You do realise ingesting collagen doesn't really do anything, right? You're just making a joke, aren't you?
Cos your stomach breaks preformed collagen back down into amino acids - the exact same amino acids you already get from protein (animal or plant they're literally identical, think of them as letters in an alphabet). A bit of digestive magic happens and eventually they end up in the liver which uses the amino acid letters to make words (chains) for whatever the body needs - it needs a lot, and I mean a lot, gang.
Your body does not and cannot know which amino acids came from what. Your body will NOT go "ooh, hold on liver, those amino acids came from the Numi collagen drink so these are reserved for not only plumping up the skin, right, not only the aches and pains, okay, so don't use them for the thousands of other basic bodily functions that help keep me alive."
Necking a colourful carton of collagen drink (or popping supplements) makes people feel better, but, like, it's literally no different to eating food.
And the beauty studies about collagen supplements which show /scant/ benefits at best could as easily be explained by increased hydration (skin, joints, brain all NEED water, and few of us drink enough: an extra glass of water a day from taking a collagen pill means more hydrated, so people see/feel results but assume it's the pill and overlook the water).
If you're already eating a freak-ton of protein a day, adding more MAY help make more collagen PROVIDING you have excess aminos left over from everything else, you're healthy, and eating a balanced diet (collagen production requires other things to happen).
It is significantly cheaper to a) just eat protein rich food or if you really don't want to gain weight b) use amino acid powders body builders use. You can get a whacking great tub for about Ā£8 and mix a spoonful with water and drink it (ideally with ample vitamin C over the course of the day if you're aiming to facilitate collagen as it can't be made without vitamin C which is a water soluble vitamin so it needs replacing every day as we pee it out).
But whatever the carton may claim, you cannot choose or control what happens to the amino acids in the "collagen pills" once your stomach has broken them down. Biology doesn't work like thatā¦ Hence Pedro's need to visit patio doorsā¦