QVC birthday


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Mar 7, 2012
An indication of how little I watch I wasn't aware it was 24th birthday today.

Looking on line not much in the way of special offers.

Remember when we would have had 24p postage!! Not even £2.40!
I never knew either - and haven't even been tempted to check the 'offers' out. How times change.
I ordered the bare Minerals TSV yesterday so that's it for me for a while.Yes I am surprised that some deals haven't been done on the p&p. These days it has to be something I really really want and is a considered purchase rather than an impulse buy.That is many thanks to those who give us early info as to a TSV & so time to consider!!
The insulting part is that every time Jill F mentioned about the TSV, she said that new customers get their £5 off, which effectively means postage free. Never mind those of us who have spent years and thousands of pounds as customers, eh? QVC really know how to alienate people.
The insulting part is that every time Jill F mentioned about the TSV, she said that new customers get their £5 off, which effectively means postage free. Never mind those of us who have spent years and thousands of pounds as customers, eh? QVC really know how to alienate people.

Yes, that £5 off for new customers is extremely insulting. Why not give it out to existing customers once in a while instead of making us spent £100 for a tenner off. That was just ridiculous.
I wonder whether QVC will make 30, the way it's going. The audience is withering on the vine and / or wising up to the plethora of alternatives out there that really DO offer "quality, value and convenience." Perhaps QVC ought to rename itself MOB (Mediocre Overpriced Bollocks). The slick production an PR shine make it all the more amusing when something goes wrong. Who remember Julia Roberts and that magnetic brooch? It'ours just all so "samey samey" these days. I mean, how many vacuum cleaners / food mixers etc does someone need? Then they come up with something like the Illumibowl and tout it as though it's going to revolutionise your life when in fact all it's going to do is turn your toilet bowl into a weird colour like the suits worn by Color Me Badd in the 90s. Here's a link just in case you don't remember:
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well you know things are bad at qvc when the christmas adverts is the same as last year with a new tune added
well you know things are bad at qvc when the christmas adverts is the same as last year with a new tune added

They're probably producing a new one. It will go something like this:

Open to medium close-up of roaring fire in Inglenook fireplace. Pan right to ridiculously gaudy, tacky, tawdry Christmas tree with a puke-inducing Thomas Pacconi nativity scene. Cut to the perfect children with ear-to-ear grins running through the door. Cut to close-up of little Jack opening up his gift. He smiles with joy as he looks at a model car. Cut to close-up of his sister Jemima whose face lights up as she takes out a Charlie bear and holds it close to her heart. Cut to Mummy in the perfect white kitchen dusting some icing sugar over her home-made Victoria sponge cake (ooh they lifted that scene from another promo). Cut to the perfect looking mummy and daddy clinking glasses as they watch over their children playing in front of the hearth. They look at each other and then it jumps to a close-up of Mummy looking wistful and shedding a tear as she revels in that moment of blissful hygge, all surrounded by QVC products.

But then...

The husband says: "Darling, I'm sorry to tell you this but I've been seeing Jennifer from work for the last 18 months. We're serious and actually we're expecting a child together, therefore I am filing for divorce, and because you signed a pre-nuptual agreement you won't be getting a penny. Then Mummy looks horrified, starts shaking with rage and shrieks:
"You B***ARD!" and bashes him over the head with the Kitchen Aid. Then Jemima sets the Christmas tree on fire...
Cut to Mummy arriving in Prison:

"Your name is Sylvia Cunliffe-Cave, is that correct?"
"You have been charged with one count of murder and have been remanded in custody pending trial. Is that correct? Now go through there for your shower and lice check!"
What gets me is that Q don't actually sell any of the nice enough items in the ads.

In reality it is things like the upcoming 5 torches or equally tatty Ann Dorrington type stuff.
Well that was a bit of a damp squib, every time I've channel hopped on QVC today (which wasn't often) the only way you'd know it was their "birthday" are the Tweets and FB messages from the die hards running across the bottom. You'll recognise them when out and about though, they're the ones getting funny looks while running through the store shouting "happy birthday!" :mysmilie_17:
Well that was a bit of a damp squib, every time I've channel hopped on QVC today (which wasn't often) the only way you'd know it was their "birthday" are the Tweets and FB messages from the die hards running across the bottom. You'll recognise them when out and about though, they're the ones getting funny looks while running through the store shouting "happy birthday!" :mysmilie_17:

Oh, you mean like this one?!

QVC know how to make a non-event out of an event, that's for sure.

They wrecked BCC. Removing all good will after the various shenanigans of their own presenters. They turn their own anniversary into a nothing with a side of contempt for regular shoppers. They killed off Beauty Bash having turned it into a pale imitation of itself. They have totally made the T in TSV redundant (can't complain too much on this one!)...

They seem to have more or less given up trying to prise money out of regular customers in favour of getting wild honeymoon spending from new customers.

Another money spinner they should be tapping is their cut from presenters promotion of their non-QVC activities... If they aren't going to clamp down on it.
Is it my telly or has Chuntley gained a wee bit of weight?

I thought so earlier in the week I could have sworn I saw a muffin top (god forbid)but it is quite noticeable in the 9pm show,

Now before anyone lights on me, she is still very slim but definitely not as stick thin as she was earlier this year. Don't matter what her weight is still can't stand the simpering bimbo.
Is it my telly or has Chuntley gained a wee bit of weight?

I thought so earlier in the week I could have sworn I saw a muffin top (god forbid)but it is quite noticeable in the 9pm show,

Now before anyone lights on me, she is still very slim but definitely not as stick thin as she was earlier this year. Don't matter what her weight is still can't stand the simpering bimbo.

I thought the same. Catherine is like me: weight gain shows on her face. Some are lucky that it doesn't show, or at least not as much. She still has a great figure. The ridiculous hair extensions emphasise the weight gain and really do not suit her face shape at all, IMO.
She always was a bit of a yo-yo dieter. Maybe she will whip out her CD's from that hypnotist again.
She always was a bit of a yo-yo dieter. Maybe she will whip out her CD's from that hypnotist again.

... or that diet plan from Marie-Francoise's heavy sister. (Twas slightly embarrassing when she didn't look anything like her promo pic on the cover of her book and was a few stone heavier).
QVC know how to make a non-event out of an event, that's for sure.

They wrecked BCC. Removing all good will after the various shenanigans of their own presenters. They turn their own anniversary into a nothing with a side of contempt for regular shoppers. They killed off Beauty Bash having turned it into a pale imitation of itself. They have totally made the T in TSV redundant (can't complain too much on this one!)...

They seem to have more or less given up trying to prise money out of regular customers in favour of getting wild honeymoon spending from new customers.

Another money spinner they should be tapping is their cut from presenters promotion of their non-QVC activities... If they aren't going to clamp down on it.

Brilliant - the Q summarised in nine sentences.

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