Random musings and general banter.


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That charger doesn’t look like it’s kicking into charge the phone to me. People do actually notice…

At that price I’d buy a few, he says. Why? A few?? Same tactic for so much they try to sell.

£49 - not a direct comparison…Behave yourselves..
Maybe because he realises it won’t work for long, I bought so many chargers That packed up every few months, ended up buying a Apple one in the end

Maybe because he realises it won’t work for long, I bought so many chargers That packed up every few months, ended up buying a Apple one in the end
I bought an energizer powerbank about 10 years ago (to use for my TASCAM digital sound recorder and it still works really well. It was less than 20 quid at the time (reduced from about 60) but I use it in my back pack. You plug it into your back pack and can charge things via the bag (charging ports on the outside of bag). I think it depends what type of charger it is (cheap crap or decent brand). The only issue I noticed is the plastic/rubber casing has become really really sticky. It looks horrible but functions brilliantly. So that's why I keep it out of site in the bag, it otherwise works really well. The wireless charging I have never tried but don't think I'd buy ot off Ideal World
Seem to be struggling for new products to me. Combining that magnifying glass, screw set and credit cards holder for a combined £9.99 seemed like a ‘well even for us these are too cheap to sell individually’ strategy. Going back to those beauty tools during later hours also makes make you think along similar lines, too.
It's clear to me that they don't want it to be like the old Ideal World. Why would they do that? It's a model that has failed twice. Even if they wanted to sell items that were regularly sold on the old Ideal World, the chances of that happening are zero. Did you see how much money was owed to many suppliers? The money will never be seen by them, just like the customers who paid for the rattan furniture. Lets see what happens if/when they move in the new studio, although I expect more of the same, but on a larger scale of tat to pay for the new studio build.
If they are buying this stuff in bulk for ‘pennies’ then shift it in sufficient numbers for a massive mark-up, then yes, that is potentially a great business model and at odds with the last two failed versions before them. The key point is are they doing the latter? If they are - they’ll survive as long as the audience for it. But if not…
Despite the success of TJC's strategy over the years, I'm uncertain if selling the same products on two channels will be successful in the long run. I wish Ideal World would put the box displaying the number of items left and the number of items sold on screen, like TJC does. I am curious if Ideal World sells hundreds of items like TJC.
When TJC was planning to reintroduce Ideal World, they stated the revamped Ideal World will function as an independent entity separate from the primary TJC service. If Ideal World is not connected to TJC, why are all the items sold alternately between the two channels? If they were really independent, they would be selling totally different items.
Cue Peter Simon on Saturday night:

Now then, viewers at 'ome, coming up we've got the Gammon. Now, it's at a price to clear. A price to clear. We're gonna show yer the most luxurious of the Gammons at a price we've never done before. It's a one-time only price to clear. I've told Our Bet (or is it Our Bob?), I've told Our Karen, I've told Dr Lobitoff, and I've told the man who comes round twice a week to buff up me crevices. Stop it at 'ome! It's infused with a cacophony of not only the Chanels, not only the Tom Fords, not only the Guerlains - I'm not comparin' 'em, I'm just sayin'. Oh, wait a minute, 'as there been a mistake 'ere, Charlie, Juliooooo? Well, we're gonna 'av to honour it. It's our mistake, viewers, you'll never see it at this price again so just 'av a buy. IT'S £39.99! £39.99 for four Gammons!

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