The point is, for me, it is not compulsory to be disingenuous on that channel. It seems to me if a presenter like Rob can be transparent and honest in his approach, and decline to show these ridiculous indirect price comparisons, comparing their cheap items with those costing hundreds of pounds more in some cases, but of not the remotest comparable quality, and still continues to work there - presenter choice to participate or not is an option. Rob was also tremendously candid about the benefits of those small electric heaters in his presentation.
We all know who the usual suspects are, who go along with those type of hysterical tactics. It is boring to even discuss their techniques. I find it more interesting to focus on people like Rob, Simona, Heather and the long-haired lady, all of whom do the job perfectly well, but in a very different way. I hope Jeremy will permanently join this school of presenting, and not end up being dragged down the back of the Ideal World classroom, throwing paper darts at informed choice selling.