Random musings and general banter.


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Natalia must have been in a mad panic this morning, as the poor love seems to have come into work in her nightie.

I was going to ask if she was modelling some Tamsy "fashion" that was coming up later on, but it doesn't look like it would fit from small to medium, never mind be a one size up to 12 person tent
I'd emmm better hop on to the YT feed and watch this back ... purely to ensure the quality of the broadcasting is on par you understand ... for absolutely no other reason.
Hi there,

A few weeks ago, I answered a few of the questions that were put to me on here about my time working on Ideal World.

I was wondering, if some of you wouldn't mind if I could ask a couple of my own?

I know that there has always been a lot of criticism levelled against shopping channels, their presenters, their products, heck even their studios. So, in an ideal world (pun very much intended) what would you want to see on a shopping channel?

I assume honesty and integrity to be the simplest and most concise answer to that question, but beyond that, what kind of presenting style would you want? Straight to the point when it comes to the sale or a more relaxed style - somewhere between entertainment and selling?

Would you want to be able to interact with the presenters? Or to see some elements of channels that are gone; like live price changes ala Bid and Price Drop?

Would you want to see brands you've heard of and products you're familiar with? Innovative new items that are a little bit odd? A mixture of the two?

From a personal perspective, I always did technology shows - so a lot of the gadgets and gizmos from the past (camcorders, cd players, sat navs) have kind of been replaced by smartphones.

Believe me, I'm not on the cusp of setting up GrantTV, but I'm just curious to see what the consensus would be on a channel that would work.
A couple of other points: the falling auction element of the jewellery channels is well past its sell by date. It might have been entertaining 20 years ago, but these days seeing a plated jewellery piece studded with filled and irradiated stones start off with an estimated RRP in the high hundreds is laughable. And the interminable number of price drops and clocks the channels insist on is extremely off-putting. People would rather switch off and look online at their leisure than go through that rigmarole.

And back to presenters being honest and transparent IW's sister channel is a curious mixture of presenters alternately oversharing and lying to ramp up sales. Often the same presenters (*cough* Chloe and Mark *cough*). Presenters are paid to present: Lindsey Gunderson once stated very clearly that prices were determined behind the scenes, and that this was way above her pay grade: her only role is to sell whatever she had on air. Yet to listen to the other two presenters mentioned above, management won't even bring an item to air without their input. Chloe even got caught out once after declaring that an item she was flogging was specially priced for her show thanks to her intervention, and would be sold at a much higher price afterwards. Then four hours later Andy Hodgson has the same item on air at the exact same price, but this time that's due to the day being very, very slow. And is now at a lower price for his show only.

Then there's Mark, who along with the now departed Rachel Hatton, will explode into faux exaggerated outrage at the low, low prices of the products he's flogging. As if all this is an insult to his honour, his family's honour, and quite possibly the late Dolly the sheep's (may she rest in peace) honour too.

Viewers see all of this, and will keep all of it in mind when deciding whether they're going to spend money on a £10.00 "woolly" (100% luxury acrylic) hat, or possibly hundreds on a piece of jewellery. And while watching selly telly presenters act like bad daytime soap opera actors to get sales is entertaining, it doesn't instil confidence in trusting them enough to give them any amount of cash.

There's always going to be vulnerable people who can be taken advantage of. And I suspect that some shopping telly channels have been trying to aim their sales pitches towards them. You only have to see some of the texts presenters read out from viewers to see that.

But even these people are becoming increasingly tech savvy: otherwise how would they text in? And with that knowledge will come an increased confidence in using the internet. And if UK shopping telly channels can't adjust their selling techniques now, then it won't be long before it's just craft telly and QVC on air. And I am not sure how long they're going to remain afloat
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As VS said so eloquently, these ridiculous high price start auctions type sale are so tired and so out of date. Complacency? Resistance to change? A lack of respect for the intellectual capabilities of their audience? Or more than likely a combination of all three. By its very design shopping television can never appeal to today's younger audiences. It is set in gem stone to attract the later middle aged and above. This is a naturally declining audience, and when its finally gone, as things stand, there isn't one to replace it. The comedy is in danger of ending.
Could they do Same Day Delivery and Next Day
That's a fantastic idea. Any old website seems to offer these at checkout now, so there's no reason why shopping telly channels can't.

Didn't the old IW offer this on clothes? Pay £1.00 extra on shipping for orders made before 4pm to get items the next working day? Not sure if that applied across the board, and if it was only for items shown on screen that day
That's a fantastic idea. Any old website seems to offer these at checkout now, so there's no reason why shopping telly channels can't.

Didn't the old IW offer this on clothes? Pay £1.00 extra on shipping for orders made before 4pm to get items the next working day? Not sure if that applied across the board, and if it was only for items shown on screen that day
That was years back but yes
Shona flogging a 3-in-1 toasted sandwich maker/waffle maker/grill at £29.99. Says you're never going to find one any cheaper, and does a price comparison for one at £100.

Well, a VERY quick internet search later, and a very popular shopping website has the attached.

Hmmmm 🤔


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Just like this forum you hate if you banish it from your daily thinking.

It fascinates me genuinely why you pop up here every few months. Is it trolling for the sake of it, or do you like to have a bad argument on a semi-regular basis?
Probably best to ignore them, let them have a one sided argument if they want to. I use the same method in dealing with charity muggers in the street and it works well.
Wish Peter wouldn’t do the voice over bits, Its Saturday Night, Live from London, Channel 51
It's really pathetic. I don't know if it's done tongue in cheek, or if PS actually needs to pretend that he's still a relevant TV "star", but it comes across really badly.

I don't understand how anyone in management thinks that pandering to Dirty Pete like this is going to make anyone really take him seriously. Or the channel. The man did the exact same thing on Bid and the previous IW channels, and it didn't save them from falling sales, viewers deserting the channels in droves, and eventually going under.

The man needs to be made to stop all this crap, and be made to prepare properly for his on-air stints. Not to mention state and explain flexipays clearly, and stop all the bluster and lies.

Then see how comfortable he is on air. He wouldn't even last a fortnight if management really clamped down on his winging it on every shift.

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