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If TJC and Gemporia can show on screen how much stock of the current on-air item there is, and amend that number in real time with the number of actual sales, why can't IW?

If anything, all shopping telly channels should do this. There's no excuse for any of them not to. That's if they're interested in being transparent, obviously.
This is like watching Jumble Sale TV........JSTV.

How on earth could they have managed to get so much crap cheapo items to sell?

Mike is a tryer granted!
I dip in and out but not one product has tempted me, at least IW had some OK products in amongst some of the crap ones and the ludicrous claims , this has none. I won't persevere much longer at this rate.
I dip in and out but not one product has tempted me, at least IW had some OK products in amongst some of the crap ones and the ludicrous claims , this has none. I won't persevere much longer at this rate.
Yeah, its like the old bid tv days, Just far east cheap tat with the same old tried and tested presenters saying the same things, only difference is its almost 2024.
Hi there,

A few weeks ago, I answered a few of the questions that were put to me on here about my time working on Ideal World.

I was wondering, if some of you wouldn't mind if I could ask a couple of my own?

I know that there has always been a lot of criticism levelled against shopping channels, their presenters, their products, heck even their studios. So, in an ideal world (pun very much intended) what would you want to see on a shopping channel?

I assume honesty and integrity to be the simplest and most concise answer to that question, but beyond that, what kind of presenting style would you want? Straight to the point when it comes to the sale or a more relaxed style - somewhere between entertainment and selling?

Would you want to be able to interact with the presenters? Or to see some elements of channels that are gone; like live price changes ala Bid and Price Drop?

Would you want to see brands you've heard of and products you're familiar with? Innovative new items that are a little bit odd? A mixture of the two?

From a personal perspective, I always did technology shows - so a lot of the gadgets and gizmos from the past (camcorders, cd players, sat navs) have kind of been replaced by smartphones.

Believe me, I'm not on the cusp of setting up GrantTV, but I'm just curious to see what the consensus would be on a channel that would work.
personally I’m a girl. Who loves tech items, so personally more tech. On the old IW I would watch any Tech shows even If I didnt want to purchase anything, but a channel that showed a wide range of products, Watches are not really my thing, but I know people who post on here like them, a relaxed style, lighthearted, does there need to be hard sell, If a product is good enough should you need hard sell. Years back QVC would spend 10 minutes on a pair of gold earrings, I could never make it out. It’s a earring it’s made of gold, here are the measurements could be done in minutes

On this new IW, I have texted in a few times, first time about the GX pillows what I bought following advice, even though we moaned how long they were on screen theyve worked.

sometimes quirky items are good

I’m fairly housebound a lot of the time I have on as background noise

know that there has always been a lot of criticism levelled against shopping channels, their presenters, their products, heck even their studios.

You missed the most important thing we criticise off your list, Grant: their selling style.

I don’t think most of us care that much about the studio decor, though obviously a decent set, lighting, cameras with lenses not smeared in Vaseline… etc helps.

It’s the BS. The lies. The misleading. The constant over hyping of ever mundane thing. The “not a direct comparison” comparisons. The treating people like they’re stupid - and yes, a lot are, but tricking them into buying things not worth their RRP and telling them it’s an heirloom that MUST BE INSURED is grimy as heck.

Nuke all that from orbit and it’s QVC golden.
Haven't got strong opinions on the products but it's the things the presenters come out with that infuriate me. For example:
"You have to buy this, you've got no choice" (as said by a smug Mike Mason)
Sally Jacks screeching that this product is the best in the world
Peter Simon and his crude, 1970s "comedy routine"
Saying product number 1 is so much better than product 2, then selling product 2 a week later and rubbishing product 1
Trying to tell us a £50 watch is better than a Rolex.
Doing the pretend trying to buy the product live on air (it must be good if the presenter is buying one blah blah...)
The shock look when there's a 'pricing error'

There's tons of examples but these are a few. Just be pleasant, lighthearted, if a product is cheap and cheerful just say so, don't compare it to something ten times the price and say its superior.
Keep things simple.

Explain, X item is £40...or 4 payments of £10 and say this everytime the price is mentioned, why say "get this for £10 then rabbit on about something unrelated"

Explain clearly what the item does what guarentee etc it has, no need for stories of "i'm buying 5 of these" we all know the presenters dont buy everything they sell it just sounds silly.

Explain when selling a £50 watch or £100 watch etc for what level of watch it is, Why mention Switzerland? why get it on the home insurance? Its a £100 you will get a good few years enjoy it for what it is!

Cut out the "its sooooo busy" "these WILL sell out" "guys these are going" "buy 2 3 or more as these wont be back ever again (until tomorrow morning)"

Oh and no need for the "we are you're best friend we are just like you we have family to, we love you" I dont want to make a new friend when buying a pair of shoes etc, or giving it the hand to the ear how many left? Half the stock left, these are flying!! Zzzzzzz sales nonsense!!

And finally dont sell a memory foam (or any other items) item at 8pm then at 9pm sell a direct competitor saying how awful and a waste of money memory foam (or any other items) are!

I'm sure there is loads more, but it will never change at IW as using the same gang over and over at IW Mk1 Mk2 Mk3 nothing wll change.

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