QVC changes


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QVC have listed a whole host of new rules as Minxy put in her thread but hell will freeze over before they manage to stop information on here. The only reason they`re stopping people posting links to other places is because Q are the most expensive 9 out of 10 times, especially including their p and p and they know it and want to stop people knowing it too.
Long may we see tsv`s, oto`s, Uncle Tom Cobbleys and all and if people are so scared of Q`s new rulings then I`m sure if they ask Graham or Sazza nicely, they`ll arrange a block on said people so they can virtuously say in their nightly prayer to QVC, " I have been a good girl/boy today and haven`t looked on ST for sneak peeks at tsv`s Amen ! "
They will kill their own facebook page but maybe that`s what they want, let DF do their donkey work for them ? Does it really matter when/how people find out about tsv`s because every tsv sold is still money in their pocket whether they find out on here, anywhere else or on qvc facebook page ?
The only way for QVC to trump the early warning system on here (SCW, Autumn, Sazza and others) would be for QVC to release the info as soon as they start loading future numbers on their system; and that's unlikely to happen, given their complete lack of IT and CS skills! Surely the facebook ban on TSV early heads up posts will simply divert traffic from their facebook page to this website!
Well I may not post here as often as I used to,but what is this sniping at SCW???
I for one appreciate all the efforts of SCW and others who post regularly.
Shame on that poster :sad:

Why so cryptic?

Ian usually comes up with the goods eventually - long may it continue.

Course he does. What would we do without his reveals? I thought I had missed something. Links is one of those brands which, even though you have witnessed the poor quality, you still want it to prove you wrong. I won't be going for it. My money will go towards a piece of Clogau.
In a way it is a bit like fiddling whilst Rome burns. Instead of taking people's concerns on board, e.g. p & p on every item, and doing something about it, QVC seem to be making it more difficult to order. I am not going to stay up till midnight - those days are long gone. Thank you SCW, Autumn, Sazza and everyone else for all your hard work. QVC are a strange lot.
I am hugely grateful to Ian for his efforts over the years. Sazza and Autumn are also brilliant at finding information so why should Ian be the only one getting it in the neck?

I can see how QVC can silence Ian on Facebook but unless they change the way they load things onto their website I can't see how they can stop him, Sazza and Autumn finding the snippets of info they do. The blipping website is far from perfect as it is I can't see them investing the money needed to plug the gap.

They can't control this forum.
i am on scw side but i for the life of me cant see why he would post on qvc main facebook page what he posts here. its obvious to me that it would cause problems sorry but thats my opinion
I would love someone to set up a system of posts on social media of items INCLUDING the postage so that it brings home to the naive just how much it is actually costing them to shop with Q.

I know members here might scoff at that but the less savvy are taken in by the "get this for only ......" And ner a word about the postage and the next 3 Easy pays on the 6 items they have persuaded them to order.
Mind you it won't be the first time that Q has put pressure in Graham so it might not all be as clear cut as we think to keep the forum totally unaffected.
i am on scw side but i for the life of me cant see why he would post on qvc main facebook page what he posts here. its obvious to me that it would cause problems sorry but thats my opinion

Yes I agree, I said on another thread yesterday I think he took it too far, by answering questions on behalf of QVC, most were probably right but some were wrong and some people actually answered him thinking he worked for QVC, I think it was this and DFs influence that caused QVC to take a stand. It doesn't affect me but I really can't see the harm, considering big gob Flint and others are doing the same.
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I guess the more notice people have to consider the TSV, the longer they have to research prices and read reviews with other sellers.

It can go two ways: people see that they don't need it / it has terrible reviews / can get it cheaper elsewhere or, on the plus side, they see that it's a good deal and let their friends know of the upcoming bargain as well.
social media is a tool for big businesses. facebook in itself is a massive money making empire. its an excellent tool to enable sales. but its also dangerous. to me its like two steps forwards 6 steps back.
I was once told on a course that people who really like something will tell between 7 and 17 people.Find something they hate and that number triples.Then sit back and wait for that bad news to travel. I've never been sure that statement is completely true.....but it was a course about business on social media....and I can kind of see what they're trying to say
I was once told on a course that people who really like something will tell between 7 and 17 people.Find something they hate and that number triples.Then sit back and wait for that bad news to travel. I've never been sure that statement is completely true.....but it was a course about business on social media....and I can kind of see what they're trying to say

It's a case of good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster! Research does seem to back up the claim that people who have a bad experience are more likely to share it, and share it more widely than people who have good experiences.

QVC want to take control of their brand and their product launches? It's them that has lost control, yet where do they focus their energies? Is it on improving their customer service, listening and responding to the issues which infuriate customers? Is it on ensuring that the customer interaction with QVC is of consistent high quality - with a fully functional website and web apps? Are they benchmarking them against organisations which offer excellence in customer service?

No - they'd prefer to shut down criticism, stifle debate, attack those who perfectly reasonably can use a bit of nous and time and effort to track down what's coming up! They'd prefer to listen to sycophants. They'd rather live in the past where there were no competing ways of those who are less mobile to shop. Alienating anyone who is not part of the group-think clique seems to be the objective.

I'm not a betting person, but even if I was, I wouldn't back QVC to succeed in this manner.

Back to the subject at hand, though - I hope SCW is still able to work his magic in advance of the TSV airing for the Links of London item (so I can decide if I would like it without having to endure Coral guest-presenting), on this and many more products to come!
Argh - I wish you'd called this thread something else...

All evening I've had David Bowie singing 'Ch, ch, ch, changes....' going around in my head - I just can't shift it.

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