system (and the human body) does not work like that. Anymore than you can swallow some emu oil and have that travel undigested to your skin.

Preformed collagen (collagen isn't a miracle patented ingredient just a chain of bog-standard amino acids found in most food) gets broken back down into amino acids. Those amino acids are then used to make a lot of proteins and things which keep the body working - including collagen.

My point is not that amino acids don't make collagen - they do - or that more collagen helps the body work better - it does - simply that necking a couple of animal-derived collagen pills a day to get those amino acids (largely proline, alanine, glycine, and hydroxyprolin) is not necessary. You can find all of them in much larger quantities in everyday food. They're not magical, exotic, or rare. A single amino acid extracted from cow bones will be identical in form and function in the body as the same amino extracted from, idk, a soya bean.

And my other point is that if you do want to get those aminos from preformed collagen under the misguided notion that 'ingesting collagen makes collagen' then, er, don't be surprised if that doesn't happen. The body uses amino acids for pretty much every single function that keeps you alive. Neither you, your wife, IW, Numi, Proto-Col or anyone else can choose if they're used to make collagen, or if they are, where that collagen ends up.
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My God…his hairless little feet…Looks like all they are missing is a pair of Gammon infused Popsox and a pair of size 8 slingbacks…

AND WE ONLY WANT….Sounds like Beat the Chasers… What you WANT…YOU won’t get from ME for the tat you want it for…
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My God…his hairless little feet…Looks like all they are missing is a pair of Gammon infused Popsox and a pair of size 8 slingbacks…

AND WE ONLY WANT….Sounds like Beat the Chasers… What you WANT…YOU won’t get from ME for the tat you want it for…

Yeah but that's his inner feminine feet brought on by the foot spa, wait till you see his everyday alpha male feet. :eek::ROFLMAO:

“If you are not sure you can take this - speak to your GP…But GET IT first.” What he means is, he couldn’t care less what your GP says (if you can get past Castle Greyskull reception first). Just buy something first without checking beforehand that it could be unsuitable for you…Lumber yourself with the fuc….and then try your luck in returning it for a refund.

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