qvc and loneliness, depression anxiety?


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Welcome Tristar. I sometimes put QVC on because it is a sort of escapism from the harsh realities of life. You never hear anything negative on QVC, an so it is quite relaxing. It can be amusing too watching them spin out time when in fact they really don't have much to say. They always use the word "again" even when they haven't said whatever it is they are saying in the first place. QVC is relatively inoffensive. It only annoys me when Lulu (horrid old witch, plastic surgeried up to the eyeballs swearing blind that her looks re down to some petroleum mineral oil and a drop of lotus flower juice) or Sarah Shurety a "fung shui expert"(an even more horrid old bag whose only talent is making up stories about ancient history) are on.
Welcome Tristar, hope things improve for you soon.

Don't worry about watching QVC, plenty of addicts here. It's what keeps the forum entertaining and a mine of great information!.
Welcome Tristar, and keep on keeping on. I have suffered horrible depression in the past, and still have days when I feel carp about life. I think it helps to be kind to yourself, some lovely pampering now and then and QVC can be a good distraction. I also find a bit of exercise really helps. Problem is that it can be hard yo motivate myself when I'm down and need it the most
Like Tinkerbelle, I too find the radio really good company, as well as this forum. Hope you enjoy your time here.
Hi Tristar & welcome from me too! :hi:

I think you'll find that quite a few people watch QVc for the same reasons you do, so you are most certainly not alone there! Certainly it can be very useful late at night if you're really struggling to relax enough to even contemplate going to bed & going to sleep.

Re. the overdoing the watching, maybe during the day you could try limiting your viewing by going through the TV guide, seeing what's coming up that day/week & only turning the TV on for those things? That might also help you want to go off & do something else as well because you then have something to look forward to & a timeframe in which to do other things, be that housework, going for a walk, doing some gardening or whatever!

Also try turning the volume progressively down a little week by week, just a single number at a time on your remote - when you can barely hear them waffling on any more, you're probably going to be ready to move onto radio....which is considerably cheaper, considerably more entertaining & definitely considerably more varied!

Hope you enjoy your time here anyway, a pretty friendly bunch for the most part & if you hang around long enough, you'll become as cynical as the rest of us & there'll be a lot more mocking than spending going on as far as QVC goes! LOL
good morning Tristar, ought to be getting ready for work but could not read and run. Welcome aboard this great forum. Sounds like you are having a tough time at the moment and having been in a similar place a few years ago I send you good wishes and hope. I too found Q comforting when my head was awash with very dark thoughts and as I have become much more well I still tune in but more to have a bit of a giggle and then to see if others on here are giggling at the same things. Do be very kind to yourself, hard I know when battling depression (and oh it does feel like being in a fight). Have a virtual hug from me X
Hi Tristar, you are most definitely not the only one and I can absolutely relate to your feelings. I need some noise in the house so always have radio or TV on in the room I'm in.
I also find QVC comforting but do try to limit my viewing to things I'm actually interested in and definitely limit the spending, which is not much now the novelty of the first 2 or 3 years has worn off!
I love reading but on my bad days I can't concentrate much so I can recommend listening to my beloved Radio 4.
Agree that this forum is great to dip into when you feel down, I sometimes join in but regularly just read if I don't feel up to interacting.
Hope you find peace somehow, whatever works for you!
Welcome Tristar. I sometimes put QVC on because it is a sort of escapism from the harsh realities of life. You never hear anything negative on QVC, an so it is quite relaxing. It can be amusing too watching them spin out time when in fact they really don't have much to say. They always use the word "again" even when they haven't said whatever it is they are saying in the first place. QVC is relatively inoffensive. It only annoys me when Lulu (horrid old witch, plastic surgeried up to the eyeballs swearing blind that her looks re down to some petroleum mineral oil and a drop of lotus flower juice) or Sarah Shurety a "fung shui expert"(an even more horrid old bag whose only talent is making up stories about ancient history) are on.

Julius I mean this most sincerely but if you are trying to escape the harsh realities of life are you sure a career in the army is for you.
Hi Tristar and welcome to the forum.

I too suffer from depression and anxiety and can only leave the house if I have someone with me. I used to have QVC on constantly and it was (and is) a great comfort. The reason I love it so much is that the presenters are so friendly and you get used to seeing the same old faces and that in itself is very reassuring.

I now only watch the presenters I particularly like or shows with products I'm interested in. However, I do have it on in the background whilst I do other things and only sit down to watch when the shows/presenters are on.

Sometimes, where you're at your lowest ebb you've got to do whatever you've got to do. If QVC is working for you now then carry on. You will know when the time is right to cut down your viewing of it.

Someone is always on here at whatever time and I know I've found great comfort in it and I'm sure you will too. XXXXXX
Hello tristar and welcome
I totally understand where you are coming from, you're not alone I identify with a lot of what the other FMs are saying.
I don't post much I just lurk but I know if I do pop on here everyone is friendly so keep posting and lurking ( I'm a ideal world fan which I notice you are too) and ill look out for you:wink:
Welcome from me too.
I know exactly what you're going through and it's not easy. Thankfully I have come out the other side and for me is was volunteering in a charity shop that helped me get well. I started off doing half a day a week and then increased it to two half days, I'm now deputy manager and loving it. You can come through this, by whatever method works for you, just take things slowly bit by bit.
No Lynn I don't really want to do it at all but I cannot be unemployed. I have attended numerous interviews / assessments and find them all so degrading. I thought to myself what can I do? I have a good speaking voice so I could work in radio but no opportunities there. I am very fit and strong I applied for the army. I have already done some assessments requiring me to crawl through half-flooded concrete tunnels filled with barbed wire and shrapnel, and shredded my arm to the point where it was gushing with blood. They just said "get on with the assessment you w**nker!" Not very nice at all. So then I had to climb a 50 metres high net with blood dripping from my arm. I have nothing against the guys that I will be working / living with but they are not very educated. I speak 3 languages, am well-travelled and quite cultured and open-minded. The whole experience so far reminds me of PE lessons at school which I HATED. But if I have to do it, then I will. I'm not going to be an unemplyed, Jeremy Kyle watching layabout. I couldn't be like that.
Julius I mean this most sincerely but if you are trying to escape the harsh realities of life are you sure a career in the army is for you.
Julius, I think I remember from other threads you mentioned that you are 28 (?) and live near Oxford Street in London (?). If you've been to university and speak three languages, have you considered working at a TEFL college - I've seen numerous ads for them and perhaps an academic environment might be more appropriate for you.

I don't believe they pay well initially but you have to start somewhere and who knows what other teaching positions may crop up in either the private or public sector?

Sorry to sound preachy - clearly it's none of my business and I probably come across as an interfering old bat - but it doesn't sound to me as if an army career is your heart's desire.

I hope that you make the most of every opportunity that comes your way and that none of them involve intimidating men!
Yes Disenchanted I might give it a try. I applied for a library job at Birkbeck also. I am not sure I can go through with this army thing. I might look like those other soldiers but really have little in common with them. They are all like sheep. The closer my start date approaches the more it sickens me. there are lot of language schools in Bayswater W2 also. May be worth pursuing those.
I am not going to fit into the army. How many army soldiers can speak 3 languages and play piano to Grade 8?!!! I would be like some sort of freak! Also when I spoke to some of the guys there I had nothing to say to them. Nothing.
Julius, I think I remember from other threads you mentioned that you are 28 (?) and live near Oxford Street in London (?). If you've been to university and speak three languages, have you considered working at a TEFL college - I've seen numerous ads for them and perhaps an academic environment might be more appropriate for you.

I don't believe they pay well initially but you have to start somewhere and who knows what other teaching positions may crop up in either the private or public sector?

Sorry to sound preachy - clearly it's none of my business and I probably come across as an interfering old bat - but it doesn't sound to me as if an army career is your heart's desire.

I hope that you make the most of every opportunity that comes your way and that none of them involve intimidating men!
Yes Disenchanted I might give it a try. I applied for a library job at Birkbeck also. I am not sure I can go through with this army thing. I might look like those other soldiers but really have little in common with them. They are all like sheep. The closer my start date approaches the more it sickens me. there are lot of language schools in Bayswater W2 also. May be worth pursuing those.
I am not going to fit into the army. How many army soldiers can speak 3 languages and play piano to Grade 8?!!! I would be like some sort of freak! Also when I spoke to some of the guys there I had nothing to say to them. Nothing.

Definitely sounds like the army isn't for you but I wouldn't be too quick to judge the other applicants. To embark on a career that may result in the loss of your own life - or to be responsible for taking another - deserves respect not derision.
HI Julius
My dear late chap worked for many years as a translator in Switzerland. He too spoke 3 languages, and he had more work than he could cope with ! Admittedly he was sitting at a pc for most of the day, but as English was his mother tongue, he translated anything from German legal documents, brochures etc - anything that needed to be translated into English. I dont believe he translated word for word because there are now programmes that do it, but it was the "tweeking" afterwards that took the time.

It may not be for you, but my chap made more than a comfortable living from it, because good translators are hard to find, and his clients came from word of mouth.

You are too young to be unhappy in what you are doing - get yourself OUT and find your own niche !!!
Julius if your heart isn`t in it then don`t do it. The whole purpose of basic training is to weed out those people who want to be soldiers from those who only think they want to be soldiers. It lasts for a few months and has always been notoriously hard on people, for good reasons.
I`ve no idea which branch of the Army you`ve applied for but many of the soldiers are " professional " musicians, linguists, engineers, dentists, lawyers, vets etc etc, in fact many many different careers and they all began in the same place in basic training with people they never saw again once they were posted to their regiments.
I know this for a fact because my son has been in the Army for 20 years and is currently working with linguists at 14 Signal Regt and one of his previous postings was at Glasgow University working with final year medical students who were to become Army Doctors. He had 2 choices when he joined up at 17. He either simply worked for the Army as just a job or he made the Army work for him by gaining every professional qualification they offered him and looked for every available opportunity. He trained in communications, did every computer course under the Sun, the Army put him through teacher training so he could then train others, took every Management qualification, took a commission and has worked damned hard to get where he is. In his last post he had 30 sgts under him and they each had a troop under them so it was a hell of a lot of responsibilty and he`s still only 37.
He`s had some great jobs and some not so great jobs but unlike civvy street the one bonus is when you`re in a posting you`re not keen on, you know you aren`t going to be in it forever because you`re moved every couple of years.
He`s going out to Afghanistan after Christmas, it`s his second time out there and he`s taking out interpretors and communication experts from 14 Signal Regt who`ll relieve those already out there.
He hated basic training and regularly cried on the end of the phone and back then 20 years ago it was far harder than it is now and they were allowed to openly bully and beast the new recruits which was wrong. BUT if it isn`t for you then don`t do it. He felt he didn`t fit in either, he wasn`t one of the hard drinking, hard fighting grunts, he wanted a career not just a job and he put up with no end of sh*t to get one and had to work his way up the ranks.
julius - don't do it. if you do, i'll worry :confused: is basic training just basic training or are you signed up for 200 years with no escape?
You are too young to be unhappy in what you are doing - get yourself OUT and find your own niche !!!

My thoughts exactly......

I'm surprised Julius had time to go to the army careers office for the interview what with his high maintenance foot and skin care regime, research into new cut price moisturisers, reading the Beauty Bible, trips to Brighton, not to mention the very witty and bitchy posts on here.

I think there may be a bit of poetic license going on.

In fact I'm starting to be reminded of an ex-FM.......

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