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Karen Roberts-Marshall was her name.

The opening night major gimmick was based around selling a car or purporting to be selling a car at least. They had in the studio a green VW Beetle. Whilst it was showing to have an item number, what actually was going on was it was a local car dealer selling the car and allowing it to be showcased on the channel. Whether it was ever sold as a result of being on air, I don’t know. As I recall, the only car they sold that evening directly, was a scale model of a VW green Beetle. Sad for me, when I look back at the video footage of which there is some online. I actually recorded the whole thing, and I still have it on a VHS tape somewhere. A lot changes in your life in 20 years and that is where the sadness kicks in. Also seeing Whatters, now knowing he was only four or five years from the end of his life, is very poignant, too. I am not sure this place was up and running then, but I do remember posting some stuff about the opening night on a shopping telly forum of some description, or was it on Digital Spy? Can’t remember now.
Karen Roberts-Marshall was her name.

The opening night major gimmick was based around selling a car or purporting to be selling a car at least. They had in the studio a green VW Beetle. Whilst it was showing to have an item number, what actually was going on was it was a local car dealer selling the car and allowing it to be showcased on the channel. Whether it was ever sold as a result of being on air, I don’t know. As I recall, the only car they sold that evening directly, was a scale model of a VW green Beetle. Sad for me, when I look back at the video footage of which there is some online. I actually recorded the whole thing, and I still have it on a VHS tape somewhere. A lot changes in your life in 20 years and that is where the sadness kicks in. Also seeing Whatters, now knowing he was only four or five years from the end of his life, is very poignant, too. I am not sure this place was up and running then, but I do remember posting some stuff about the opening night on a shopping telly forum of some description, or was it on Digital Spy? Can’t remember now.
I’ve seen clips of the opening night, Would have been funny if those 3 had fallen down Racing to the studio. If the channel don’t celebrate next week it will probably be the first time it hasn’t, well apart from there first anniversary, as they had the fire a month before

Just looked on Wiki I forgot they had 3 channels at one point
There are clearly no beginnings to her cleaning talents at least. My Name is Hack Up aged 98 isn’t helping the credibility of the situation. I would love to know how she got on there? Friend of a presenter, perhaps? That’s the cleaning lady, by the way - not My Name is Mucus..My lovely friend Shaun…We share a dressing room, she drones on…A few pairs of extra extra larges in that room..Eeew..Pass the sick bucket..
I would socially distance from her and Den, as The Duke of Cheese says, Den is of no help to Danielle at all keeps speaking over her with drivel keeps coughing over her, keeps asking poor Danielle a question then Den just talks more drivel about..........herself.

This whole hour really has been a shambles from start to finish its all over the place, really bad!
I don’t know why I suddenly crave two boiled eggs at 22:00 hours? Oh I know.. It’s Upside Down Heads One and Two presenting the Hugo Lloris watch extravaganza. Or is it Christophe Dugarry? Or is it another French footballer? No..it’s Marshall & Snellgrove.. No, it’s Arding & Hobbs… Upside Down Head One launches into his empty the septic tank mode… Fellas…Fellas…Gents…Public Conveniences…A word of friendly advice…Zzzzz

Pub landlord Mason sits next to you in the saloon bar and says: ”I don’t mean to scare you…but the Double Diamond and KP Crisps are just about to sell out” “If you do manage to consume them, return them in a pristine, regurgitated condition on the pavement when you leave, and we will give you every pound and penny of your hard earnt cash back…

On another matter - Jonathan baldy head fellow comes across as a rather greasy capon. I wouldn’t take advice from him on which bus to catch, let alone what cracker watch to buy…Now Mason in full matey mode: ‘Ere Girls..’Ere Gang…I fink these watches are massively underpriced…Let’s take care of the ladies..I’ll bet…
Christophe Duchamp must be getting their watches through The International Luxury Group, they're brands are Swiss Military, Roamer, Police, Timberland etc and they also supply watches for third party brands. They can supply Swiss, French or Far East made watches.
I have noticed the lack of rubbish about Christophe Ducamp and the family history from the last show which we all commented on before....Nestled in the mountains of Woking the birthplace of Duchamp Swiss watchmaking.
3 Volcans left..I don’t want make yer feel ‘urried or rushed…But only free Vulcans left..Two Klingons…Four Talosians..Down to single figures, Gang…The single figures we had at the start??


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I have noticed the lack of rubbish about Christophe Ducamp and the family history from the last show which we all commented on before....Nestled in the mountains of Woking the birthplace of Duchamp Swiss watchmaking.

Last show was Peter Simon, he's the worst culprit for spewing fictitious stories about watch brands, owners, locations etc and giving crap info about the watches. Mason on the other hand never really mentions much about those things, probably because he hasn't got a clue, yeah he'll mention an odd thing but doesn't give much detail, he just concentrates on spouting crap about the watches themselves.

But you have to say Christophe Duchamp have some cheek, they got a watch made for them by a Swiss watchmaker, copying one of their designs, and and decided to give it an RRP that's over 4 times the RRP of the watch they are copying.

The Vulcan RRP £1850

And the original.

Roamer Rockshell Mark III RRP 499 Swiss Francs approx £450

Mason appears to operate on three main watch selling fronts:-

1) The ‘I Expect These to Sell Out’ He says this very regularly on all the watch presentations I have seen him involved in. Yet, unless I have missed something, I’ve never ever see his emphatic expectations of a sell-out completely of all watches realised. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him involved in a watch presentation where any watches have sold out - either individually, let alone collectively. Please correct me if I’m wrong on this. I am sure there must be some examples that I have missed.

2) ‘How Many Left, Emma (Royds)? ‘HOW MANY??!!’ ‘Single Figures, People With A Firework in Each Ear…Single Figures, I warns yer…’ Now, the key thing here is, how many watches did they have to sell in the first place? If they did have double-figure stock numbers or more, then what he is saying is acceptable. But if they only ever had single figures in the first place, then that is a manipulative and misleading tactic, I believe.

3) ‘I believe these watches are massively underPaulpriced’ This is one of his regular approaches that I’ve seen, and not one that I’m at all keen on. Clearly, it is bigging up the deals on offer, if he is saying that he thinks they are selling them at a price to low. How does he come to that conclusion? For me, he’s dressing up almost as a fact at worst, and an opinion at best, to encourage those watching to bite and buy. I can see no legitimate and factual grounds whatsoever for him saying that they have underpriced the watches. Particularly as everything sales tactics wise, appears to be based on the frequent quotation of value terms on unrealistically high recommended retail prices, ones you rarely find these watches on sale for anywhere else, if at all. Empty rhetoric with an obvious agenda of pushing sales is my view.
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