I can't quite see how the 'powers that be' are allowing Dirty Peter on IW. Let's not get off on the wrong stance though, Ideal World has long long long ago stopped being an 'ok' shopping channel, back in the day when they had more than 6 ranges I mean. Yes non-believers, IW did used to stock about 5 ranges of jewellery, that's 5 RANGES, not 5 colours of ring

They too used to have a fair few beauty ranges, and some other things which aren't Karcher, Wagner, Drill All, or Tower

Lately though, IW has become just the bog standard same few products we could all name if pressed; just rotated between Pick Of The Day, Blockbuster and fill-in other hour. I honestly don't see why they have paid the staff the last 2 years or more, surely just repeat the same one hour presentation, with least annoying member of staff and change the graphics? The treat viewers like we have brains made of potato anyway, so I'm thinking they could assume we wouldn't notice.
But now? Dirty Peter, who even makes Paul Brodel seem more Sidney Poitier than Sid James (as he usually comes accross) and poor Joe was noticeably cringing when he was presenting with him. Joe even had to point out that Peter had only once in 55 minutes said "Flexi-pay" correctly whilst laughing at him

Peter can't even string a sentence together, its almost sad to watch. Meanwhile Mikey Barra-boi couldn't be more patronising if he tried, and Paul Beqcue and Gen seem to be in a perpetual shouting competition.
The channel, whilst I honestly thought had hit the very bottom, has sunk to new lows, the only plus being it's humorous and this splendid thread, much missed from the Bid forums, is back, with its many splendid contributors.
I shall, for one, be even more glued to IW now, for the comedy gold genuis of Dirty Peter, (who added a 'not only' in a written on screen quote of Thomas Kinkade last night

) and the many many failings of the channel.
Thank you to the contributors of this thread, who will, no doubt have me spitting tea at the monitor as I LOL