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BTW is everybody using those air conditioners or Boneco fans that IW said we'd all be needing this summer?🥵
I resisted their temptation. Their weather forcast was way out! obvs "I'm OK Jacks" had insider info on the UK weather, so popped of to natter in Espagnol. To clack her castanets,Olé!
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TWELVE yes just the TWELVE pair of sunglasses all appear to be designer brands (and not the cheap ones)

A wardrobe full of dresses two of which still have tags on for £300+ reduced to £220ish, don't worry she assures the loyal viewer she "only" paid £100 for each of those (4 in the picture) I often find shops have items tagged at £220 and accept £100 a pop.......

I would have a lot more respect if she didn't pretend all this stuff was a "bargain"

The total for those sunglasses alone again is an absolute minimum £2000 and lets not forget this is "just" the holiday wardrobe

I am a bit lost for words but none of the faithful seem to care
I’ve not watched any of that awful woman’s awful videos - apart from a few seconds of the links on here. What I do think, if she is demonstrating how many opulent possessions she has accrued, and showing herself on expensive recent holidays, it demonstrates to me a complete lack of sensitivity towards the vast majority of average to lower wage earning Ideal World former staff who don’t have wardrobes full of expensive clothes and drawers of top makes sunglasses. And who probably don’t have next month’s bills monies in some cases. I have absolutely no time for the woman or her presenting cronies, bragging about their new jobs on social media since the company collapsed.
I’ve not watched any of that awful woman’s awful videos - apart from a few seconds of the links on here. What I do think, if she is demonstrating how many opulent possessions she has accrued, and showing herself on expensive recent holidays, it demonstrates to me a complete lack of sensitivity towards the vast majority of average to lower wage earning Ideal World former staff who don’t have wardrobes full of expensive clothes and drawers of top makes sunglasses. And who probably don’t have next month’s bills monies in some cases. I have absolutely no time for the woman or her presenting cronies, bragging about their new jobs on social media since the company collapsed.
Totally that is why Ive posted a few of her videos it’s disgusting,
When you have seen your wife die in agony at 57 which I had to witness in 2021, people like her fawning over material possessions physically sickens me. Believe me - once you endure that kind of thing, showing off swimming costumes and sunglasses is the last thing ever to hit your mind again
Like isn't the right reaction to this apologies Duke been there with my Mum
I’d cry watching that sh…if I could. But I did all my crying in 2021. Insensitive vacuous garbage. The cemeteries are full of rich people. Not that their wealth and possessions are much use to them now. Live your life for the moment. May seem an unusual thing to say for a bloke who posts so much on a shopping television forum, But believe me, outside of doing this, I’ve taken every opportunity I can to see the world and do different things since I lost my wife.
I’ve not watched any of that awful woman’s awful videos - apart from a few seconds of the links on here. What I do think, if she is demonstrating how many opulent possessions she has accrued, and showing herself on expensive recent holidays, it demonstrates to me a complete lack of sensitivity towards the vast majority of average to lower wage earning Ideal World former staff who don’t have wardrobes full of expensive clothes and drawers of top makes sunglasses. And who probably don’t have next month’s bills monies in some cases. I have absolutely no time for the woman or her presenting cronies, bragging about their new jobs on social media since the company collapsed.
Exactly, I agree with you. Where has she managed to feather her nest? So I can avoid flinging my slipper at the TV
I’d cry watching that sh…if I could. But I did all my crying in 2021. Insensitive vacuous garbage. The cemeteries are full of rich people. Not that their wealth and possessions are much use to them now. Live your life for the moment. May seem an unusual thing to say for a bloke who posts so much on a shopping television forum, But believe me, outside of doing this, I’ve taken every opportunity I can to see the world and do different things since I lost my wife.
All they had to do for a few weeks at least was to keep their mouths shut - given the circumstances of how the company went out of business. Tim Britton in fairness, has been very decent and empathetic about things in his social media postings. But as I say, rubbing people’s noses in the dirt who have lost their jobs and only earned average money, by showing how much you’ve got, and the lovely places you go to, says nothing positive about the person doing it. Equally, shouting from the virtual rooftops to everybody on your social media, just how quickly you’ve got sorted out job wise is something else not to be admired in a human being.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your wife Duke. It is so difficult finding your feet aftyer the loss of a loved one. I for one have found your support and helpfull replys of great help. Your ability to have empathy and show inteligent responce is of great value. Your wife would be proud of you. Thank you so much for being here.
What would be nice to see from her and others, bearing in mind, she likes to detail every event in her life, would be perhaps to evidence doing something nice for those have lost their jobs at Ideal World. Maybe her knocking on a few doors, giving some former ’shopfloor’ staff, a swimsuits parcel, or perhaps a box sunglasses to sell on eBay. A flippant point perhaps, but behind it is a serious point of it would’ve been nice to see some of the former presenters speak out for those who have lost their jobs at the Company, rather than showing us the latest personal item they have accrued.
Or even Mason Simon?
I subscribed to her channel but I’ve unsubscribed as every hour it’s been sending YouTube shorts ooh look what I’m wearing now
Yes I was interested to see a few presenters social media. It was most revealing. I wondered why there was a interest in health, regarding one of the presenters. I bet they are cosy-ing up to a supplement company. It's all sycophantic drivel. Nothing more than boosting ego's, hiding behind fake sad faces. Like those old dolls one sad one happy face turn them upside down, you have a sad face. I don't fall for any of it.

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