QVC changes


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I have never been on QVC Facebook (not on FB full stop) but this does all seem a bit power crazy and control freakish. If I was on FB and saw that notice, I would be looking for an alternative where I can get sneaky peeks and honest opinions as well as tips re, basically I would be looking for this forum.

We are really lucky to get the info that SCW and other lovely forumites share on here - it makes me buy the things I love, but resist the hard sell of certain TSVs. Long may it continue.
I have never been on QVC Facebook (not on FB full stop) but this does all seem a bit power crazy and control freakish. If I was on FB and saw that notice, I would be looking for an alternative where I can get sneaky peeks and honest opinions as well as tips re, basically I would be looking for this forum.

We are really lucky to get the info that SCW and other lovely forumites share on here - it makes me buy the things I love, but resist the hard sell of certain TSVs. Long may it continue.

Well said!
Wow, don't think I've ever put so many likes on a single thread. What is going on with QVC? They would be absolutely bonkers to try to stop SCW in relation to this forum - they get an amazing amount of free promotion. First they stopped supporting Graham (boo, hiss), then they came off Quidco and other cashback platforms, and now this?!? They are lucky we buy anything from them with their pettiness and exhorbitant delivery charges for mostly snail mail speeds.

I can honestly say that I have bought MORE from QVC since discovering this forum and getting news of TSVs and new beauty items - always used to miss them before and then kick myself, especially once I stopped watching the launches. SCW, you do an awesome job and most of us on here think you're fab.
New to this thread but carry on the good work, SCW - much appreciated by a whole bunch of people. I can't be bothered to find out what the TSV is every day so your posts are what keep me and probably many more people buying, no matter how seldom. QVC would be shooting themselves in the foot if they tried to stop you.
Just been reading the FB post comments. One guy asking about Sharon Harvey and the BTY group....none of which I am privvy too, I just pick up bits from here. It seems that she is being hailed as a 'beauty blogger' who doesn't just review Q brands....I don't know, the whole things seems so petty and juvenile to me. What do they gain from all this social media promoting? What does it matter how many twatter followers you have or how many people like your page? As far as I can see, it's all about inflating one's ego. And again, I ask, what is the point in it all? Megalomaniacs spring to mind. I'm glad I am out of it. I only spotted the Q post this evening as I was a bit bored and managed to scroll down my FB feed for more than the usual 2 seconds!
The QVC facebook team used to :mysmilie_10:Ian for answering other customers request for TSV info. He and other members on facebook are usually the first to advise posters not to give out their order details on facebook and to phone CS instead; meanwhile it can take hours for the Q team to acknowledge the query. If QVC want to take on full responsibility for answering on facebook they need to man it round the clock. And if they have little to do they could trawl through the thousands of unanswered question on their website and answer them instead of relying on GadgetGuru of Maynooth (and others) to post the info!
All hell breaking out on Facebook with DF popping up now and again in response to posts. How come she is the only presenter who does this? I think Q should tell her to keep off the QVC Facebook page as it is annoying some people.
All hell breaking out on Facebook with DF popping up now and again in response to posts. How come she is the only presenter who does this? I think Q should tell her to keep off the QVC Facebook page as it is annoying some people.

To stir the pot, maybe?
The QVC facebook team used to :mysmilie_10:Ian for answering other customers request for TSV info. He and other members on facebook are usually the first to advise posters not to give out their order details on facebook and to phone CS instead; meanwhile it can take hours for the Q team to acknowledge the query. If QVC want to take on full responsibility for answering on facebook they need to man it round the clock. And if they have little to do they could trawl through the thousands of unanswered question on their website and answer them instead of relying on GadgetGuru of Maynooth (and others) to post the info!

QVC social media, like everywhere else abhors a vacuum! They have been so inept... and into that vacuum steps either the helpfully-minded, or the manipulative.

BBC used to have a whole load of forums. Due to cost-cutting measures the standard of moderation declined, it became a haven for trolls and then the plug was pulled. I know we've now moved on a few years now, but this looks like the same sort of pattern.

If you're going to do social media, as part of your brand, blummin' well DO it! And do it properly. Invest time, skill, and quality creative personnel in it. I am of the opinion that the powers that be in QVC really don't take anything other than their main live channel seriously. The signs of underinvestment are creeping in everywhere.
All hell breaking out on Facebook with DF popping up now and again in response to posts. How come she is the only presenter who does this? I think Q should tell her to keep off the QVC Facebook page as it is annoying some people.

Stirring it up to massage the ego.

Can you imagine though if you are Q bosses having DF constantly niggling at you about these things.Its probably easier to give in and make the changes . What usually happens the discontent breaks out somewhere else. Facebook seems to cause lots of arguments and gives a platform to people with huge egos.

People who genuinely want to use it as a way of communication get brushed aside in this sort of situation.
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DF uses FB and Twitter for the sole purpose of self promotion and to be honest, I doubt very much if she cares that Joanne from Birmingham uses her Bodyblade correctly, now Joanne from Birmingham buying one of her books, that's a different matter.
Never been on the Q FB page but there certainly does seem to be one helluva row going on there. People are not afraid to speak their minds and why should they be? But to me, the whole thing is a farce and DBF should keep her nose out of it - why should she be the only presenter involved anyway?

Does anyone know why she left Ideal World? I'd love to know the whole story - because there surely must be a story there.

More to the point, thank you, everyone, for this forum where you can at least speak your mind openly and know that others are doing the same, even if they don't agree with you.
A sale is a sale to my mind and who cares if someone bought it a couple of days earlier than the TSV day - it's all money in the bank. I don't bother with QVC facebook but it would be sad if SCW wasn't able to find out about the upcoming TSVs so he could post them here as I really appreciate knowing what is coming up.

QVC should chill out and just be grateful that people are buying from them, regardless of where they obtained their knowledge of the products from.
I think Debbie went to the short-lived UK Home Shopping Europe, though I'm not sure of the chronology of her jobs.

Sorry my earlier post should read "The QVC facebook team used to thank Ian" without the :mysmilie_10: ...maybe I added the emoji telepathically as it seems v apt!
Don't they reveal forthcoming beauty TSVs at the Beauty Bash each year?? Some must therefore be nearly a year in advance so that is hardly keeping a secret is it? I know it is actually the companies showing the TSVs but if Q can stop them from handing out freebies (unbelievable!) then they can surely stop them showing the TSVs. Then all the visitors can walk round empty stands!!!!!

If they want to keep this stuff off their own site, they have that right I guess. I mean the BBC don't give away the Strictly loser but you can see it on Digital Spy if you look for the spoiler. If our wonderful supersleuths can find out the TSVs, I hope they continue to post them on THIS fantastic forum. I know that they actually generate my interest in some TSVs whereas I watch so little live Q these days some might pass me by!
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There's several web sites you can find out the strictly results at 10pm on Saturday .Dont see the Beeb persuing those people .Someone must leak the info.

Its not in Q's interest to clamp down on this so someone is stirring for their own gain.
Never been on the Q FB page but there certainly does seem to be one helluva row going on there. People are not afraid to speak their minds and why should they be? But to me, the whole thing is a farce and DBF should keep her nose out of it - why should she be the only presenter involved anyway?

Does anyone know why she left Ideal World? I'd love to know the whole story - because there surely must be a story there.

More to the point, thank you, everyone, for this forum where you can at least speak your mind openly and know that others are doing the same, even if they don't agree with you.

Maybe she wanted more than IW would give her, over on IW the prenters aren't treated like celebrities they're treated for what they are, sales assistants on the telly, IW would never allow them to self promote on their channel, there's no delusions over there, just one of the reasons they get my money and QVC don't.

Just adding unless it's Peter Simon, who's delusional in his own world. :mysmilie_17:
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Long ago on Channel 4 they had a documentary(might be on Youtube), about shopping tv channels. They compared QVC to the newbie IW, oh what an eye opener. DF was one of first to launch the channel with Paul Levers. Seems the wife of the owner of IW hated DF with a vengeance! Lets say the F word was used by her to describe DF and she wanted out like NOW! They had a fire at IW very shortly afterwards and DF never ever appeared again.

As for Strictly, they have people in the audience(all mobiles are taken before the show starts, but returned when you leave), so the people then go on the forum and post the results.

Oh and guess who has now closed her Facebook beauty blog page to private group?????????? Yes Sharon, was it possibly my comments about how she had the Elemis TSV already and using and reviewing???:wink:

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