Yes, that was part of the pitch when TJC started selling Opatra, the reason being that. Opatra’s customers would be very unhappy that they had paid £8k for the Holy Grail, to discover it for a fraction of the price on TJC. I can never get my head around the price difference. It’s like walking into a car showroom deciding on a £35k car, but being offered it for £3500. And makes me wonder how many full price items they actually sell. Also, as you say Flying Pigs, they need to show a full and thorough demonstration of how these things are used. Not hours of waffle by Presenters with all their makeup on. And anyway, if all these products are improving their skin so much, do they need to wear makeup?On TJC Opatra was only sold when there was a live show or via the missed TV section on the website , you could not find the products on the website , this seemed to be a ploy to make it seem a very exclusive brand and yes it definitely used to be sold at Harrods. It has definitely lost its exclusivity now it is on IW as well but also GLO24 seems to have similar products at much cheaper prices to challenge Opatra’s dominance. I think it is wise to only sell these devices when there is a live demonstration because some products if used incorrectly could result in damage to your eyes and thyroid.
200m, £100Mason - "Knowing watches as i do, 200 mtr diver's watch £500 minimum."
He knows sod all about watches neither does Miss Precision.
These shysters have no shame,production staff barely out of school,at least they can read which is a positive.Christ get a mention again, what watch would they recommend for one of my coastwalks.
If they paid me a £1 for everytime they mention me i could buy a new watch at this rate.
I know I shouldn’t say this but if she spent £45 on a mug then she not only owns a mug she is one5 minutes in & mimi has just bragged that she spent £45 on a mug
She’s really pushing the free meals. Talk about trying to guilt people into making a purchase![]()
Alternatively buy none. Eat at least semi-healthily, do some exercise, protect yourself from prolonged sunlight, maybe use a decent basic skin moisturiser if need be.I’ve heard one of the presenters say that people have bought 2 Prolite Tunnels at £1600 to do different parts of their bodies at the same time! Really? And this morning I heard Natalia encourage customers to buy 2 Cavishapers, to use together . Unbelievable.
Well switched on this morning and it wasn't Opatra on screen, it was Lorem, the let's slaughter the Emu for a natural pain relief show.
But have no fear, as soon as they had finished with the poor Emu it was back to the daily grind with Opatra.![]()