Random musings and general banter.


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Don't know what Peter is on, but he's selling a blanket, and rambling on about Val Doonican, Pocahontas and Custer's last stand. Also said he's got a stomach condition for which he's taking medication. On to Dr Lobitoff now. He's crackers.
He's making shapes under the blanket, and saying that's not my hand! He just can't help being smutty.
Cant help wondering just how many people out there need new blankets
ive lost count of the different types of blanket they have been flogging over the last couple of weeks, all of which seem to fly out.
Has there been a national shortage I’ve missed hearing about???
Just turned over and caught the tail end of the blankets. The shops have been full of them, bought a lovely cosy cream one in Dunelm last month for half that price. Has he been doing the "your great aunt Maud will freeze to death without this" act?
Going off on a tangent here...

This week I went into my local Wilkos (which has just re-opened, now run by The Range - so we're hardly talking super luxury here) and I have to say: the quality and price of all their xmas trinkets and ornaments and things utterly blows TJC-IW out of the water.

They had SO many things similar to stuff I'd seen on TJC-IW throughout last week. Santa's in snow globes with lights and swirling glitter. TJC-IW wanted £24.99 for theirs but the Wilko's Mk2 wanted just £6.99, and it was big and weighty.

They had also had lots of other selly telly staples, like sherpa blankets, air fryers, oscillating heaters, etc and almost all of it was 30-50% cheaper than IW-TJC (who always put "great value" on screen). Given this is a bricks and mortar retailer, you'd assume they'd be higher. Then again, I suppose they're not a garden center…

Didn't see any walking canes with built-in siren and torch though, so you've still got that market, TJC-IW ;)
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Going off on a tangent here...

This week I went into my local Wilkos (which has just re-opened, now run by The Range - so we're hardly talking super luxury here) and I have to say: the quality and price of all their xmas trinkets and ornaments and things utterly blows TJC-IW out of the water.

They had SO many things similar to stuff I'd seen on TJC-IW throughout last week. Santa's in snow globes with lights and swirling glitter. IW-TJC wanted £24.99 for theirs but the Wilko Mk2 wanted just £6.99, and it was big and weighty. They had lots of light up xmas scenes etc, sherpa blankets, air fryers, etc all of it about 30-50% cheaper than IW-TJC (who always have "great value" on screen).

Didn't see any walking canes with built-in siren and torch though, so you've still got that market cornered, TJC-IW ;)
Going off topic myself about the walking canes, I once saw a Christmas Garfield cartoon where he'd pinched a candy cane from the tree and was walking away with a limp! He didn't get away with it🤣.
I seriously question if Pedro makes any higher priced sales (I know I know he bigs everything up) but he has watches on, now if someone was thinking of buying one and wanted details of said watch I would question them buying one when he is selling them as he has just said during his sales pitch.....

"Ok Jasmine is saying.......how many left?........James we were just saying......eh right.......the silver and blue...........these are a must buy.......checkout, Jasmine........right red is.......Graham has got one, in't that lovely.......just av a buy"

So nowhere at all in that mumble jumble has he said anything about the watch details etc, who would buy from someone who gives them zero details about the item?
Peter Simon was flogging some tacky Tiffany-style rip-off lamps earlier, with the seemingly inevitable 'Hammy from Aberdeen' text announcement. There followed a nonsense tale with Hammy imagining one of these lamps in his front window, welcoming him back from a winter's walk! There doesn't seem to be any limit when it comes to crowbarring Hammy's walks as a means of flogging products. Peter even described him as "The wonderful Hammy from Aberdeen". Makes you wonder if they're trying to develop Hammy's role as some sort of 'creative' marketing technique.
Peter Simon was flogging some tacky Tiffany-style rip-off lamps earlier, with the seemingly inevitable 'Hammy from Aberdeen' text announcement. There followed a nonsense tale with Hammy imagining one of these lamps in his front window, welcoming him back from a winter's walk! There doesn't seem to be any limit when it comes to crowbarring Hammy's walks as a means of flogging products. Peter even described him as "The wonderful Hammy from Aberdeen". Makes you wonder if they're trying to develop Hammy's role as some sort of 'creative' marketing technique.
OMG it's getting worse for poor Hammy😳
OMG it's getting worse for poor Hammy😳

I'm finding it hilarious, in a stupid kinda way. Like last night, while they were showing Reign and Shield watches, I couldn't stop laughing as Mason read out my 'alleged' text, saying "I'm needing to replace my old watch and need a sturdy reliable watch for my daily walks, plenty to chose from here." Mason then asks Miss Precision which one she would recommend for Hammy. :ROFLMAO:

As i said i was in stitches, as Peter Simon would say, 'not only' because IW is the last place i would buy a watch from, 'not only' because i wouldn't touch a resultco brand watch with a barge pole, 'not only' because I don't need to replace any old watch at the moment and finally 'not only' because i have a watch collection that would fear you so don't require anymore ****** watches especially from IW. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Peter Simon was flogging some tacky Tiffany-style rip-off lamps earlier, with the seemingly inevitable 'Hammy from Aberdeen' text announcement. There followed a nonsense tale with Hammy imagining one of these lamps in his front window, welcoming him back from a winter's walk! There doesn't seem to be any limit when it comes to crowbarring Hammy's walks as a means of flogging products. Peter even described him as "The wonderful Hammy from Aberdeen". Makes you wonder if they're trying to develop Hammy's role as some sort of 'creative' marketing technique.

Maybe i'm being lined up as a replacement for Dave Loyden (think that's how his name was spelt) of Vostok Europe fame. ;) :ROFLMAO:
It's all big bullshit mode tonight , system in meltdown :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: but in truth they can't get the graphics to work for the suitcases they have been selling for ages.
Breaking News....... Mike was in shock at the price but I'm guessing it hasn't changed since they were last on sale at £99.99 and you can get them on TJC.
But buy similar for less elsewhere.
It's all big bullshit mode tonight , system in meltdown :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: but in truth they can't get the graphics to work for the suitcases they have been selling for ages.
Breaking News....... Mike was in shock at the price but I'm guessing it hasn't changed since they were last on sale at £99.99 and you can get them on TJC.
But buy similar for less elsewhere.

He was selling them yesterday or the day before.

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