Back to the sales techniques on watch shows employed pretty much by all the presenters, and backed up, usually, by the ‘experts’ is the KEY ‘I cannot believe what we are selling this for this price, compared to the RRP’ mantra. Surely, to fit in with ASA Rules (spits coffee all over the floor), these types of statements need to be validated with some actual on-air, at the time facts to support them. Like they do when they compare Rug Doctor prices, say, with what rivals are selling them for online for. At least then, that is illustratively and constructively supportive of the amazing prices they state verbally.
But with watches, they never appear to do this. I suppose they never do this because essentially there either are no other retailers selling them, or if there are, the prices are either lower or identical, which in turn, would kill stone dead, the vital high RRPs promoted option they rely on to increase and sustain the kudos and above all the ’underpriced’ and great value factor of the watches they present for sale. It should be NO BACK-UP EVIDENCE - NO SAY IT, but clearly it goes on and on regardless without the requirement of this.