Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Maybe Lola can pay the credit card bill,but some of them look as if they don’t have two pennies to rub together.
Maybe a harsh criticism of them,but the truth hurts as some are clearly oblivious, to any addiction they have.
One woman on the facebook group Friends Of Fashion by Roman has posted a photo. She`d already bought 50 items from Roman, then added another 13 items and has just posted a photo of her wardrobe which has actually collapsed. I`d be mortified if that was me but she thinks its funny.
Maybe Lola can pay the credit card bill,but some of them look as if they don’t have two pennies to rub together.
Maybe a harsh criticism of them,but the truth hurts as some are clearly oblivious, to any addiction they have.

With all due respect i really don't think you can accurately judge how much money someone has in the bank based on what they look like and what you can see of them on a chatroom app. For all any of us know they may have more in their accounts than all of us on here put together.

I totally agree that the whole app thing seems a bit tacky (based on what I’ve read here - I’ve not seen it), and that Q are pretty rubbish in all the areas criticised in this thread (we all know about that from personal experience), and also that companies clearly shouldn’t encourage people to buy on the never never when people may struggle to pay back and all of that, but I think its a bit unfair to assume people’s financial status and then berate them for spending more than they can afford when you literally have no idea what they can afford.

You're seeing a tiny little snapshot of them and yet have decided both that they’re skint and have ‘an addiction’, which is all based on assumption, and, for me, is a little uncomfortable.

In. My. Opinion.
Shopping as a hobby probably works best if you sell on the items you no longer wear, and return items that don't suit you pronto... unless you are as rich as Croesus!
Don't forget the letter if you return too much. Fifty per cent of things you buy from QVC they send the letter about your returns, yet the presenters used to push buy one in ever colour or size and just return what you don't like or does not fit. People did get their accounts closed for serial returning. Some outraged at getting the letter and stopped shopping with QVC.
With all due respect i really don't think you can accurately judge how much money someone has in the bank based on what they look like and what you can see of them on a chatroom app. For all any of us know they may have more in their accounts than all of us on here put together.

I totally agree that the whole app thing seems a bit tacky (based on what I’ve read here - I’ve not seen it), and that Q are pretty rubbish in all the areas criticised in this thread (we all know about that from personal experience), and also that companies clearly shouldn’t encourage people to buy on the never never when people may struggle to pay back and all of that, but I think its a bit unfair to assume people’s financial status and then berate them for spending more than they can afford when you literally have no idea what they can afford.

You're seeing a tiny little snapshot of them and yet have decided both that they’re skint and have ‘an addiction’, which is all based on assumption, and, for me, is a little uncomfortable.

In. My. Opinion.
I get what you're saying - of course we don't know. You've said yourself that companies shouldn't encourage people to buy on the never never when they might struggle. Q have taken that one step farther by encouraging people to brag about it. Whilst this tiny snapshot doesn't show us the whole picture, imo it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see how much "competition" this app has encouraged amongst its contributors, which "could" cause problems (not just financial).
I would go as far as to say that their is most definitely addiction amongst some of its members. Let's consider this forum for a moment. For all we know any one of us could have an addiction of some sort, but this forum isn't here to feed it. It's a safe & supportive place in which the person, if desired, can discuss their experiences and worries. You've only got to look at Ballerina's extremely brave and candid post earlier on in the thread.
I'm sorry that it makes you uncomfortable, and I do respect your opinion. Whilst some of our comments do appear to be harshly judgemental, I believe they're coming from a good place. In my opinion, how ever uncomfortable, shopping addiction is a subject that deserves discussion. If what we have seen from this app can make one person consider the dangers and think twice, I don't think that's a bad thing. It's most certainly opened my eyes!
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I get what you're saying - of course we don't know. You've said yourself that companies shouldn't encourage people to buy on the never never when they might struggle. Q have taken that one step farther by encouraging people to brag about it. Whilst this tiny snapshot doesn't show us the whole picture, imo it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see how much "competition" this app has encouraged amongst its contributors, which "could" cause problems (not just financial).
I would go as far as to say that their is most definitely addiction amongst some of its members. Let's consider this forum for a moment. For all we know any one of us could have an addiction of some sort, but this forum isn't here to feed it. It's a safe & supportive place in which the person, if desired, can discuss their experiences and worries. You've only got to look at Ballerina's extremely brave and candid post earlier on in the thread.
I'm sorry that it makes you uncomfortable, and I do respect your opinion. Whilst some of our comments do appear to be harshly judgemental, I believe they're coming from a good place. In my opinion, how ever uncomfortable, shopping addiction is a subject that deserves discussion. If what we have seen from this app can make one person consider the dangers and think twice, I don't think that's a bad thing. It's most certainly opened my eyes!

Just to clarify, its not the basic premise of this thread i take with, as i said previously I agree with all the major points, I’m in no way calling anyone out for criticising the app itself, and as you rightly say there may well be people who are struggling with financial problems or addiction issues, both on the app and here - discussion about any of these issues is right and proper and should be encouraged so that the stigma of these issues can be diminished, I’m all in favour of that AND of healthy discussion, my point was simply that assumptions about the financial or mental health status of people we don’t know based on a few seconds of video clip don’t sit right with me in the context of those discussions, and its simply those specific comments which make me uncomfortable. 🙂
The guy who bought the Anna Griffin card making kit posted a review about the Liz Earle gorgeous hair gift kit yesterday. There’s nothing wrong with that, but he’s got VERY short hair at the moment, so ……… 🤔

He seems to like the box that it came in, more than the product, as he concentrates on that and reads out the insert inside. In fact a greater percentage of his review is about ….. the box. 😳
He seems to like the box that it came in, more than the product, as he concentrates on that and reads out the insert inside. In fact a greater percentage of his review is about ….. the box. 😳
Cartoon empty boxes 272573560_10223618747.jpg
With all due respect i really don't think you can accurately judge how much money someone has in the bank based on what they look like and what you can see of them on a chatroom app. For all any of us know they may have more in their accounts than all of us on here put together.

I totally agree that the whole app thing seems a bit tacky (based on what I’ve read here - I’ve not seen it), and that Q are pretty rubbish in all the areas criticised in this thread (we all know about that from personal experience), and also that companies clearly shouldn’t encourage people to buy on the never never when people may struggle to pay back and all of that, but I think its a bit unfair to assume people’s financial status and then berate them for spending more than they can afford when you literally have no idea what they can afford.

You're seeing a tiny little snapshot of them and yet have decided both that they’re skint and have ‘an addiction’, which is all based on assumption, and, for me, is a little uncomfortable.

In. My. Opinion.
Your fully entitled to your opinion,as I am also.
Have you looked at the app,then your eyes maybe opened,people can spend their money how they like,I’m certainly not judgemental or assume their financial status.
This is a forum members have different views,you felt uncomfortable about my comment,but they were only explaining the obvious.
To be honest these people don’t take a blind bit of notice if anybody asks why they have so many receipts,nothing changes in there QVC habit,which QVC actively encourage.
Like one member above has written,if this thread gets just one Qurio addict to see the light,then this thread etc has done its job.
Why not write to Katy tat seller on the app and see if you get a reply?
Keep posting here your posts and opinions they are always a good read👍
The guy who bought the Anna Griffin card making kit posted a review about the Liz Earle gorgeous hair gift kit yesterday. There’s nothing wrong with that, but he’s got VERY short hair at the moment, so ……… 🤔

He seems to like the box that it came in, more than the product, as he concentrates on that and reads out the insert inside. In fact a greater percentage of his review is about ….. the box. 😳
Yes, the mind boggles 🤪 perhaps he has a plethora of hair elsewhere 🤔 😉 😜
Your fully entitled to your opinion,as I am also.
Have you looked at the app,then your eyes maybe opened,people can spend their money how they like,I’m certainly not judgemental or assume their financial status.
This is a forum members have different views,you felt uncomfortable about my comment,but they were only explaining the obvious.
To be honest these people don’t take a blind bit of notice if anybody asks why they have so many receipts,nothing changes in there QVC habit,which QVC actively encourage.
Like one member above has written,if this thread gets just one Qurio addict to see the light,then this thread etc has done its job.
Why not write to Katy tat seller on the app and see if you get a reply?
Keep posting here your posts and opinions they are always a good read👍
To be fair, you did remark that some of them look like they don't have 2 pennies to rub together. In a later post amn said that she agreed with the sentiment behind this thread but felt uncomfortable with this sort of specific comment. For me, I think it's great that there are people like yourself who isn't afraid of saying what I'm sure a lot of us thinking - Just as it's great that people aren't put off saying how they feel.
I hope everybody keeps on posting their opinions because, despite what's been said over the pages, I believe we have honourable intentions - despite us having a bit of a giggle in the process.
An addiction or a habit is still an addiction or a habit whether people can afford to feed it or not. Just because someone can afford to buy 50 dresses or 200 bags or an ounce of cocaine every day doesnt make it less of a concern.
Maybe some people have gaps in their life which they try to fill with material things or maybe just like someone becomes addicted to watching a slot machine whirl round, they are addicted to watching websites or selly telly or horse races.
We can all be guilty of buying stuff we don`t actually need but we actually want and that`s fine in moderation. Life shouldn`t be a life of denying yourself but there`s a fine line between treating yourself or buying just for the sake of buying or because you simply can`t stop.
I`m convinced some people can`t stop and for some the end result may be debt or robbing Peter to pay Paul or for others it may be just a few less zeros in their bank account but in my opinion both cases are as serious as each other.
The thrill or satisfaction from buying something must be short lived because with some people it`s just a matter of hours before they`re shopping for something else so if spending money is supposedly scratching an itch in their life, then it obviously isn`t working.
It`s the actions not the money or lack of money which concerns me most. The debt or less zeros in the bank account are a symptom not the cause and of course the cause could be anything.
One woman on the facebook group Friends Of Fashion by Roman has posted a photo. She`d already bought 50 items from Roman, then added another 13 items and has just posted a photo of her wardrobe which has actually collapsed. I`d be mortified if that was me but she thinks its funny.
I have to admit that out of curiosity I looked up this group but had to join so I could see what you were talking about. I was accepted quickly, and before I knew it my FB newsfeed was filling up fast with pictures of people posing in polyester tunics, and adverts for polyester tunics and other generally heavily patterned attire. When I saw a smiling lady wearing a nondescript stretchy black top posing in front of her phone under the caption "Funeral ready- wearing Roman" I knew I'd seen enough and I left the group! Just no!
I have to admit that out of curiosity I looked up this group but had to join so I could see what you were talking about. I was accepted quickly, and before I knew it my FB newsfeed was filling up fast with pictures of people posing in polyester tunics and adverts for polyester tunics and other generally heavily patterned attire. When I saw a smiling lady wearing a nondescript stretchy black top posing in front of her phone under the caption "Funeral ready- wearing Roman" I knew I'd seen enough and I left the group! Just no!
Yep I thought exactly the same. Bad taste in my opinion to post a photo dressed for a funeral. Anybody commenting would be jumped on and to be honest those women are all nuts !

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