Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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My gammy hands won't open anything, not even a packet of ham so thank you folks as I'll buy your suggestions. I get so angry with myself when Mr CC barges in and says I'll do it. I don't want him to do it aaarrrrrggghhh, I just want my hands to work. But they don't :cry: At least I can still type - albeit slowly.

There was a programme quite a few years back helping hoarders. One lady was addicted to online shopping including QVC.Her flat was stacked with stuff still in their packages. The psychologist was helping people identify the root cause .
It is good to receive things but I keep reminding myself they are not gifts. I hardly order only when I need something.
My hubby died during the first lockdown and it’s difficult so I can understand some people substitute other things.
My problem is he was a builder and saw to everything in the house that went wrong.
Now every tap is dripping and I need a plumber. Can’t get that from Q.
Of course I miss him for other reasons too .
I've watched the American hoarding programme. I remember one where a man liked a good deal and bought things in bulk in auction to sell on. But he sold nothing. When the experts were sorting his stuff they found huge boxes of batteries from years back that he thought he could sell but they were about 10 years out of date. When this was pointed out he was aggressive to the experts, effectively saying "are you saying I've wasted all my money". Well, yes actually. He was angry and took it out on the wrong people. It's definitely an illness.
I have a gadget that I have screwed under a cabinet that I got years ago that you put the bottle top into and it holds it firm while you turn the bottle. It is great for all sizes from jam jars to nail varnish bottles. It's similar to this
but mine is like sandpaper along both edges and on more of a curve so it really does fit all sizes. It may be worth looking for,View attachment 26304
Thanks for that.👍♥️
My gammy hands won't open anything, not even a packet of ham so thank you folks as I'll buy your suggestions. I get so angry with myself when Mr CC barges in and says I'll do it. I don't want him to do it aaarrrrrggghhh, I just want my hands to work. But they don't :cry: At least I can still type - albeit slowly.

Yes some of the vacuum packed meats and cheeses are little sods to open.
A couple of the faithful are have started to re-emerge. We've had an influx of beauty products from the lady who always hides behind the box before she begins. She's a great reviewer, but I'll never understand why she spends so much on her grid. Humping dog lady's back with her polyester offerings and it appears she's got another dog, when I was watching the humper looked like it was about to soil her carpet and Hyacnith's bought another .........? whaddya reckon?!
A couple of the faithful are have started to re-emerge. We've had an influx of beauty products from the lady who always hides behind the box before she begins. She's a great reviewer, but I'll never understand why she spends so much on her grid. Humping dog lady's back with her polyester offerings and it appears she's got another dog, when I was watching the humper looked like it was about to soil her carpet and Hyacnith's bought another .........? whaddya reckon?!
Candle, I bet :ROFLMAO:
Plus the reeds, 3x Neom TSVs, no words! At least they put her Husband to sleep for hours.He needs to keep awake otherwise he might find himself buried under a roomful of packing and boxes.
I was given a Neom candle by a friend with a lung problem, she had been given it as a present. It was absolutely vile, I had to put it out before it knocked me unconscious😳.
Plus the reeds, 3x Neom TSVs, no words! At least they put her Husband to sleep for hours.He needs to keep awake otherwise he might find himself buried under a roomful of packing and boxes.
If a candle knocks someone out for another 6 hours after having a full 8 hours sleep I'd be worried about them and about what's in the ****** candle - It didn't shut her up though did it?!
For the love of God woman - just stop buying candles and reed diffusers! No, at £10 each they're not a ****** bargain especially when you add postage. Yep you guessed it, she loved the red set so much that she's ordered the green one, which she said will be good to put beside the xmas tree to make it smell like a real tree. She's gotta have about 100 candles knocking around which to me is ****** ridiculous and I'm sure there'll be more to come!
For the love of God woman - just stop buying candles and reed diffusers! No, at £10 each they're not a ****** bargain especially when you add postage. Yep you guessed it, she loved the red set so much that she's ordered the green one, which she said will be good to put beside the xmas tree to make it smell like a real tree. She's gotta have about 100 candles knocking around which to me is ****** ridiculous and I'm sure there'll be more to come!
Maybe someone should tell her that it’s not a bargain if you don’t need it.
Maybe someone should tell her that it’s not a bargain if you don’t need it.
That's half the trouble, I very much doubt whether there's anything that she needs, she's got too much spare money and doesn't know what to do with it. Of all the posters she doesn't seem to purchase anything of any value (if you don't count the beauty junkies) If she was spending her dosh on expensive household equipment like Ninja kitchen appliances, garden furniture, Dyson products, a good telly, and other tech I'd understand that, as for that sort of thing QVC's not a bad place to buy, you often get extras thrown in and of course there's the 60 day mbg - This sort of thing can make your life easier/ more enjoyable. The only decent thing I've seen that she's bought is the swinging egg chair for the decking in front of her caravan. I find it hard to believe that somebody who's just seen the world, is still seeking solace in crappy plastic gizmos and tacky xmas decorations!
For the love of God woman - just stop buying candles and reed diffusers! No, at £10 each they're not a ****** bargain especially when you add postage. Yep you guessed it, she loved the red set so much that she's ordered the green one, which she said will be good to put beside the xmas tree to make it smell like a real tree. She's gotta have about 100 candles knocking around which to me is ****** ridiculous and I'm sure there'll be more to come!
Dangerous putting a lit candle beside a plastic tree or even a real 🎄
No matter how much reasoning you throw at someone and that is pointing out reality not just to you but many others also they just don’t get it. They are in their own protected little bubble,the amount they are spending? What.? Are they getting value for money? What? Could I spend my money in other ways? What? Just leave them to it and the cash they waste.It is pathetic but there are people who are just oblivious to the obvious and it is their choice.
No matter how much reasoning you throw at someone and that is pointing out reality not just to you but many others also they just don’t get it. They are in their own protected little bubble,the amount they are spending? What.? Are they getting value for money? What? Could I spend my money in other ways? What? Just leave them to it and the cash they waste.It is pathetic but there are people who are just oblivious to the obvious and it is their choice.
Like I keep saying the only person who can stop this pattern of behaviour is you. When I had a shopping channel addiction, and believe me it was absolutely nothing compared with some of the spenders on Quiro (one in particular). My husband would notice new things popping up around the house and in my wardrobe, if I'd bought something that he considered to be tat he'd give me a ribbing, if something "useless" was taking up too much space he'd get cross and put pressure on me to get rid of it. It got to the stage where I was hiding my purchases from him and introducing them gradually, pretending I'd bought items from charity shops, I was telling him that things cost a lot less than they did, and believe me there were times when he baulked at the cheaper price! At the end of the day though, it was me who put a stop to all the nonsense instigated by a massive de-clutter and then the rest of it fell into place. Having a husband or partner who turns a blind eye to keep the peace or actively encourages you is really not great. Hyacinth obviously needs help, her house looks horrible (sorry) and her caravan is fast catching up, it can't be a relaxing space for the two of them if every flat surface is covered in tatty ornaments and junk, every cupboard is full of xmas decs, clothes and God knows what else...and the smell of all those candles and diffusers would give you a migraine surely. It's long been not about the money, clearly the Qurio's have plenty of it, how can you value your money if you don't value your life? I know that might sound rather dramatic, but help is needed - professional help!
Well done Merryone for realising the truth and making the changes yourself.Nobody no matter how much disposable income they have can justify the sheer indulgence that some of the Qurios engage in.Did you see the clip of the outside deck of the ‘caravan’ says it all really.?
Well done Merryone for realising the truth and making the changes yourself.Nobody no matter how much disposable income they have can justify the sheer indulgence that some of the Qurios engage in.Did you see the clip of the outside deck of the ‘caravan’ says it all really.?
I have seen it on a couple of occasions and it brings to mind the saying "less is more" . In my "heyday" I bought a couple of, I don't know whether you remember them, fashion figurines - small resin figures of dresses and outfits . The first I bought was a black cocktail dress and a similar one in white. They looked quite effective on the the shelf in the bedroom, OH said they were tat but tolerated them until I started collecting them and soon there was an entire shelf full, then they spilled over to the dressing table and the window sill and I was blind to it. I did get rid of them in the end, I had about 30 and I kept 5 which were all iconic designs, they now live on a shelf in the spare bedroom and they look really effective - less is most definitely more!

It's addiction though - in comparison with addictions such as gambling, alcohol, drugs, finances suffer, health suffers, work suffers, personal relationships suffer until either a good or a tragic outcome ensues. An addiction you can afford in theory can bumble on forever, especially if your nearest and dearest are happy to sit back and watch. I guess one could argue that in this case she's hurting no one, if they're happy* with the state of their home and garden then what would they care what other people think? An awful thing to say I know but I feel for the family members who will be left to sort all this stuff out when they're gone.

* Or at least think they're happy, logically they can't be as total satisfaction is never met.

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