What’s he selling? Upside down head combs? Toy cars from the cheap shop?
Well, Michael of The Masons? Yes, Mike? What can I do for me? Well…for a bleedin‘ start you can tell what my 9 O’Clock surprise is? Well, Mike…I got yer…a real shock of a shocker shocking one. This product I’ve been tryin’ to get back into the business for seconds….Tell all, Michael..I don’t mean to hurry or hassle you, but tell me Nahhhrrrrr…Alright, Mike.. It‘s a fragrance that sounds like a cut of pork…No…it can‘t be..You’ve got me Gammon…Gammon…How can I erm explain to the punters why each time we get it on (not me and the punters) we say we can’t get it on again before Christmas.. I don‘t want to loss me bleedin’ credibility.. Remember..I”m gifted, me. I hear music between me ears…Don’t worry, Mike. None of ’em will ever remember much past half past seven…
They’ve only got it back for real…