QVC email, regarding the Distance selling regulations


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There are currently 569 comments below it! Most people just believed they were returning under the MBG so didnt appreciate the difference with the 14 day consumer regs. Well, you dont until you hear about them IYKWIM, and I only discovered them on here! The general feeling is that lots of people returned well within 14 days but had no postage refunds, that seems the biggest grievance. Mind you I dont have time to read all 569!!! But a general feeling if discontent I think.

BTW did everyone get an email (I haven't) or have they already gone through accounts and identified items returned within 14 days for which postage was not refunded! I really cannot believe their systems could cope with that. I dont think I'm due anything.

I've just a look & some seem to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, some don't know which end of the stick to hold & others are just shaking the stick. The DSR/CCR regs have been confused & I love the debate about breaking seals on cosmetics & removing labels from clothes. One person also wrote that she's sent loads back over the years & never received a refund of any sort so she probably thinks she's got enough compo on the way to pay for a cruise.
Interesting, may not be linked, all my orders have disappeared apart from the last4. Deliberate? To stop customers checking their accounts . . . Or am I painting QVC to be even more devious.
Interesting, may not be linked, all my orders have disappeared apart from the last4. Deliberate? To stop customers checking their accounts . . . Or am I painting QVC to be even more devious.
Well all my orders apart from the last 4 have disappeared! That's too much of a coincidence. I haven't returned anything for years as dont buy much from them now, but I dont trust them to cough up that easily for others who have returned a bit.
Mine are all still there but I know I'm not due anything. And I didn't get an email.
I had the email but I am pretty sure I am not due any refunds, I have always been on top.of what I'm due.
Interesting, may not be linked, all my orders have disappeared apart from the last4. Deliberate? To stop customers checking their accounts . . . Or am I painting QVC to be even more devious.

Mine are still visible on the All Orders page, however, there is one from 2016 just sitting in the middle of last year's paltry few. I don't think the Q's 'managed' by people intelligent to be devious, I think they're totally incompetent.
Mine are still visible on the All Orders page, however, there is one from 2016 just sitting in the middle of last year's paltry few. I don't think the Q's 'managed' by people intelligent to be devious, I think they're totally incompetent.

On the My Orders page, I have all the latest orders, so 2019 back to 2018, then at the top of page two there are a couple of orders from March 2013, then it’s back to orders in 2018 and 2017, etc ... I’m not expecting any P&P refunds from returns so I don’t suspect foulplay in my case. Like you, I just think they’re incompetent and their records are hopeless.
Mine are all still there but I know I'm not due anything. And I didn't get an email.

If they've only sent emails to those of us due refunds, I'm going Christmas shopping in New York with my windfall, they must be up to speed with everything. Which begs the question why will it take them two months to contact customers & pay back any money owed? Their left hand has no idea that there's a right hand, let alone what it's doing so you'll probably get duplicate emails tomorrow. As someone famous once said: "What a shambles".
Well, with no exceptions if I didn't want a product I would know immediately I received it, so they've always been returned within 14 days, so going back to 2003 I should be owed a small bloody fortune ! Bit like the PPI's by the sound of it. This could seriously hit QVC financially, and about time.
I got the email, but I've always had the P&P refunded when I've returned something so I deleted it. Like the poster further up, it seems a little odd that they're contacting people about refunds the day before the programme airs tomorrow.

Here's hoping that they don't recoup their losses by charging even more P&P than they do already.
I got the email. I have one page of orders showing. That does not reflect my buying.

They. Are. Up. To. Something.

Just thought of something. If you delete expired cards off your account, how are they going to refund you? And are we expecting they will refund to cards used, or offer the equivalent in QVC vouchers?
I got the email. I have one page of orders showing. That does not reflect my buying.

They. Are. Up. To. Something.

Just thought of something. If you delete expired cards off your account, how are they going to refund you? And are we expecting they will refund to cards used, or offer the equivalent in QVC vouchers?

If you are due £50 in postage which you should have been refunded over the years, they will probably send you a £50 voucher which you can only use when you spend £100 at QVC.
I have not had email and only a years worth of orders showing on my account
Not had the email. I only appear to have one page of orders but mainly last couple of years but one showing from 2010, but that is showing in amongst the more recent ones.
I got the email. I have one page of orders showing. That does not reflect my buying.

They. Are. Up. To. Something.

Just thought of something. If you delete expired cards off your account, how are they going to refund you? And are we expecting they will refund to cards used, or offer the equivalent in QVC vouchers?

No they’ll definitely have to refund you back to your present card and give you money, they may have got away with it any other time but this was their fault, so it will have to be cash.

I bet the beads of sweat stopped when they realised they only have to refund from 2014/15 not day one.
I've just had this email through.
I wonder if it's anything to do with the programme about them this week on Channel 4?

We have identified inconsistencies in our process where some of our customers didn’t receive a refund for their delivery postage and packaging charge for products returned within 14 days of receipt. This is not in line with our policy.

We are genuinely sorry for this mistake and we are currently in the process of identifying all affected customers, who will be issued a refund for any delivery postage and packaging costs owed.

Since identifying the issue, we have taken measures to ensure these errors do not happen again and are committed to doing all that we can to learn from this.

If you have been affected, there is nothing you need to do. We will contact you with further information and a full refund by the end of October.

We are disappointed that this mistake occurred, as our top priority is to build and maintain a trusting relationship with all of our customers.

You really are a 'cynical' bunch aren't you! I mean a program that could 'possibly' put the channel into disrepute, trying to 'fan the fire' just before the show goes out, it is dear people nothing more than a coincidence, just like it is a 'coincidence' that if I eat a big slab of chocolate cake the scales will go up by about a stone. Correlation it ain't, it is the 'law of coincidence'!

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