Random musings and general banter.


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Schrödinger's cat in real life:

IW parcels.
Ordered 2 of IW3 boxes
The 2 arrived in 2 sealed boxes, both boxes sellotaped together.
We separated and opened one to confirm its contents.

A relative said shall we give one as a present and which box, the one we opened, which needs to be repacked and resealed, or give the other unopened, unchecked one?

Well, they're both the same, in theory, but we won't know unless we open it?! It might be missing the contents or be different or a plastic parrot?

But opening it will 'spoil' the seal and packaging.

So is it a 2nd box inside, the same as the first? Or not?

It is both a box present and not a correct present, until given and opened.

Superposition in action!
As I have since explained, I did this in a private, gentle, conversation. I was not rude in public or private to Jazzy.
Please tell me or state where it how I am or have been rude. Don't believe what others are saying without seeing it for yourself. There are 2 sides to a story.

I am not a 'staunch believer in this government's policies'.

I simply agree it is correct to not pay tax-payer money to Pensioners who don't need it.
That is all. I think people are seeing keywords and arguing against points I am not making.

I have created a separate thread in the Off-topic section to explain and discuss this further.
No more here.
As I have since explained, I did this in a private, gentle, conversation. I was not rude in public or private to Jazzy.
Please tell me or state where it how I am or have been rude. Don't believe what others are saying without seeing it for yourself. There are 2 sides to a story.

I am not a 'staunch believer in this government's policies'.

I simply agree it is correct to not pay tax-payer money to Pensioners who don't need it.
That is all. I think people are seeing keywords and arguing against points I am not making.

I have created a separate thread in the Off-topic section to explain and discuss this further.
No more here.
Here, if interested:
Thread 'WFP and politics' https://shoppingtelly.com/threads/wfp-and-politics.68273/
That is my prerogative to like or dislike I do NOT have to agree or like everything that is on here. Nor do you or anyone else!
Nobody said you had to!
You are arguing against points that were not made.
Straw man arguments?

I have not taken against anyone I simply pointed out you were rude.
I was not rude, am not rude and have not been rude. Show me otherwise.

I also did not agree with your post regarding the winter fuel but felt commenting would be a waste of my time as you are a staunch believer in this government policies.
I am not.
I just agree with the removal of the universal payment. To those who don't need it.
I do not know what income level it should be set at and I do not know the impact the current PC threshold will have on lower income Pensioners.

From the posts, replies and offence taken, I presume the majority here think there will be hundreds of thousands or million+ still severely affected, despite having income above the PC level?
I don't know, show me some evidence, over on here:

Thread 'WFP and politics' https://shoppingtelly.com/threads/wfp-and-politics.68273/

I on the other hand am not! Our overseas visitors have more rights than we do. This post is not up for a debate it's just my opinion.
Interesting. Probably wrong too. But any position can be debated.
And what really annoys me, is the guy who has Taken this money away from Pensioners

Can’t be arsed to go and buy himself a suit, To Lazy to go to a Optician and pay for his glasses, and unable to pay to go and watch Arsenal, which he goes for nothing
Most. Not all.
Agreed, it's not a good look.
Or as they say these days, "the optics are not good."


Thread 'WFP and politics' https://shoppingtelly.com/threads/wfp-and-politics.68273/

But personally, I couldn't care less what gifts/freebies he gets as PM, if he does a great job at sorting UK out!

Sadly, I think he faces big challenges there too, to put it mildly.

Arsenal: he already paid a season ticket prior. He should still pay that and accept the box/extras as PM for security.

Clothes: do they get a clothing allowance as part of the job? Can he claim work clothes back as tax deductible? Is accepting the clothes cash donations actually saving the Gov/tax man VAT/tax offset? After all we didn't want Mr. Foot and his donkey jacket .. or Mr. Corbyn and his mismatching jackets and glasses.
On the uk and international stage.

Glasses: accepting donation doesn:t seem to be a problem, or can he afford it himself.

But what do the donators want in return, that is the problem.

We know the PM is paid less than other top civil servants. Should donations or an allowance be better?
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If you want continue the political chat please use thread @PhaedrusR created

Let's keep this thread about Ideal World
If you want continue the political chat please use thread @PhaedrusR created

Let's keep this thread about Ideal World
Thanks mod.

Ideal World. Oh, the irony.


So, the cooking demos with the Flaming Chef and the burgers, on the double-sided microwave plates...

Who says 'advertising doesn't work'?

I confess, that after seeing the IW demo a couple of times, I had some spare credit on my TJC account that I needed to use and purchased this grill from TJC, for less/discount/free p&p, than IW.

I have yet to use them but thought they might be useful and save energy/money for 3mins in the microwave, compared to 10 or 20 mins in the airfryer?
For burgers, sausages, meat, etc.

We shall see.

If anyone wants a full review, shout.
Someone earlier said it is wrong to criticise the personal appearance of presenters.

However, I think this is perfectly reasonable when they claim that whatever wonder product they are currently selling has done wonders for their health or looks. For example, Peter Simon often looks like he is falling apart at the seams and thus to hear him go on and on about collagen is unconvincing.

And is it cruel to mention Natalia's shiny face which could be used as a belisha beacon?

The hula hoop thingy did nothing for Sally's weight or figure did it?

The beautiful bald fella (as he calls himself) thinks he is God's gift.

For me, they all put themselves up there on screen so they are fair game. We don't use offensive words like fat or ugly to describe anybody. But when the visuals don't match the words I think we have a right to say so.

What do we think?
Someone earlier said it is wrong to criticise the personal appearance of presenters.

However, I think this is perfectly reasonable when they claim that whatever wonder product they are currently selling has done wonders for their health or looks. For example, Peter Simon often looks like he is falling apart at the seams and thus to hear him go on and on about collagen is unconvincing.

And is it cruel to mention Natalia's shiny face which could be used as a belisha beacon?

The hula hoop thingy did nothing for Sally's weight or figure did it?

The beautiful bald fella (as he calls himself) thinks he is God's gift.

For me, they all put themselves up there on screen so they are fair game. We don't use offensive words like fat or ugly to describe anybody. But when the visuals don't match the words I think we have a right to say so.

What do we think?
It’s not like we wish them harm.

Even though we Slam presenters, when presenters are off sick, we show concern, Months back Mike was off, we all were wondering.

Knowing Rob has bad knees, I’ve texted in a few times, asking after his knees we care.

Me at least. Would love to praise IW. But it’s there fault we don’t
I've been down with a nasty chest infection. I have been dipping in and out of IW but not been on forum much. I did watch part 2 of Phillip Schofield Castaway on Channel 5 and there was a kind of cliff-hanger, that some sort of mammal (implied that it could be an ape) was on the island with him. I automatically jumped to Peter Simon. He's gone to join his old pal :LOL:
I've been down with a nasty chest infection. I have been dipping in and out of IW but not been on forum much. I did watch part 2 of Phillip Schofield Castaway on Channel 5 and there was a kind of cliff-hanger, that some sort of mammal (implied that it could be an ape) was on the island with him. I automatically jumped to Peter Simon. He's gone to join his old pal :LOL:
Maybe it’s Gordon who’s left Rehab
I've been down with a nasty chest infection. I have been dipping in and out of IW but not been on forum much. I did watch part 2 of Phillip Schofield Castaway on Channel 5 and there was a kind of cliff-hanger, that some sort of mammal (implied that it could be an ape) was on the island with him. I automatically jumped to Peter Simon. He's gone to join his old pal :LOL:
Sorry to hear you’re poorly. Hope you’ll feel better soon.

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