Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Up to about 10 years ago I used to live off my overdraft and I didn’t give a monkeys, I used to spend money like water , mostly from the shopping channels and I bought anything and everything. As I’ve gotten older I know what I like, and consider whether an item is needed or will actually be worn or used. I am proud to say that I’ve done the sensible thing and have got my finances in order and would rather save money than waste it on bits and bobs. Lorena who’s turning out to be one of Qurios most frequent contributors, her latest purchase is a bejewelled B&W hairband costing over £50 . It’s suitable for a bride or to wear at the ball, yet she said it’s for everyday wear - The ladies are telling her how wonderful it is and that it doesn’t look ott - really?! It’s gonna end up thrown in a drawer - what a waste of money & reminds me of my old self. I’ve had a kunzite -(no me neither) pendant in my jewellery box for about 15 years and I’ve not worn it once! Seeing these ladies make me even more determined never to waste my money like that ever again.
In other news Ms trailer park chic of humping dog fame has just bought a dress that looks terrible on her, I was convinced she was going to say she was sending it straight back - oh no siree, she loves it so much she’s gonna order it the blue as well.
The humping dog lady needs someone to give her a second opinion,some of the clothes she buys are terrible,and totally unsuitable.
What goes through her brain nobody will ever know?
As for cardboard Richard he never writes or phones,oooh the cardboard,oooh the ribbon,it’s all to much to take in.
£££ spent on cardboard just nip round the back of your local supermarket it’s all free🤣🤣🤣
Blimey, have managed to log back in to Qurio after a fair while and have been catching up. Wow, Miss Ladywhatsit has had a bit of a spree hasn't she !!!!!! Have quite missed Hyacinth and what's happened to Lola? Has she seen the light at long last?
In other news Ms trailer park chic of humping dog fame has just bought a dress that looks terrible on her, I was convinced she was going to say she was sending it straight back - oh no siree, she loves it so much she’s gonna order it the blue as well.
That dress was definitely too small and really unflattering on her. I don’t know how people could comment saying it looked good.
That dress was definitely too small and really unflattering on her. I don’t know how people could comment saying it looked good.
Me neither! I'm sure, had she come on and said " I love this dress, but I'm not sure about it, what do you think?" Then she'd have got a lot more honest replies. She clearly loves it and believes it suits her, so I guess it would take a brave person on a forum like that to tell her otherwise. Even so, it doesn't mean you should say it looks good, when it clearly doesn't! A terrible dress sense is one thing, and I wouldn't want to question someone's style choice because I don't like it, but seeing someone wearing ill fitting and unflattering garments is another. I have a friend of mine who I'd consider has a terrible dress sense, her clothes all fit properly but her "style" is so random, for instance she'll often wear a heavy skirt, a blingy cold shoulder top, a patterned scarf, clumpy black slip on shoes, and a baker boy cap. She's not blessed with height and I remember one occasion going to meet her in town and from a distance, she looked like a mushroom - would it be right for me to comment negatively? No probably not, but if she was trying the ensemble on in a shop and asked my opinion then I'd definitely told her, it's not a good look on her.
If she had been out in a store and tried on. Any honest friend would tell her straight, no. Have they a bigger size, and perhaps they must be small sizing.
Exactly, these people aren't honest friends, far from it, they spendaholics who encourage each other so they don't feel so bad about their own spending habits. They don't care what you buy, a bucket or a ballgown - keep on spendin' love and you're "friends" are here!
Let’s be totally honest some of these people on Quirio have very low esteem for themselves.
Especially when the videos give a good insight into how they live,to me it’s to intrusive and gives to much detail about their lives.Of course it’s self inflicted sometimes very funny,often very sad,love the way KP keeps encouraging them,she should hang her head in shame.
Never feed an addiction it’s totally out of order.
Let’s be totally honest some of these people on Quirio have very low esteem for themselves.
Especially when the videos give a good insight into how they live,to me it’s to intrusive and gives to much detail about their lives.Of course it’s self inflicted sometimes very funny,often very sad,love the way KP keeps encouraging them,she should hang her head in shame.
Never feed an addiction it’s totally out of order.
I'm not sure whether it's low self esteem, though a few of them seem to need constant reassurance that what they've bought looks good on them, that they've spent their money well. I can certainly recognise that these folks aren't entirely happy with their lives if they constantly need to be buying stuff. Most people don't actually need more stuff, but I understand buying something new for the sake of it every now and again is perfectly normal behaviour. What isn't normal is someone wanting the same thing in every colour, or for example, owning 40+ Kipling bags or 100 items of Lola Rose jewellery - That absolutely screams that there's a problem, and to encourage such behaviour is beyond irresponsible! Aside from the matter of debt, hoarding is as big a problem. What about encouraging the lovely ladies (and cardboard Richard) to show their purchases in action so to speak - Show us your pics of you out and about wearing your Marla Wynne, Show us what you've made with your cardboard because it's better than showing a bathroom shelf literally buckling under the weight of unopened bottles of products, or a storage box full of unused and unworn stuff - It's not ****** normal!
.....and following on from the last post, Hyacinth "5 wardrobes" Bucket has just bought herself (or should I say the postman's brought her) yet another stretchy, sweaty polyester dress with a big floral design for £48.98 + £3.95 postage - A lot of money for what it is, especially when you've got a million of the bliddy things hanging up in your wardrobe already.(more than likely with the tags still attached) The dress doesn't look bad on her but it's so elasticky, you can literally hear it twang when she pulls at it to show everybody the fit, she's wearing with sandals but said it's no good for the beach- I'd say it's no good for summer full stop like most of Q's sweaty poly/elastane offerings!
Absolutely amazed these people are capable of operating a phone with a camera,the only true smooth video was from the influencer,which stood out a mile,from the amateur videos.
Has Lola resigned she was being sent lots of faulty crap,and those trips to the post office to return it,do take it out of you.
Maybe the penny has dropped,let’s hope so at least she did legitimately have good cause to moan about the shoddy goods and service.
Hey everybody - "Cardboard Richard's a star", checkout his latest review. I'm not knocking him, it's good -Well done CR on your "15 minutes of fame" lol!
TV Hell on Qurio!
2sizes2small and cardboard richard extolling the virtues of expensive bodycare,ooh the bubbles,ooh I’m a presenter,ooh my eyes are burning with the total nonsense of it all🙈
Hollydolly has done a review on a Monsoon romper suit. (That’s its proper name 🙄)

She did a thorough review on it, from all angles, and is returning it because it’s ginormous! She ordered her usual size, but it could accommodate two people or could be used as a tent. I know that QVC often confuse us with the sizing of clothing, but you would hope that a good company like Monsoon would get it right.
Hollydolly has done a review on a Monsoon romper suit. (That’s its proper name 🙄)

She did a thorough review on it, from all angles, and is returning it because it’s ginormous! She ordered her usual size, but it could accommodate two people or could be used as a tent. I know that QVC often confuse us with the sizing of clothing, but you would hope that a good company like Monsoon would get it right.
For the love of God Hyacinth - stop buying clothes you don't flaming need, and saying the "Postman's just been and he's brought me......." does not detract from the fact you're spending money like water! It's your money and you can do what you like with it, but surely now all the shops have opened up, and you can use fitting rooms, you'd be better off doing that instead of buying random stuff from Q in the hope that it suits/fits properly. I am also surprised at Monsoon, she should be able to get a free returns label as the sizing is so obviously off, if they don't then, she should stop shopping with them, she must've spent thousands of pounds with them in the past year!
Certainly in the future Quirio will inflict a lot of pain on some people.
In monetary terms how long can you keep spending vast amounts of money including postage,and return postage before the financial situation gets out of control.
I do believe some of these people would rather go without food,than take a step back from over spending.
Just when I thought Qurio couldn't get any worse. HDL (humping dog lady for future reference) has decided to review her Kim & co whilst standing in the fashion floor of John Lewis "Here I am in John Lewis, the clothes are lovely but some of the prices are horrendous" said she sporting an polyester sundress which she paid £54.96 + £4.95 for and knowing that she bought it in both colours by my calculation she spent £119.82 of which £9.90 was postage. I checked out JL website and saw that there was absolutely loads of summer dresses cheaper than hers and around the same price, the difference was the natural fabrics they were made from. She continued saying "QVC keep up your great prices", she thanked the presenters for inspiring her to wear trainers with her dresses, mentioned the great prices again, no hassle, no packing charges. I don't know where she got the last bit from as we all know, free p&p is as rare as hen's teeth over on Q. Maybe she should've go down to JL a bit more often and try on a few things, she may be pleasantly surprised, and if she wants to shop online then if her order is more than £50 the delivery is free, if not then £3.95 is all she'll pay and that is per order, not per item as it is on her beloved Q. This is one brainwashed customer! She has an unhealthy obsession with Kim&co, and I get that she's restricted to Q or Ebay if she wants to continue buying, but please do not go into somebody else's store and slag off their prices and spout absolute nonsense!
How are QVC managing to brainwash people like this?
I would never film myself in the middle of a department store. 😳 Mind you, nor would I plaster myself all over social media. It’s a shame that John Lewis’ security didn’t frog march her out of the store. That wouid have made for a good video. 😂

She’s obviously oblivious to the fact that QVC, in the main, are far more expensive than other retailers. It’s never likely to happen but, if Kim & Co ever left QVC, can you imagine the trauma that she’d go through?
I would never film myself in the middle of a department store. 😳 Mind you, nor would I plaster myself all over social media. It’s a shame that John Lewis’ security didn’t frog march her out of the store. That wouid have made for a good video. 😂

She’s obviously oblivious to the fact that QVC, in the main, are far more expensive than other retailers. It’s never likely to happen but, if Kim & Co ever left QVC, can you imagine the trauma that she’d go through?
....or is she? I think it's more a case of if you say it loud enough and enough times, then it must be true!
I get the feeling that her QVC addiction is bigger than her Kim&Co addiction. She finds the clothes suit her because they're stretchy, and come in all the garish colours and patterns that she seems to love. The name "Kim & Co" has a better ring to it than Matalan, Primark, J.D Williams or Bury market does, but these are all places where she could replicate her beloved style for an absolute fraction of the price, and I'm pretty sure she's aware of the fact. I get the impression that her Q addiction has been escalated to stratospheric heights since the inception of Qurio as she's found an audience, who are geniunely interested in what she's buying and who never get bored of talking about it.
Seriously, should Kim ever withdraw from Q ( as unlikely a thought) I would have more respect for her if she was genuinely upset and stopped shopping with Q, however, I get the feeling she'd soon find a love for Nina Leonard, or Dannii Minogue or any one of the other polyester tat sellers who think they're designers! She's irretrievably hooked and in complete denial.
Blimey one of the Qurio numpties actually said in a message, KP comes on Qurio to actually encourage them to spend more money 💴
You couldn’t make it up,without seeing it written down.
Yet still they carry on the bonking dog lady,seriously needs a head shake,along with a few others😂
Blimey one of the Qurio numpties actually said in a message, KP comes on Qurio to actually encourage them to spend more money 💴
You couldn’t make it up,without seeing it written down.
Yet still they carry on the bonking dog lady,seriously needs a head shake,along with a few others😂
Actually I was that so called numpty (****** rude )and I have never posted a review on Qurio just like you I have a look and I thought I would mention to kp about how bad qvc is getting and I mentioned she only came on to encourage spending and not addressing customer concerns stop being bitchy if you dislike it that much don’t look 🤬

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